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36 Cards in this Set

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1. How is Earth History or Historical Geology different from Physical Geology?
Physical Geology: is the study of the physical earth and
Historical Geology- (Earth History) is more about the hitory and orgin of the earth
2. The earliest simple use of stone by man creatures began more than _____ years ago.
earliest discovered simple use of stone by man creatures began more than 2 million years ago.
3. How did Greek Herodotus (500 BC) describe fossils?
For example, Herodotus (500 BC) recognized fossils as forms of ancient life.
4. How did Aristotle (350 BC) derive explanations to the natural world?
Aristotle (350 BC) used simple observations and logic to resolved scientific issues with
“pronouncements”. After some observations, man could solve all natural mysteries with pure
thought and logic. Aristotle’s pronouncements would set back geologic sciences for centuries
5. How did Pliny the Elder describe what we now know as fossil shark teeth?
attributed fossil shark teeth as “tongue stones” that fell to
Earth during lunar eclipses. However, he did recognize that amber was derived from fossilized tree
sap and devised a system to classify mineral crystals.
6. What were some misinterpretations of fossils used by Middle Age Europe?
that fossils were caused by mysterious petrifying fluids;were deposited by ancient oceans and that mountains
were formed by erosion of these ancient ocean sediments;minerals and crystals
7. What interpretations did Leonardo de Vinci make of fossils, in regards to a world-wide flood?
-He noted interbedded fossiliferous and unfossiliferous layers of rocks, and inferred it was
unlikely that all of these fossils were formed by one worldwide flood.
8. Is it illegal to sell fake fossils?
It is not illegal to sell fake fossils
9. Who is considered to be the Father of Mining and Mineralogy?
Agricola's geological writings reflect an immense amount of study and first-hand observation, not
just of rocks and minerals, but of every aspect of mining technology and practice of that time.
10. Geologic knowledge increased dramatically from 1650 to the 1800s because of _____.
- Geologic knowledge began increasing dramatically from 1650 to the 1800s because:
1. More people became world travelers and observers
2. Mining of minerals for the industrial age would became a science; here knowledge of geological
factors is critical
3. People began collecting minerals and especially fossils as a serious hobby
- The correct
11. Distinguish between stratum, strata and bedding planes, especially with a drawing.
- Stratum – refers to a single layer of sediment or rock
- Strata – two or more layers of sediments or rocks
- Bedding plane – contact between two beds or stratum
12. Give a simple definition of stratigraphy.
- Stratigraphy: simple definition - the study of strata (layers of sediments or rocks)
13. Strata can be used to interpret - what?
Strata can be used to interpret the record of environmental changes on the Earth’s surface
For example, strata can be used to determine the paleo-climates (ancient climates) and th
environments (ancient environment) in which the sediments were originally deposited.
14. Which types of rocks may contain fossils?
- The only strata that usually contain fossils are that of sedimentary rocks and volcanic ash.
15. Learn the “drawing symbols” for limestone, sandstone, shale, granite, metamorphic rocks,
unconformity and baked zone
In Classroom excersice
16. What honor is given to Nicolas Steno (1636-1686)?
father of stratigraphy
17. (1) Principle of Superposition
1. Principle of Superposition: If undisturbed, the oldest layer of rock (stratum) will be at the bottom
of the sequence and the youngest layer of rock (stratum) will be at the top of the sequence.
18. (2) Principle of Original Horizontality
2. Principle of Original Horizontality: Because of gravity, sediments will be deposited in essent
horizontal layers or strata. If these strata or beds are not horizontal, the layers must have
been later tilted.
19. (3) Principle of Lateral Continuity
3. Principle of Lateral Continuity: A layer of sediment will extend laterally in all directions, until
the bed thins out or terminates against the edge of a basin.
20. Abraham Werner taught “Neptunism” that advocates that all rocks came from ______
(all rocks came from a universal ocean)
21. How long have we been using the words geology and geologist?
The word "geology" was first used by Jean-Andre Deluc in the year 1778
22. What honor is given to James Hutton (1790s)
Father of Modern Geology.
23. Define uniformitarianism.
Uniformitarianism: The present is the key to the past; present day geologic processes are the same processes that have operated over vast amounts of time.
24. Define an unconformity
- Unconformity: a surface or bedding plane representing erosion of rocks or non-deposition of rocks or
both processes
25. Define a stratigraphic hiatus (How is it different than an unconformity?)
Hiatus: an interval of geologic time that is not represented by strata
26. A) Disconformity
Disconformity: Erosion creates a surface somewhat parallel to the existing sediment
beds. Thus new, overlying beds will be deposited parallel to those beds below the
27. B) Nonconformity
Nonconformity: Erosion creates a surface that is cut into igneous or metamorphic rocks.
Then this erosional surface ofigneous and metamorphic rocks is later covered by layers of sediments and sedimentary rocks
28. C) Angular Unconformity
Angular Unconformity: Erosion creates a surface that cuts across folded or tilted strata.Then this erosional surface of tilted (sedimentary) rocks is later covered by other parallel layers of sediments and sedimentary rocks.
29. (4) Principle of Deformation
4. Principle of Deformation: Folds and tilted beds indicate deformation that postdates (after) deposition.
30. (5) Principle of Cross Cutting Relationships
5. Principle of Cross Cutting Relationships: A rock feature that cuts through another host rock is younger than the host rock it cuts.
31. (6) Principle of Inclusions
6. Principle of Inclusions: Igneous or sedimentary rocks that contain inclusions of other rocks must be younger than the rocks they include.
32. (7) Principle of Baked Contacts
7. Principle of Baked Contacts: An intruding or flowing igneous rock often “bakes or alters” the
rock surrounding it.
33. Who is considered the Father of Vertebrate Paleontology
Baron Georges Cuvier
34. What was the contribution by William Smith to geology (fossils and maps)?
8. Principle of Fossil Succession: Fossil assemblages succeed one another through time in a
regular and predictable order because:Biota has become more complex through time.Fossil assemblages fossil biota are recognizably different over time.The relative ages of fossil assemblages can be determined over time.Strata with the same fossil assemblages are the same relative age.Fossils are “relative time” indicators.Now maybe we can piece together a world-wide geologic history and geologic time scale.
35. What type of time indicator are fossils?
Fossils are “relative time” indicators
36. What was Charles Lyell’s contribution to geology?
Charles Lyell who in 1830 published the first geologic textbook: Principles of Geology
-Lyell is also called the Father of Historical Geology