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134 Cards in this Set

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Lo volevo

I wanted it

Era il mio studente

He was my student

Lei non poteva scegliere

She could not choose

Andavamo alla stessa scuola

We went to the same school

Cosa facevi questa mattina?

What were you doing this morning?

Stavo meglio senza te

I was better without you

Il lupo veniva dalla strada

The wolf was coming from the street

L'albergo era bello

The hotel was pretty

Non facevi mai così

You never used to do that

Mio fratello mi veniva a prendere da scuola

My brother was coming to get me from school

Lo sapevo

I knew

Lui conosceva l'adolescente

He knew the teenager

Dicevi qualcosa?

Were you saying something?

Lei ti pensava ogni giorno

She was thinking about you every day

Mia sorella trovava ogni risposta

My sister used to find every answer

Sempre sapeva

She always knew

Pensavo la stessa cosa

I was thinking the same thing

Lui la conosceva

He used to know her

Lei non sapeva il numero

She didn't know the number

Mi pensavi?

Were you thinking of me?

Lui mi parlava ogni giorno

He used to talk to me every day

Mi portava a scuola in macchina

He used to take me to school in car

Lui mai credeva

He never believed

Quando arrivava il postino?

When would the mailman arrive?

Tuo nonno non ti chiedeva tanto

Your grandfather didn't ask you a lot

All'inizio lei prendeva il treno

At first she took the train

Mia nonna metteva i funghi nel forno per qualche ora

My grandmother used to put the mushrooms in the oven for a few hours

La gente per strada chiedeva come andava

The people on the street used to ask how it goes

Da dove arrivava?

Where was she arriving from?

I miei cugini mi portavano allo zoo quando ero piccolo

My cousins used to take me to the zoo when I was was little

Lui parlava con tè

He was talking with you

Perché non prendeva l'autobus

Why didn't he use to take the bus?

Mettevo i piatti sul tavolo

I was putting the plates on the table

Non parlavano in inglese

They didn't speak English

Lei portava gli occhiali

She was wearing glasses

Forse qualcuno non ci credeva

Maybe somebody did not believe us

Lo zio ti chiedeva l'ora

Your uncle used to ask you for the time

Lui non sapeva cosa dire

He didn't know what to say

Che diceva il poliziotto?

What was the police officer saying?

Ogni anno trovavamo più frutta

Each year we found more fruit

Lui la conosceva

He used to know her

Lo vedevamo ogni sabato

We used to see him every Saturday

Non la vedevamo mai

We never used to see her

Era chiaro che lui la conosceva

It was clear that he knew her

Il contadino dava da mangiare al cavallo ogni giorno

The farmer fed the horse every day

Mi diceva di non bere più birra

She was telling me not to drink more beer

Mi figlio non dava mai da mangiare al suo gatto

My son never fed his cat

La sposa non sapeva chi eri

The bride didn't know who you were

La gente moriva per strada

People died on the street

Dicono che suo zio lavorava per loro

They say that his uncle was working for them

La gente entrava quando voleva

People would enter whenever they wanted

Lui viveva ancora con i genitori

He was still living with his parents

Non lo ricordava

I didn't remember it

Usavamo sempre i mezzi pubblici

We always used public transportation

La chiamava di sera

He used to call her in the evening

Non cambiava niente

Nothing was changing

Dicevano lo stesso anche quando perdevamo

They were saying the same even when we were losing

Leggevano lo stesso giornale

They were reading the same newspaper

Ogni sera mi offriva una birra

Every evening he was offering me a beer

Sapevamo che il vicino suonava il violino

We knew that the neighbour was playing the violin

Quando finiva la festa?

When was the party ending?

Dove giocava tua figlia?

Where did your daughter play?

Lui era la prima persona che leggeva il giornale

He was the first person to read the newspaper

Lui indicava là

He was pointing there

Non succedeva ogni lunedì

It didn't happen every Monday

Cosa costruiva tuo zio

What was your uncle building?

Dove indicava lui?

Where was he pointing?

