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25 Cards in this Set

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What is the role of the Speech Pathologist in Dysphagia?
Teaching patients compensatory techniques for eating and swallowing, making recommendations about diets and specifying the consistency of foods that a patient can consume
What are the causes of Dysphagia?
Brain tumors, spinal cord injuries, progressive diseases, and individuals who have suffered from a stroke or from traumatic brain injury
What is an Ischemic stroke?
This type of stroke refers to lack of blood borne oxygen. It is more common that hemmorhagic strokes.
What is the cause of an Ischemic stroke?
Narrowing of the arteries, blockage of the artery, or from pieces of plaque breaking off and making it's way toward the brain where it lodges in the narrower artery.
What is a hemorrhagic stroke?
The rupturing of a cerebral artery.
What is the cause of a hemorrhagic stroke?
It is caused from bleeding in the cranium and also by aneurysyms or weak spots on the artery walls.
What is a Transient Ischemic Attack?
A disturbance of the blood supply to a localized part of the brain, which produces a temporary focal lesion. Theyresolve in a spontaneous and complete recovery and last between two and fifteen minutes. They may cause temporary aphasia, numbness and impairments in reading, speaking and writing.
What is silent aspiration?
Aspiration of food and liquids without coughing.
What is Coup-contrecoup?
This can occur from hitting your head on a hard surface after a fall. This type of injury occurs as the brain hits the inside of the head just opposite the injury site.
What are focal lesions?
Injuries resulting from the direct impact of the brain with the inside of the skull
What is acceleration-deceleration?
A type of traumatic brain injury where there is sudden stoppage of a vehicle for instance, and the head is thrown forward violently, then thrown backward. The brain rebounds against the bony prominence of the skull and may go through several oscilations. It often results in severe hemorrhaging.
What is an epidural hematoma?
This is bleeding above the dura mater, usually from meningeal arteries. Blood quickly accumulates, creating a space between the skull and the dura.
What is the result of the epidural hematoma?
It usually places pressure on the cranial nerves which can result in ipsalateral lower motor neuron paralysis (unilateral puillary dialation and paralysis of the face, jaw, throat, larynx or tongue.
What is edema of the brain?
Swelling: This occurs due to TBI and it forces tissue through the tentorial notch between the cerebrum and the cerebellum. The brain stem is squeezed and cranial nerves are affected resulting in dysphagia and speech problems: even death in some circumstances because the medulla is important in respiration and circulation.
What is the nueroanatomy of swallowing?
A patteren-elicited response.
What does the Trigeminal Nerve (CN V) do?
Innervates the the muscle involved in chewing and also innervates the tensor veli palatine, which tenses the velum.
What does the Facial nerve (CN VII) do?
It innervates the lip muscles including the orbicularis oris and the zygomaticus. The muscles contract during the oral preparatory and oral transport stage of the swallow to prevent food from dribbling out of the mouth.
What else does the Facial nerve (CN VII) do?
It innervates the buccinator muscles of the cheeks. They must remain tense during the oral component od the swallowing process to prevent the pocketing of food between the teeth and the cheeks.
What is the sensory component of the Trigeminal nerve (CN V)?
It carries feedback about all kinds of sensation, except taste, from the anterior 2/3 of the tongue. It also carries sensory information from the face, mouth and mandible.
What is the sensory component of the Facial nerve (CN VII)?
It carries information about taste form the anterior 2/3 of the tongue.
What does the Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)?
It innervates the three salivary glands in the mouth. The saliva mixes with the chewed up food to form a bolus. It also provides some innervation to the upper pharyngeal constrictor muscles.
What else does the Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) do?
It innervates the stylo[pharyngeus muscle which elevates the larynx and pulls it forward during the pharyngeal stage of the swallow. This action also aids in the relaxation and the opening of the cricopharyngeus muscle.
What is the sensory component of the Glossopharyngeal nerve?
It mediates all sensation, including taste, from the posterior 1/3 of the tongue.
What doe the Vagus nerve (CN X) do?
It is responsible for raising the velum as it innervates glossopalatine and the levator veli palatine muscles. It innervates the pharyngeal constrictor muscles and the intrinsic musculature of the larynx. It is responsible for vocal fold adduction during the swallow.
What else does the Vagus nerve (CN X) do?
It innervates the cricopharyngeus muscle and controls the muscles involved in the esophageal stage of the swallow as well as those that control respiration.