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49 Cards in this Set

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What problems faced the newly independent US and why was there such fear of a strong government?
There was no money and no way to get any! Each state had there own currency and state boundaries were unknown. They feared that they would abuse their power
Why did the Constitutional Convention take place, who were the founding fathers and why has the American Constitution endured?
The Articles of Confederation took place because they needed to fix things. Madison, Washington and Franklin were the founding fathers. It has endured due to checks and balances as well as amendments
Describe the Articles of Confederation
written as a basis for a national legislative body. It created a loosely joined group of 13 independent states w/ a nearly powerless central government.
What was the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?
it enabled congress to maintain control over unsettled territory until enough people settled to form a legislature (rights of native Americans were not considered)
Shays Rebellion
banks attempted to foreclose on farmers which led to the rebellion in MA. It gets people to finally change and is proof that the government isn't working. They ceased control of weapons and threatened to overthrow the gov. No one was there to be in control
James Madison
the father of the constitution
The Constitution
house of reps = based on population
senate = 2 per state
Federalists vs. anti-federalists
federalists supported constitution
anti-federalists opposed it
anti-federalists suspicious of any concentration of power
salem witch trials
bill of rights
1791, 10 amendments to constitution which eased fears of strong central government. established personal rights, gained acceptance of constitution.
strict construction
federal cannot do what the constitution does not specifically allow it to do.
loose construction
federal govt. can pass necessary laws to govern, provided that constitution does not forbid them
political philosophy of alexander hamilton
strong federal govt. with strong financial institutions is necessary for america to develop & grow. believed in establishment of a national bank.
political philosophy of thomas jefferson
power of the federal govt. should be limited to avoid possible abuses of power. nation will develop & grow based on successes of agriculture & individual family farm. against national bank.
mama papa style (MPS)
the style used by mama and papa to accomplish their way cool feats. made famous in the early 2000s, it spread across the world and is now used by the leaders of many countries.
george washington
walked away from power to better the country. cared more for the good of the nation than for himself.
whiskey rebellion
immigrants come in to make whiskey, american govt. taxes it, and immigrants flee to Kentucky.
XYZ affair
american diplomats sent to france were asked to pay a bribe in order negotiate & were harassed.
alien act
foreigners not allowed to speak against the govt.
sedition act
americans cannot criticize or print material speaking out against the govt.
virginia & kentucky resolutions
challenged power of federal govt. as result of alien & sedition acts
president conflict
jefferson became adams' vice president, and they didn't get along. tie for aaron burr & jefferson, hamilton got federalists to vote for jefferson making him our third president
what were key events that took place during jefferson's presidency???
first peaceful transfer of power in history, shows that american system of government can work.
why was jefferson election a big fucking deal?
tie in the electoral vote, therefore it went to house of reps. couldn't agree, so hamilton used his influence to gain votes for jefferson rather than for Burr's candy ass.
supported agriculture, enjoyed being informal but was rich as fuck. cut military budget & eliminated taxes. didn't abolish hamilton's economic problem, supported bank.
marbury vs. madison
established judicial review & that supreme court had the last say on any legal issue.
louisiana purchase
we wanted land, france wanted money. they sold louisiana territory to us for 15 million smackers, and size of nation doubled.
poopoo dog
a dumb, hyper bitch that whines, begs, chews on shit, and very annoying all around
embargo act
american sailors kidnapped by British. jefferson's dumb ass responded by stopping american trade with foreign ports, which was an economic disaster.
monroe doctrine
no further expansion of european influence in the new world would be acceptable to US.
what contributed to american growth in 19th century?
market economy (goods for commercial use) grew. population grew, as did domestic market for goods. cotton production increased, canals built that reduced shipping cost. steamboats & railroads developed. western expansion popular.
what benefits/problems arose from american expansion in 19th century?
credit overused, economy faltered slightly. use of slavery to support cotton industry grew, led to disputes and conflicts.
how did american democracy change with election of andrew jackson
more people allowed to vote because necessity to own land was dropped.
in what ways was andrew jackson different?
he was not rich, first president to come from "common people," proved anybody could do it.
corrupt bargain
adams picks clay to be secretary of state. jackson says adams & clay screwed him over.
john quincy adams
talented diplomat and intellectual but a weak politician. had trouble getting people to obey him.
andrew jackson
"old hickory," cabine comprised mostly of friends, trashed the white house during a rager the night of his election
whig party
in england, a party opposed to the king. in america, party called themselves whigs to imply that jackson was like a king. they opposed jackson
trail of tears
jackson ordered removal of cherokees. they were forced to go to oklahoma, thousands died on the way.
nullification crisis
south carolina tried to nullify tariffs passed by federal govt. and tried to leave union. jackson threatens to march the army all over their asses and fuck them up, they totally puss out and cry.
jackson versus the bank
jackson thought the bank of the US served only the interests of the wealthy, refused to support renewal of the banks charter; led to destruction of bank system.
how does american society change during 19th century?
growing rapidly and experiencing industrialization, population growth, & increased conflict between north and sizzouth.
social issues of 19th century
women's rights, temperance movement (ban of alcohol) & abolitionist movement.
second great awakening
economic success=sign of moral character. emphasized spiritual matters but valued hard work and frugality as well.
emerson, thoreau, whitman etc. sought to embrace nature over materialistic world.
fudge packing
william lloyd garrison
leader of abolitionist movement, had newspaper called the liberator which strongly denounced slavery.
faggity fox
gay fox
seneca falls convention
1848, declared all men & women created equal. elizabeth cady stanton & susan b anthony both present.