Questo succedeva ogni inverno

This would happen every winter

Provavamo per ore

We were trying for hours

Mio nonno costruiva case

My grandfather was building houses

Il professore rispondeva a tutte le domande

The professor was answering all the questions

Mi sentivo bene

I felt well

L'uccello passava davanti alla porta

The bird was passing in front of the door

Quando era giovane scriveva un libro all'anno

When she was young she wrote one book a year

Le davamo sempre dei libri nuovi

We would always give her new books

Faceva parte del lavoro

That was part of the job

La gente entrava quando voleva

People would enter whenever they wanted

Ho capito perché la motocicletta non andava

I found out why the motorcycle was not working

Lei poteva fare di tutto

She could do anything

Era chiaro che lui la conosceva

It was clear that he knew her

Lei sapeva leggere

She knew how to read

Non vedevamo mai

We never used to see her

Il contadino dava da mangiare al cavallo ogni giorno

The farmer fed the horse every day

Lei sapeva leggere

She knew how to read

Non a vedevamo mai

We never used to see her

Sapeva parlare

He knew how to talk

Prima il meccanico prendeva molto di più

Before, the mechanic used to charge a lot more

Forse qualcuno non ci credeva

Maybe somebody did not believe us

Da dove arrivava?

Where was she arriving from?

La gente per strada chiedeva come andava

People on the street were asking how it was going

I miei cugini mi portavano allo zoo quando ero piccola

My cousins used to take me to the zoo when I was little

Non parlavano in inglese

They were not speaking in English

Diventava molto pericoloso

It was becoming very dangerous

Lui passava ogni strada e non sapevo perché

He was passing every street and I didn't know why

Passava davanti alla porta ogni giorno

He was passing in front of the door every day

Tenevo i cani in cortile

I kept the dogs in the courtyard

Cosa rimaneva da fare

What was left to do?

Nessuno mi capiva

Nobody understood me

Lasciavo un biglietto per i miei figli

I was leaving a note for my sons

Ci sentivamo a casa

We felt at home

Quando passava lei diventava rosso

When she passed by he became red

La gente viveva in questi villagi

People were living in these villages

Lui mi chiamava dopo ogni viaggio

He used to call me after every trip

Dicono che duo zio lavorava per loro

They say that his uncle was working for them

La moglie lo guardava senza capire

The wife was watching him without understanding

A lui non piaceva la scuola

He didn't like the school

Ieri lui scriveva meglio di oggi

Yesterday he was writing better than today

Mi piaceva vivere in città

I liked living in the city

Sono arrivata mentre apprivano

I arrived while they were opening

Quando decideva di fare qualcosa, lui lo faceva

When he would decide to do something, he would do it

Suo marito ha detto che decideva lui

Her husband said that she was deciding

Mi scriveva sempre

She would always write to me

Non decideva lui

It was not up to him to decide

Quando ero piccolo giocavamo nelle strade

When I was young we played in the street

Prima, perdevamo sempre le chiavi

Before we were always losing the keys

Sapevo che finiva così

I knew that it would end up like this

Lui cambiava il suo nome

He changed his name

Cosa cambiava?

What did it change?

Offriva lui

He was offering

Lui suonava come prima

He as playing like before

Leggevano lo stesso giornale

They were reading the same newspaper

Loro non perdevano mai

They would never lose

Mio zio costruiva di tutto

My uncle would build anything

Cosa provava lo scrittore quando scriveva questa storia?

What was the writer feeling when he was writing this story?

Succedeva ogni inverno

This would happen every winter

Il telefono suonava e lei rispondeva

The phone would ring and she would answer

Chi rispondeva il telefono?

Who was answering the phone?

Succedeva sempre di luglio

It always used to happen in July

Chi capiva queste parole?

Who understood these words?

Ho visto la luce che entrava

I saw the light that was coming in

Seguiva il papà in tutto quello che faceva

He followed his dad in everything that he was doing

Le piaceva quella cena?

Did she like that dinner?

Mi aspettavo di meglio

I was expecting better

Non stava a lui decidere

It was not up to him to decide