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71 Cards in this Set

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What is the definition of a dystocia?

A slow or difficult labor or delivery
-obstruction or constriction of birth passage or abnormal size, shape, position or condition of the fetus
What is the definition of obstetrics in the context of veterinary medicine?
Usually limited to the care of the dam and the unborn young during a parturition that cannot be completed, or has slowed to the point that the life of one or both patients is at risk

What are 4 possible etiologies for dystocia?

1) Uterine dysfunction
2) Too small a birth canal
3) Abnormal fetal presentation
4) Abnormal fetal anatomy
*certain breeds can be 90% (bull dogs)
Is dystocia more commonly due to a maternal origin or fetal origin?
maternal: 75%
Fetal: 25%
Failure of expulsive force is a maternal factor that causes dystocia due to abnormalities in the _____ or ______.
Uterus or abdomen
What is the primary cause of uterine dysfunction that results in failure of expulsive forces?
Primary inertia: uterus has problems where muscles have had trauma and cannot contract efficiently
What are 4 causes of primary inertia?
1) Myometrial defects
-degeneration, infection, heredity
2) Biochemical deficiencies
3) Hysteria/environemntal disturbance
-if feel threatened, can't relax
4) Deficient amnion (oligoamnion)
-not enough fluids around baby to lubricate it
What are 6 types of biochemical deficiencies that can result in primary inertia (resulting in failure of expulsive forces)?
1) E2:P4 ratio
2) Oxytocin
3) PGF2alpha
4) Relaxin
5) Calcium
6) Glucose
What is secondary inertia?
Consequence of another cause of dystocia
What are 2 causes of secondary inertia?
uterine damage
uterine torsion
What are 4 factors that can cause the inability to strain resulting in an abdominal abnormality causing dystocia?
1) Age
-too old= muscles not strong enough
2) Pain: prevents animal from having good contractions and pushing
3) Weak
4) Diaphragmatic, tracheal, or laryngeal damage
-if can't close trachea can't hold breath to perform pushing
What are the 2 general maternal factors that cause dystocia?
1) Failure of expulsive forces
2) obstruction of birth canal
What are 2 general issues that can cause obstruction of the birth canal?
Boney pelvis
Soft tissue issues
What are 6 general causes of a boney pelvis that can result in obstruction of the birth canal/
1) Breed
2) fracture
3) Lumbosacral subluxation
-luxate ventrally= acts as a door
4) Immaturity
-pelvis won't open to create a canal
5) Neoplasia
6) Disease
What are 3 things that can cause issues with the vulva, resulting in obstruction of the birth canal?
1) Congenital defects
2) Fibrosis
3) Immaturity
What are 6 abnormalities in the vagina that can result in obstruction of the birth canal?
1) Congenital defects
2) Fibrosis
3) Prolapse
4) Neoplasia
5) Perivaginal abscess
6) persistent hymen
What are 3 abnormalities that can occur with the cervix that results in obstruction of the birth canal?
1) Congenital defect
2) Fibrosis
3) Failure to dilate
What are 5 abnormalities that can occur with the uterus, resulting in obstruction of the birth canal?
1) Torsion
2) Deviation
3) Herniation
4) Adhesion
5) Stenosis
What are 4 fetal factors that can cause dystocia?
1) Hormone deficiency
2) Feto-pelvic disproportion
3) Maldisposition
4) Fetal death (doesn't send message so won't come out)
What is a hormone deficiency (fetal factor) that can result in dystocia? What can cause this?
ACTH/ cortisol deficiency
-pituitary hypoplasia
What are 2 causes of feto-pelvic disproportion (fetal factor)?
1) Fetal oversize
2) Fetal monster
What are 3 causes of maldisposition (fetal factor)?
1) Malpresentation
2) Malposition
3) Malposture
True or false. All obstetric cases should be treated as emergencies.
What are 7 components of a patient's history that you should collect before managing a dystocia?
1) Primiparus (1st birth) vs pluriparus (already had baby)
2) Due date
3) History of dystocia
4) Length and vigor of ongoing delivery
5) Vaginal discharge
-if no, maybe not in labor yet
-quality of discharge
6) Any fetal membrane or parts have been seen
-if fetal membranes are coming out then needs to come out!
