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65 Cards in this Set

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3 Types of DJD
Primary- Female weight bearing
secondary- joint stress/trauma
erosive- female finger inflammation
DJD most common sites
DIPS, HIPS, PIPS, thumb, knee, spine
DJD general features
most common form or arthritis.
stiffness with rest, improves with activity.
normal lab results.
caused by inactivity more than wear and tear.
DJD radiologic features.
Loss of joint space, subchondral sclerosis, osteophytes, subchondral cysts. Asymmetric distribution and joint mice present.
DJD most common areas
Lower spine sections.
C5-7 (C7 anterolisthesis)
T6-L1 (Z-jt, costal jt., IVD)
L4-S1 (L4 anterolisthesis)
SI synovial portion (lower 2/3)
Femur migration superiorly and medially.
Widened medially (Waldentrom's Sign)- difference of 3+ from side to side or 11+ on one side.
Buttressing- thickening of inferior medial part of femoral head/neck from stress.
Knee DJD
medial compartment first.
patellofemoral least common.
chondromalacia patellae- cartilage softening (young variant of DJD)
shoulder DJD
AC most affected, GH usually from trauma.
supraspinatus calcifying tendinitis.
often B/L.
Wrist/Hand DJD
Thumb articulations.
DIP- Heberdens
PIP- Bouchards
Feet DJD
First metatarsal phalangeal joint.
Hallux ridgidus.
Degenerative Spondylisthesis
anterior slippage of one vertebrae on another.
combination of loss of joint space, disc height, and remodeling of facet surfaces to saggital plane.
most common at L4 and C7.
Hemispheric Spondylosclerosis
semicircle of sclerosis in lateral view from anterior stress.
commonly mistaken for blastic metastasis.
inflammatory DJD in DIPS and PIPS.
Gullwing sign present in DIPS
non uniform loss in joint space and symetric
periostitis occurs (fluffy on xray)
aka forrester's ds.
ALL ossification
most common at T/L juntion, then cervical and lumbar
dysphagia caused by esophageal obstruction
HLA B8 positive
can occur with OPLL
DISH radiologic features
ossification of 4+ segments
dripping candle wax, flame shaped osteophytes.
IVD height preserved
SI- only after spine involvement and doesnt affect synovial portion.
Associated with DISH
can cause myelopathy- problems with walking
dense linear strip in the posterior part of spine on lateral film
Neurotrophic Arthropathy
secondary to lack of jt. innervation
severe instability and jt dysfunction
NA hypertrophic phase
6 D's:
Distended joint: earliest finding
Density increase (subchondral sclerosis)
debris production in jt. (joint mice)
dislocation (from instability)
disorganization of joint elements (bag of bones)
destruction of bone
NA atrophic phase
increased blood flow stimulates bone resorption
non weight bearing jts. but may be in hip/foot
tapered bone:licked candy stick at joint space
amputated bone appearance
NA locations
spine- lumbar most common, hypertrophic vertebral fragmentation (jigsaw vertebrae)
knee- medial compartment first, joint debris is prominent feature, articular surface destruction
foot- subtalar jt. gets hypertrophic and forefoot becomes atrophic
B/L SYMMETRIC peripheral joints with uniform jt. space loss
jelling phenomenon- symptoms worse in morning
synovitis- synovial fluid causes edema and congestion in synovial membrane
pannus formation
ADI instability (decalcifies ligament attachments)
Pannus formation
vascular granulation tissue
erodes cortex in "bare area"
intrudes into marrow making subchondral cysts
pannus replaces hyaline cartilage
RA lab results
+ Rheumatoid factor
normochromic, normocytic anemia
elevated CRP (checks for inflammation) and ESR
RA radiologic features
B/L symmetric periarticular ST swelling
periarticular osteoporosis (dot-dash interruption in articular cortex)
rat bite erosions
RA in the hand
DIP spared
radial margins of 2-3 MC heads
Boutonniere deformity- PIP flexed, DIP extended
swan neck deformity- opposite
haygarth nodes at MCP
arthritis mutilans- complete disorganization of anatomic relationships
RA in the wrist
spotty carpal sign
terry thomas sign- scapholunate separation
RA in the feet
great toe
fifth MTP has no fibular deviation, all the rest do
Atlanto axial instability from transverse ligament disruption
uniform loss of disc height
no sclerosis or osteophytes
SP tapering (sharpened pencil)
Hip RA
axial migration
protrusio acetabulae
U/L symmetric
synovial portion
little/no sclerosis
Knee RA
Bakers cyst (synovial fluid)
uniform bicompartmental loss of joint space (HALLMARK)
Shoulder RA
B/L symmetric
pencil tapering of distal clavicle
humeral head resorption
sero+ - similar to adult RA
sero- - stills disease (could be U/L)
less inflammation and pannus
JRA lab findings
RF negative (90%)
elevated ESR and CRP
positive HLA-B27 when in spine (related to stills)
Ankylosing Spondylitis
starts in SI, skips to T/S costal articulations (likes axial skeleton)
pannus formation w/ synovial proliferation- destroys articular cartilage and erodes subchondral bone
enthesopathy- inflammatory changes at ligament attachments
AS lab findings
Increased ESR
mild anemia
positive HLA B-27
negative RF (obviously)
AS radiologic features
axial skeleton
SI- B/L symmetric w/ ghost jt.
