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22 Cards in this Set

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R.A is considered to be ?
Chronic autoimmune disorder
of genetic disposition
Body physio response to RA are?
1) body attacks joints
2)affects heart vessels eyes muscle skin lungs.
3) causes difformity of freely moving muscles
4) chronic inflamation of synovial memebrane
Signs and symtpons include?
1)symmetrical joint pain
ROM is limited
decrease hand strength
what type of testing is done to determine RA ?
ESR eurythrocyte sedmintation rate. Rheumatiod Factor
synovial aspirations.
RBC's for anemia.
Medication that help RA include but are not limited to ?
anti Inflamatory Relafen
Slow acting Anti Inflam's Plaquenil.
DMARD's which decrease TNF factor
Nursing Interventions for RA patients include but are not limited to ?
pain managment.
alternative therapy.
Family interaction and teaching.
Ankylosing Spondylitis is?
common in men rare in women.
inflamation of the spine
what happens to the spine of AS patients?
Ligament and tendons become ossified.
what are the organ can be affected by AS
cardio ( heart enlargement)
pericarditis, kephosis,IBS
vision blindness
what causes blindenss in AS patients
How does kephosis affect an AS patients breathing and how can a nurse teach patient to alleviate this issue?
pressure on organs and ribcage
difficulty breathing
compressed diaphragm
Teach PT to breath from the diaphragm and not stomache.
Symtoms of AS include
pain when standing erect?
sciatica pain
weigh loss
Testing for AS include?
Hemoglobin and ESR's levels
SRP serum alkaline phosphatase
may behigh when in bone asorption is present.
Medications to treat AS include but are not limited to
Anti Inflam's NSAIDS
Back BRace
PT OT Firm Mattress Swimming to build muscle to help sustain bone.
PROGnosis for AS patient are.
<age 30 after 20 years of disease = BURN OUT
Osteo Arthritis
lead cause of HIP and JOINt replacement.
severe wear and tear of joints in the body
reason a person may have OA
stress to joint, ADL, Infection, Trauma
Medication and Treatments used to treat OA
Gold,Ultram,Anti Inflams.
OT PT to avoid Stiffness
Hip revision,knee replacement.
Osteomyeletis is caused by?
infection in the bone marrow
caused by Staph entering blood stream and attacking bones
Medications and Treatments to treat Osteomyeletis
anti microbials Broad spectrum or isloated spectrum specific to Staph
Complication of Osteo Myletis have?
Becoming stubborn and occurable. going in an out of remission. attacking bone tissue causing necrosis of thebone. where surgery of the damaged bone is needed to removed or cut
Can be a lifetime Problem is some patient. when antimicrobials are killing the entire bacteria within the bone.