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23 Cards in this Set

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Effects of LH in both sexes? FSH?
stim gonadal steroid secretion
- m: leydig cells --> T
- f: theca cells --> T --> E by granulosa cells; stim ovulation and corpus luteum --> progesterone

supports gamete development
- m: sertoli cells and sperm development
- f: stim granulosa cells and follicle development.
What leads to AMH production at 9wks of gestation? where is this produced?
- what does it cause?
SRY on Y crsm; by Sertoli cells.
- regression of mullerian ducts on a male fetus.
What do inhibins (A and B) do?
- what secretes A and B in women?
- men?
inhibit FSH production by pituitary
- primordial follicles (B); dominant follicle (A)
- Sertoli cells (B); No known role for Inhibin A in men
What metabolizes T --> E?
T--> DHT?
- fx of DHT?

What stimulates embryonic development of Wolffian duct organs (epididymis, vas deferens, ejac duct)?

- b/ more strongly to androgen receptor; stim puberty and external genital development.

____ stimulates ____ cell to make
Testosterone which acts with ___ on ____ Cell to stimulate Spermatogenesis
LH, leydig, FSH, Sertoli
Is Estrogen important for CV? how/why?
Important for endothelial function
Increases clotting factors
Which is more prevalent @ menses, FSH or LH?
What are causes of physiologic hypogonadism?
Energy restriction
(dieting, starving, anorexia nervosa)
- causes fewer pulses, and the ones that happen have higher amplitude.

Severe illness

What effect does *continuous* GnRH have on LH and FSH?
- drugs w/ this effect?
suppressess them.
- leuprolide, gosarelin
What does continuous sex hormone (E or T) do to the HPG axis?
turns it off
- What happens if no AMH in XY male <6wks?
- <8wks no T?
- <12wks no DHT?

Hypogonadal XX?
- “female” Mullerian internal structures persist
- lack of Wolffian development
- female/ambig ext. genitalia

still has female internal and external genitals.
How can XX appear male?

What happens to pre-birth hypergonadal XY?
- SRY translocation to X
- Cross placental exposure to maternal androgen excess.

Appears normal male.
How do we define precocious puberty in boys and girls?

what are possible etiologies?
f: thelarche <8, menarche <9
m: pubic hair and testicular enlargement <9.

- GnRH dependent (hypothal tumor, etc)
- Gonadotropin dependent (hCG secreting tumors actv LH receptors; LH receptor constit. actv in boys --> ^T; primary hypothyroidism)
- sex steroid dependent: McCune Albright syndrome, CAH, ovarian or adrenal tumors making T or E,
What is McCune Albright syndrome?
- when do we suspect it?
post-zygotic mutation of the gene GNAS1, which is involved in G-protein signalling. This mutation, often a mosaicism, prevents downregulation of cAMP signalling.

When these three things are present:
* (autonomous) endocrine hyperfunction such as precocious puberty
* Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia (bone dz that occurs more freq in craniofactial area)
* Café-au-lait spots
What is heterosexual percocity?
- potential causes?
virilization of girls or feminization of boys.
- virilization: CAH, ovarian tumors --> Androgens, exogenous androgens
- feminization: testicular tumors making hCG, feminizing adrenal tumors, exogenous estrogens, hypogonadism, physiological pubertal gynecomastia.
What 3 types of etiologies can cause delayed pubery?
absent GnRH, Hypopituitarism, Gonadal failure
What is Kallman's syndrome?
Olfactory nerve fails to migrate through cribiform plate, GnRH neurons don’t migrate to hypothalamus, causing failure to initiate puberty, and anosmia
Klinefelter's XXY, Turner's XO, gonadal injury, infiltrative dz, AI, systemic dz... can call cause ___ gonadal failure.

Kallman's, pituitary dz (caused by all sorts of stuff), Xrt, Alcohol...?
primary gonadal failure

Pt present with low estrogen and wnl-to-low LH and FSH. Type of hypogonadism?

Pt presents w/ low E and high LH and FSH?

Remember that LH and FSH levels are ___ before puberty, and ___ after menopause.


low, high.
How can we restore fertility in hypogonadism? (2)
GnRH administration by sc pump
Needs to be pulsatile, at sex and cycle-specific frequency
Requires intact pituitary

LH and FSH administration by daily injection
- Women: FSH daily and LH at midcycle
- men: post pubery LH is often effective w/o FSH
What are some risks of Estrogen replacement therapy?
DVT, Gallbladder dz, Ht dz, Breast cancer, Endometrial cancer (not increased when women w/ a intact uterus is given concurrent progesterone)
Erythrocytosis, BPH, prostate cancer, sleep apnea, gynecomastia, and skin reactions are all possible SE of replacement tx for which hormone?
Should we ever tx with Oral Testosterone? why not?
17-a-alkyl group delays metabolism by the liver, allowing T to be taken orally... BUT -->
- this is associated with liv dz: ^LFTs, peliosis hepatis, hepatoma, cholestatic juandice.