spine- marginal syndesmophyte (ossification of outer annulus)
AS specific radiologic signs
Anderson lesion, Romanus lesion (erosions at anterior VB), shiny corner sign (erosions surrounded by sclerosis), squared vertebrae, barrel vertebrae, bamboo spine (marginal syndesmophytes), trolly track (facet sclerosis and ligament ossification), dagger sign (interspinous lig. ossification), discal ballooning (decreased imbibitions)
AS enthesopathy
bone attachment pathology
most common at iliac crest, ischial tuberosity, and trochanters
can occur at achilles and plantar insertion (fluffy compared to smooth look in OA)
Enteropathic Arthritis (EA)
twin to AS in spine
associated with GI diseases (ulcerative colitis, crohn's disease)
Lab- increased HLA B-27
Psoriatic Arthritis
assoc. w/ skin disorder
peripheral jt. distruction/deformity
NON marginal syndesmophytes
similar to RA but pannus affects less cartilage, erosions are smaller and develop slower
Psoriatic Arthritis lab findings
normal ESR (except in acute)
Negative RF (obviously)
+HLA B-27 (75% of patients w/ SI and 30% patients w/ peripheral)
Psoriatic Arthritis radiologic features
ST swelling- sausage digit
normal mineralization
tapered bone ends
Psoriatic Arthritis in hands/feet
DIPS most common
mouse ear sign
pencil in cup appearance
NO ulnar deviation
Paravertebral ossification
flowing exuberant ossification (candle wax, DISH)
Reactive arthritis (Reiter's)
Non-marginal, comma shaped, stuck on, floating
triad: conjunctivitis, urethritis, polyarticular arthritis (cant see, cant pee, cant dance with me)
mostly lower extremity
+HLA B-27 in 75%
Twin with Psoriatic in spine
CT disorder involving multiple organ systems
chief complaint is myalgia, comes with fever and malar butterfly rash
lab- elevated ESR, ANF and lupus erythematous cell
SLE radiologic findings
RA type alterations
reversible subluxations, dislocations, and deformities
normal bone density
most prominent features seen in hands
Jaccoud's arthritis
after Rheumatic fever (vegetative lesions on mitral valve)
affects hands and feet
can cause deformities/deviations
normal bone density
systemic inflammation
lack of blood to tips of fingers
CREST syndrome
Raynaud's phenomenon
thick skin on face and hands
dysphagia (tongue and esophagus)
Scleroderma radiologic findings
most common in hand
ST retraction and calcification
bone resorption- acroosteolysis (DIP- caused by scleroderma, pyknodysostosis, or hyperparathyroidism)
Osteoitis Condensaans Ilii
SI- B/L symmetric sclerosis in multiparous females
no positive lab results
increased ligament laxity
not painful or pathologic
osteoitis condensaans Ilii radiologic features
B/L dense triangle of sclerosis in lower half of SI jt.
normal jt space
can be confused with AS
inflammatory jt. disease causesd by deposition of Calcium Pyrophosphate Dihydrate crystals into synovial fluid, linings, and articular cartilage
aka pseudogout
CPPD clinical features
joint hurts in passive and AROM
crepitus and stiffness
calcium deposits in jt. is CPPD until proven otherwise
CPPD radiologic features
most common in knee- deposits in the meniscus (chondrocalcinosis)
shoulder also common
jt space should be black, cartilage calcification in joint space appears white
Hydroxyapatite Deposition Disorder
calcification in a tendon, bursa, or other periarticular ST
aka calcifying tendonitis
dystrophic calcification
HDD radiologic features
most common in shoulder (supraspinatus tendon or subscap on internal rot.), hip (glut max tendon), and spine (longus coli)
os peronei- not tender
calcific tendonitis of peroneus brevis tendon- tender
aka alkaptonuria
hereditary degenerative arthritis affecting large jts and spine
disorder of tyrosine metabolism
Onchronosis radiologic findings
advanced premature DJD (wrong place, wrong age)
ligament calcification
spine- discal calcification, increased kyphosis and lordosis, begins in L/S and ascends
large potato sized pulmonary nodules in hilar area or lung
lace like trabecular pattern in bone (bigger and rounder than normal)
most common in hands, wrists, and feet (after chest)
Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis
idiopathic inflammatory synovial lesions
lower extremity especially knee
large intraarticular ST masses w/ capsule distension
apple core deformity of proximal femur
osteosarcoma- break out lesion
PVS- break IN lesion
Crystal deposition
HADD- hydroxyapatite
Gout- sodium monourate
CPPD- CPPD crystals
onchronosis- homogentisic acid, calcification