7) Has any assistance been provided
What is the next step when dealing with a dystocia after collecting the history of the case?
General examination & assess mother's condition
What are 5 components to assessing the mother's condition when managing a dystocia?
1) Demeanor
2) Ability to move
3) Systemic parameters
4) *Stage of delivery
5) Signs of fetal life
What is Stage 1 of birthing? How long does it last?
Nesting behavior, some abdominal contractions, animal may be restless
-can last hours, a day
What is stage II of birthing? When does it start and end?
Starts once there's any type of fetal membrane or fetal fluid coming through the vulva
-active delivery= ON THE TIME CLOCK!!
-some animals take a long time but there should be progression
-ends when babies come out
What does stage III of birthing begin and end?
Starts after puppies come out
Ends after placenta passes
What do you do after the physical examination of the dam when you've determined that the dam is in stage II of pregnancy?
Obstetric examination
What are the 2 steps of the obstetric examination (in order)?
1) Restrain and clean the patient
2) Vaginal examination
What are the 3 fetal P's that need to be assessed when performing a vaginal examination on a dystocia patient?
1) Presentation
2) Position
3) Posture
What is the fetal presentation?
The relationship between the long axis of the fetus and the long axis of the maternal birth canal
What are the 3 fetal presesntations?
1) Longitudinal
2) Transverse
3) Vertical (rarely!)
What is a transverse presentation?
True breach- have to correct surgically
-Have a perpendicular axis from dam to baby
What is a vertical presentation?
Fetus spine is perpendicular to dam spine and is vertical- head can be down or up and just feel back or hooves
What is the definition of the fetal position?
Surface of the maternal birth canal to which the fetal vertebral column is applied
What are the 4 fetal positions?
1) Sacral
2) Pubic
3) Right ilium
4) Left ilium
What is the definition of the fetal posture?
Disposition of the head, neck and limbs of fetus
*What are the 6 different treatment plans for managing dystocia?
1) Conservative treatment
2) Drug therapy
3) Manipulative treatment
-change posture of fetus or pull on it
4) Surgical treatment
5) Fetotomy
6) Euthanasia
What are 3 drug therapies that can be used to manage dystocia?
1) Calcium to help muscles contract
2) Glucose for energy
3) Oxytocin to help uterine contractions
What is using conservative treatment for managing dystocia? When do you want to do this?
Upon examination the case is determined to not be quite ready for assistance
-allow patient some time before taking further action
What are 3 different formulations of calcium?
1) Calcium borogluconate 10%
2) Calcium gluconate
3) Calcium lactate
When is oxytocin used for treatment of dystocia?
To relieve non-obstructive dystocia in bitches
-administered IM or SQ
-short lived, but too much can cause tetany
What should you do if there is no response to the initial injection of oxytocin?
Progressively higher doses can be used, with an upper dose limit of 5 IU. After this if dystocia is not resolved, a C section is indicated
What are the 3 methods used to correct fetal malposition?
1) Mutation
2) Repulsion (retropulsion)
3) Rotation
What do you call it when you push the fetus out of the birth canal into the uterus where there is more room to correct the abnormal position of fetus and its extremities?
Repulsion (retropulsion)
What is rotation (when correcting fetal malposition)?
Turning of the fetus on its long axis to bring it into a dorso-sacral position
What is the medical terminology for correction of fetal malposition?
What is the best way to place chains when trying to get traction for managing a dystocia?
2-point traction: put two loops, one distal to joint and one proximal to joint to distribute this weight and prevent breaking bones
What do you do when a fetus has an anterior presentation and the head is resisting passage through the birth canal?
Use 3-point traction: involves the use of a head snare, chain, or some other device used to apply traction to the head, neck and eventually the chest of the fetus. The end result is elongation of the head and neck with resulting decrease in fetal diameter.
What are 10 reasons that epidural anesthesia is widely utilized in the management of obstetrical problems in the mare and cow?
