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76 Cards in this Set

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Die Fliege, die Fliegen
The fly, the flies
Flies are ladies.
Der Hut, die Hüte
The hat. The hats.
Hats are men.
Der Apfel, die Äpfel, den Apfel
The Apple, the apples, the apple (d.o.)
Apples are men.
Der Orangensaft, Die Orangensäfte
The orange juice, the orange-juices
Orange juice is a man.
Der Mann, Die Männer
The man, the men.
Men are men.
Der Rock, Die Röcke
The skirt, the skirts
Skirts are men.
Das Tier, Die Tiere
The animal, the animals.
Animals are neuter.
Die Zeitung, Die Zeitungen
The newspaper, the newspapers
Newspapers are ladies.
Entschuldigung, Entschuldigungen
Apology, apologies
Note: this word is feminine.
Der Mantel, die Mäntel
The coat, the coats
Coats are men.
Das Essen, die Essen
The food, the foods
Food is neuter.
Das Kleid, die Kleider
The dress, the dresses
Dresses are neuter.
Der Durst (habe durst)
The thirst (have thirst)
Thirst is a man. One is not thirsty in German. One has thirst.
Die Tomate, die Tomaten
The tomato, the tomatoes
Tomatoes are ladies.
Der Hunger (habe Hunger)
The hunger (have hunger)
Hunger is a man. One isn't hungry in German. One has hunger.
Die Tasche, die Taschen
The bag, the bags
Bags are ladies.
Die Jacke, die Jacken
The jacket, the jackets
Jackets are ladies.
Der Bär, die Bären
The bear, the bears
Bears are men.
Das Hemd, die Hemden
The shirt, the shirts
Shirts are neuter
Die Kosmetik, die Kosmetik
The cosmetic, the cosmetics
Cosmetics are ladies. The singular and plural are the same.
Das Insekt, die Insekten
The insect, the insects
Insects are neuter.
Das Wasser, die Wässer
The water, the waters
Water is neuter.
Der Käser, die Käser
The cheese, the cheeses
Cheese is a man. The plural is the same as the singular.
Die Schokolade, die Schokoladen
The chocolate, the chocolates
Chocolate is a lady, because of course she is.
Die Frau, die Frauen
The woman, the women.
Women are ladies.
Der Junge, Die Jungen, Junges, Jungens
The boy, the boys/boys/boys
Boys are men. There are three acceptable pluralizations.
Das Obst, die Obst
The fruit, the fruits
Fruit is neuter. The plural is the same as the singular.
Das Getränk, die Getränke
The drink, the drinks.
Drinks are neuter.
Das Ei, die Eier
The egg, the eggs
Eggs are neuter.
Die Nudel, die Nudeln
The noodle, the noodles
Noodles are ladies.
Die Orange, die Orangen
The orange, the oranges.
Oranges are ladies. Unless they are orange juice. Orange juice is a man.
Die Kuh, die Kühe
The cow, the cows.
Cows are ladies.
Das Buch, die Bücher
The book, the books
Books are neuter
Das Kind, die Kinder
The child, the children.
Children are neuter.
Das Brot, Die Brote
The bread, the breads
Bread is neuter.
Das Abendessen, die Abendessen
The dinner, the dinners.
Dinner is neuter. Also, Abend= evening Essen= Food.
Der Schuh, die Schuhe
The shoe, the shoes.
Shoes are men.
Die Milch
The milk.
Milk is a lady. Not pluralized.
Das Gemüse, die Gemüse.
The vegetable, the vegetables.
Vegetables are neuter.
Das Mädchen, die Mädchen
The girl, the girls.
Girls are neuter. The plural is the same as the singular.
Die Katze, die Katzen
The cat, the cats.
Cats are ladies.
Der Vogel, die Vögel
The bird, the birds.
Birds are ladies.
Die Kartoffel, die Kartoffeln
The potato, the potatoes
Potatoes are ladies.
Der Mensch, die Menschen
The man, the men (like the humans or the people)
Mankind are men.
Der Hund, die Hunde
The dog, the dogs.
Dogs are men. Also, hund sounds like hound.
Der Fisch, die Fische
The fish, the fishes. (Fishes is antiquated English)
Fish are men.
Das Haustier, die Haustiere
The pet, the pets.
Pets are neuter (as they should be!) . Also: Haus = house, Tier = animal.
Das Pferd, die Pferde
The horse, the horses
Horses are neuter.
Die Biene, die Bienen
The bee, the bees
Bees are ladies. (True fact: most bees are female.)
Die Maus, die Maüse
The mouse, the mice.
Mice are ladies.
Die Ente, die Enten
The duck, the ducks
Ducks are ladies.
Der Tee, die Tees.
The tea, the teas.
Tea is a man.
Der Reis, die Reiser
The rice, the rice (plural, like multiple types of rice)
Rice is a man.
Das Mittagessen, die Mittagessen
The lunch, the lunches
Lunch is neuter. The plural and the singular are the same. Also: Mittag = midday Essen=food.
Der Kaffee, die Kaffees
The coffee, the coffees.
Coffee is a man.
Die Suppe, die Suppen
The soup, the soups
Soup is a lady.
Die Speisekarte, die Speisekarten
The menu, The menus.
The Speisekarte is a lady. A menü is neuter. Also, Speise = Dish, fare, Karte = Card.
Der Vegetarier, die Vegetarier
The vegetarian, the vegetarians.
Vegetarians are men.
Das Bier, die Biere
The beer, the beers
Beer is neuter.
Der Wein, die Weine
The wine, the wines
Wine is a man.
Die Zitrone, die Zitronen
The lemon, the lemons
Lemons are ladies.
Das Menü, die Menüs
The menu, the menus
Menus are neuter. Speisekarte are ladies.
Das Salz, die Salze
The salt, the salts
Salt is neuter.
Das Rezept, die Rezepte
The recipe, the recipes.
Recipes are neuter.
Das Fleisch
The meat
Meat is neuter. There is no plural.
Das Hähnchen, die Hähnchen
The chicken (cooked), the chickens (cooked)
Cooked chicken is neuter. A live chicken might be called Huhn.
Der Apfelsaft, die Apfelsäfte
The Apple juice, The Apple juices.
Apple juice is a man.
Der Zucker, die Zucker
The sugar, the sugars.
Sugar is a man.
Die Erdbeere, die Erdbeeren
The strawberry, the strawberries.
Strawberries are ladies.
Der Saft, die Säfte
The juice, the juices.
Juice is a man. Saft sounds kind of like sap.
Das Frühstück, die Frühstücke
The breakfast, the breakfasts
Breakfast is neuter. Also: Früh = early, Stück= bit/ piece
Die Hose, die Hosen
The pant, the pants.
Pants are ladies.
Der Schmuck, die Schmucker
The jewelry, the jewelry (plural)
Jewelry is a man.
Das Leder, die Leder
The leather, the leathers
Leather is neuter.
Der Knopf, die Knöpfe
The button, the buttons.
Buttons are men.
Die Kleidung, die kleidungen
The clothing, the clothings
Clothing is a lady.