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42 Cards in this Set

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What were the two principle Native American empires on the eve of European expiration?

Aztec and Incas

The unique features of political life in classical Greece …

the idea of free male citizens running the affairs of the state

What were the reforms that Solon brought to Athens?

the right of all citizens to participate in the assembly

What did the Persian Empire have in common with classical Greece?

both were expansive civilizations

What was the major development in the world during the Hellenistic Era?

the spread of Greek culture

How were the Persian Empire and the Mayan Dynasty similar?

relied on imperial spies to keep tabs on distant provinces

What was the motivation of the expansion for the Roman Empire?

the wealth of the eastern Mediterranean societies

When the Germanic tribes entered the western part of Rome, how did they change?

they produced a hybrid culture that drew on both Germanic and Roman elements

How did the process of empire formation in China contrast with Rome?

China had had precedents to follow.

What was the Persian policy for people with different cultural traditions who lived in the empire?

respect and tolerance for non-Persian traditions

What was the major consequence of the Greco-Persian War?

The notion of an East/West divide

What was the major source of the spread of Greek culture during the Hellenistic Era?

ATG’s conquest (unsure)

What is an example of how Qin Shi Huangdi centralized the Chinese state?

provided single law code & uniform tax system; standardization of weights, measures, and currency

What is the basic difference between the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty? (The key to good gov’t was _________.)

the Roman Empire emphasized good laws while the Han Dynasty emphasized good men

Which leader contributed to widespread dissemination to Greek culture?

Alexander the Great

what way did India’s political history resemble that of western Europe?

both created enduring civilizations in the absence of consistent, encompassing imperial state

How did the Han Dynasty and the Roman Empire collapse and contrast?

The Roman Empire led to the emergence of highly decentralized political system

What legal system had important influence on the Chinese imperial state?


How are Buddhism and Hinduism similar?

they believe in reincarnation

What best describes how Confucianism affected Chinese society?

The civil service examination system was based on Confucian texts.

What was a distinctive feature of the Greek way of thinking in the Classical Era?

confidence in human reason

What reflects a Zoroastrian idea that can be found in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam?

The concepts of heaven and hell

What contributed the decline of Buddhism in India?

Buddhism was absorbed into a reviving Hinduism

What experience did both Buddha and Jesus share?

Were transformed by their followers into gods.

Which of the following statements describes the relationship between Daoism and Confucianism as understood by Chinese elites?

Daoism and Confucianism were usually in strict opposition to each other, and people could not practice both simultaneously. The Chinese elite widely regarded Daoism as complementary to Confucianism, often practicing both simultaneously.

What did Buddhism and Christianity have in common?

They both started out as an effort to reform the religions from which they had come, but they soon emerged as separate religions.

What did Confucius, Buddha, and Zarathustra have in common?

They were all historical founders of philosophical or religious traditions

What represents the way that Greek scholarship influenced the world?

Greek texts were translated into Arabic and stimulated Muslim intellects

Which element of Hinduism did Buddhism reject?

The religious authority of the Brahmins

How did Theravada Buddhism and the Mahayana version of Buddhism contrast?

The Mahayana version portrayed Buddha as a god.

What statements reflects the state of Christianity by 500 CE?

Christianity was endorsed by states in Europe and North Africa

How did Christianity change in the first 500 years?

The egalitarian small house churches during Jesus's lifetime evolved into a male-dominated hierarchical Christian church

What limited agricultural productivity in most regions of Africa?

Persistent warm temperatures accelerated the decomposition of humus resulting in less productive agriculture.

How did the absence of most animals capable of domestication affect the Americas?

No pastoral societies developed

How did the cities in the Niger Valley contrast with other civilizations?

operated without the coercive authority of a state

The decline of Meroe and the rise of Axum were both connected to what?

the shift of change from the Nile Valley to the Red Sea

Christianity and Axum was closely identified with what church?

The Coptic Church in Egypt

What describes the relationship between the civilizations in Mesoamerica and those in the Andes?

They had little if any direct contact with each other

Evidence suggests the village located in Chavin was the center for what?

a religious movement that spread throughout much of the Andes

What was a distinctive feature of the Hopewell culture?

creation of large earthen mounds

Outside the Mesoamerican and Andean regions most people living in the Americas did what?

obtained their food supply by hunting & gathering

How did sharing a common border affect relations between Wari and Tiwanaku?

They appeared to get along as there was little overt conflict or warfare between them.