1) Stops abdominal standing and makes correction of breech presentation & uterine torsion easier
2) abolishes or reduces all pain & is therefore more human and should be administered when great power is used in some forced contractions
3) Greatly increases speed, ease and safety to the operator and patient in fetotomy operations
4) The animal stands quiet without moving about or lying down (if give right amount)
5) Defecation is suspended
6) Animal does not rapidly expel lubricants pumped into the uterus
7) When used in C-section, it controls straining and prevents prolapse of the intestine through the surgical incision
8) May prevent prolapse of the uterus immediately after a difficult parturition
9) Aid replacement of prolapse of the vagina, cervix, uterus, rectum or bladder
10) Alleviates straining associated w/ severe vulvitis or vestibulitis
What is the definition of a cesarean section?
Uterus is opened surgically to allow removal of offspring via laparotomy
-sometimes perform hysterectomy or OVH after offspring evacuated
What are 10 indications for a C-section?
1) Feto-pelvic disproportion
2) Irreducible torsion
3) Incomplete dilation of the cervix or other parts of birth canal
4) Fetal monster
5) Fractured pelvis
6) Uterine rupture
7) Damaged or severe vaginal prolapse
8) Evidence that fetal life is becoming compromised
9) Failure of uterine inertia to respond to ecbolic (oxytocin) treatment
10) convenience
What are 3 reasons to perform an elective C-section?
1) Surgical termination of prolonged gestation
2) Avoid existing or suspected fetopelvic-disproportion
3) Termination of pregnancy in life threatening disease of the dam
What are 2 examples of life threatening diseases of the dam that could result in an elective C-section?
1) Hydrops allantois
2) Traumatic reticulitis or pericarditis
What are some possible complications of a C-section (11)?
1) Peritonitis
2) Uterine prolapse
3) Wound breakdown
4) Seroma formation
5) Retention of fetal membranes
6) Metritis
7) Vaginitis
8) Infertility
9) Ventral edema
10) Mastitis
11) Sudden death
What are 3 reasons an en-bloc ovariectomy or ovariohysterectomy may need to be performed in a dystocia patient?
1) Damaged uterus
2) Uterine contents are putrefied
3) Owners request
Does spaying an animal after a
C-section impact milk production?
What is the definition of a fetotomy?
Per vaginum division of the embryo into smaller parts to allow for vaginal evacuation of these parts
-salvage procedure for the dam and her reproductive future
What are 2 possible reasons to perform a fetotomy?
Dead fetus too big for delivery
What are 4 advantages to performing a fetotomy?
1) May salvage dam's life and subsequent fetus
2) Low chance of trauma if only partial fetotomy needed
3) Only one or two cuts may be needed to allow vaginal delivery of the fetus
4) Economic option to a c-section when no more than 2 cuts are needed
What are 4 disadvantages of a fetotomy?
1) Time consuming (pending on # of cuts)
2) Possible trauma to repro tract
3) Possible danger to the dam and future fertility
4) Associated w/ an increased incidence of retained fetal membranes and endometritis
What are the go home instructions for a mare that just had a fetotomy performed to insure future breeding soundness?
Mare needs a rest period of one breeding season
What are 2 situations in which euthanasia may be the best choice for management of a dystocia?
1) Dam & offspring are in such a bad shape that obstetric intervention is not possible
2) Economy does not allow further obstetric intervention
What are 2 things you can't do too much of when dealing with dystocia?******
-Be as clean as possible!!!!
-Use copious amounts of NON IRRITATING lubricant
How long should you give a dam after the water breaks before intervening?
Examine internally after 20 minutes if she has not delivered any offspring or parts of one that can be delivered (head, foot)
Why is it important to always trace the legs of the fetus to the body?
To verify that the legs belong to the same fetus- check for twins!
How can you tell the difference b/w the front and back legs of a fetus upon palpation?
Front leg: the first 3 joints bend in the same direction
Back leg: the first two joints bend same direction but 3rd joint bends in opposite directions
What should you do if you cannot identify or correct a problem with 15-20 minutes?
Summon help
What are the 4 things you should do after resolving a dystocia?
1) Inspect reproductive tract for any remaining offspring
2) May use ecbolics to help evacuate uterus
3) Assess need for:
4) Monitor passage of fetal membranes