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38 Cards in this Set

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What are the two types of smog?
photochemical and reducing Smog
The term smog comes from the words...
smoke and fog
What are the characteristic of contaminated air
Yellow/brown color
What does photochemical smog consists of
mixture of secondary pollutant chemicals, air and water
Where is reducing smog found?
In coal burning cities with cold, wet winters, where thermal inversion can trap cold, still air close to the Earth's surface.
Where do the primary pollutants for smog come from?
internal combustion engines-automobiles
What are the prefect conditions for smog to form
bowl shaped cities (lack of wind) and high density of population (lot's of combustion engines)
What is thermal inversion
The abnormal temperature arrangement of air masses
What are the primary sources of smog?
VOCs, NOx (especially NO)
How many types of smog exist? Name them.
2, reducing smog and photochemical smog
Desribe photochemical smog
When a layer of warm air acts like a lid on the cold air which traps pollutants
is photochemical smog oxidizing or reducing?
What effect does wind have on smog?
under normal circumstance wind disperses the smog forming chemicals and smoke. without wind these pollutants collect and begin to form smog with the help of thermal inversion
Which conditions are optimal for thermal inversion?
windlessness, bowl-shaped cities, warm, dry and cloudless skies, as the UV light can easily reach the Earth
What is necesary for the reactions in photochemical smog???
UV light from the sun
Where does smog occur?
Smog typically occurs where there is temperature inversion
When do pariculates, VOCs and NO peak and why?
In the morning rush hours because they come from the car's engine
Name one environmental condition that can promote photochemical smog
Therma/temperature inversion
Termination of proxide and nitrogen dioxide free radicals
ROO• + •NO2 --> ROONO2
What is thermal inversion?
Thermal inversion is the increase in temperature in a layer of warm, still air, between the cold/clean air (higher altitudes) and the cold/polluted air (lower altitudes)
Free radical produced when photochemical oxidants oxidise VOCs
ROO• , a peroxide free radical
What is it called when a layer of warmer air is trapped between two layers of colder air?
Thermal inversion
Stages of smog during the day
1. release of VOC's, NOx 2.Increase in NO concentration and its oxidation to brown NO2 3. this dissociates with sun radiation into NO+•O 4. free radical O initiates reactions to form secondary pollutants 5. Photochemical oxidants oxidize VOC's to form secondary pollutants.
What are PAN's?
Peroaxyacyl nitrates
What happens during early morning hours with with hydrocarbons and NOx
N2+O2 --> NO2+N NO2+UV -->NO+N
What is the propagation of free radicals?
One free radical is used up but another is formed
Oxidisation of NO
Either 2NO+O2-->2NO2 or NO+O3-->NO2+O2
What is the role of VOCs and particulates during formation of secondary pollutants?
They act as catalysts and reactants in the formation of secondary pollutants.
When does termination of free radicals take place?
When two free radicals combine
What are some secondary pollutants formed in photochemical smog?
ozone, hydroxyl free radicals, aldehydes, peroxacyl nitrates (PANs)
equation for formation of nitrogen oxide, from N2 and oxygen
N2 + O2 --> 2NO
Formation of hydroxide radicals
O• + H2O --> 2OH•
Formation of low altitude ozone
O• + O2 --> O3
Formation of nitric acid is the atmosphere
OH• + NO2 --> HNO3
What can ozone and hydroxyl free radicals do?
act as photochemical oxidants
Reaction to form brown NO2
2NO+O2--->2NO2 or NO+O3--->NO2+O2
Formation of peroxide radical
Formation of PANs
ROO• + NO2 --> ROONO2