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32 Cards in this Set

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What is Agliculture?

The cultivation of life forms for food, medicine, etc.

What is an Archaeologist?

A person that studies culture with artifacts and fossils

What is an Artifact?

Man Made Objects

What is an Australopithecine?

The first hominids to walk upright

What is barter?

exchange of goods and services

What isbronze?

a metal used in the bronze age

What is "The Bronze Age"?

Period after the Stone age where Bronze was used to make weapons

What is a Civilization?

Advanced human social development.

What is a clan?

group of people within the same descent or ancestor

What is Cultural Diffusion?

Spreading of cultural traits to different parts

What isCulture?

The arts and other things of human achievements

What is Cuneiform?

Ancient form of writing, wedge shaped, using characters?

What is Domestication?

Cultivating or taming a population of organisms for agricultural purposes

What is a fossil?

Remains of an organism

What is Homo Habilis?

First people to use stone tools

What is Homo Erectus?

People which tamed fire, migrated, and spoke languages

What is Homo Sapiens?

Man who thinks

What is hunter-gathering?

Way of obtaining food during the Paleolithic Era

What is Migration?

Moving from one place to another

What is "The Neolithic Age"?

New Stone Age

What is "The Neolithic Revolution"?

Time where agriculture is at its peak

What is "The Paleolithic Age"

Old Stone Age

What does Polytheistic means?

To believe in more than one god

What is Radio Carbon Dating?

Objects dated using carbon atoms found in substance

What is a Scribe?

Professional record keepers

Slash and burn farming?

Way of preparing land to farm on

What is a ziggurat?

Type of temple

What does the term "Prehistoric" refer to

Time before writing

What is the significance of Dr. Mary Leakey's finding of footprints in Africa?

Showed signs of a person walking upright

What are the 5 stages of early man?

1. Australopithecine

2. Homo Habilis

3. Homo Erectus

4. Homo Sapiens

5. Homo Sapien Sapiens

Another name for the Neolithic Revoulution

Agricultural Revolution

5 characteristics of a civilization?

Advanced cities

Specialized Workers

Complex institutions

Record Keeping

Advanced Technology