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97 Cards in this Set

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Which countries did the USSR attempt to form alliances with prior to World War II?

Britain and France

What advantage did the Red Army have over the Germans in the Battle of Stalingrad?

Soviet soldiers were trained primarily in close quarters urban combat, whereas the Germans were trained for operations in the open field.

Zhdanovism was a:

Ideology of artistic and cultural creation.

Which Egyptian leader's decisions led to a decline in relations between Egypt and the USSR?

Anwar Sadat

What was NOT a part of the agrarian reform policies introduced by Pytor Stolypin, Tsar Nicholas II's Prime Minister?

Centralizing the distribution of food rations.

Which areas were ceded to the Soviet Union from Finland following the Winter War?

The Karelian Isthmus, Salla and the Rybachi Peninsula

What did the Soviet Union provide for the Republicans during the Spanish Civil War?

Military advisors and extensive ammunition supplies.

What did the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact entail?

An agreement of non-aggression between the Nazis and Soviets and the division of Europe into spheres of influence.

How did Pyor Stolypin, Russia's Prime Minister under Tsar Nicholas II, die?

He was assassinated by an anarchist revolutionary.

The Korean War may have never happened if Soviet representatives had not walked out of a UN Security Council meeting in 1950. Why did the soviets claim they had boycotted the meeting?

They refused to recognize the Republic of China as a legitimate Security Council member.

Who was the statesman and intellectual responsible for many "behind the scenes" maneuvers in the Soviet government, including the replacement of Nikita Khrushchev?

Mikhail Suslov

Which agreement ended the Winter War between Finland and the USSR?

The Moscow Peace Treaty.

Who was the leader of the Bolsheviks?

Vladimir Lenin.

Who was the leader of the Mensheviks?

Julis Martov.

Roy and Zhores were twin brothers who were critical of Stalin, Roy was a ____ by trade and Zhores was a ____.

historian / biologist

According to Lenin's 1902 pamphlet "What Is To Be Done?" The Marxist revolutionaries needed to become the "_____________."

vanguard of the proletariat

What was the Marshall Plan?

An economic aid program designed to help rebuild Europe after World War II.

Who was Prime Minister of the Russian Provisional Government when the Bolsheviks seized power?

Alexander Kerensky

Which of these prominent Communist Party members were executed following the First Trials during the Great Purge?

Lev Kamenev and Grigory Zinoviev.

Why did Gorbachev eventually lose his hold on power?

•His economic reforms led to shortages of basic goods.

•His social reforms led to vocal criticism of him and his government.

•His economic reforms led the USSR into a downward spiral of foreign debt.

How was Tsar Nicholas II killed?

Firing squad.

Who held the second-longest reign in the Soviet Union's history, after Joseph Stalin?

Leonid Brezhnev.

What directly led to the total breakdown of relations between the USSR and the People's Republic of China?

Mao's introduction of the Cultural Revolution.

Who were the "Black Army" in the Russian Civil War?

The Revolutionary Insurrectionary Army of Ukraine.

The power struggle that immediately followed Lenin's death in 1924 primarily played out between which two oposing leaders?

Trotsky and Stalin.

Which groups of people, deported from their homelands by Stalin, were unable to return until after the Soviet Union fell apart in 1991?

Crimean Tartars and Volga Germans

Which two of these Soviet-born ballet dancers famously defected from the USSR?

Mikhail Baryshnikov and Rudolf Nureyev.

Lavrentiy Beria was the head of what organization under Stalin?


Who organized and led the defense of Petrograd against the army of General Yudenich during the Russian Civil War?

Leon Trotsky.

Who was a Soviet physicist who worked extensively on the development of the hydrogen bomb?

Andrei Sakharov

Which countries were part of the Warsaw Pact?

The Soviet Union, Hungary, Poland, France, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Ukraine, and Romania.

Nikita Khrushchev held power in the USSR between what years?

1955 - 1964.

In 1965, the collective leadership of the Soviet Union was comprised of:

Leonid Brezhnev, Alexei Kosygin, and Nikolai Podgorny.

What concession was made by the Soviets to the Russian Orthodox Church during World War II for the first time in 30 years?

The Church was allowed to elect a patriarch.

The New Economic Policy introduced by Lenin involved what changes?

Less repossession of all goods by the government, allowing for more private sales.

Approximately how many Soviet citizens died as a result of World War II?

24 Million.

Who wrote "The ABC of Communism" and was executed under Stalin's rule in 1938?

Nikolai Bukharin.

What was not a direct result of the 1905 Russian Revolution?

The emancipation of the serfs.

What was not a condition the USSR put on accepting the reunification of Germany?

German agreement to abstain from any future military agreements with its war-time allies Japan and Italy.

Under the Treaty of Bret-Litovsk, Russia was forced to renounce their claims to which territories?

Finland, Latvia, and Lithuania.

Lenin's April Theses famously called for the "abolition of the ____, the ____ and the ____."

police, army, bureaucracy

Article 6 of the Constitution of the Soviet Union was removed under Gorbachev. This article guaranteed what?

The political monopoly of the Communist Party.

Which general led the Red Army to capture Berlin in World War II?

Georgy Zhukov.

When Lenin fell ill, Stalin formed a triumvirate with which two men?

Grigory Zinoviev and Lev Kamenev.

Which states became members of the CIS after the breakup of the Soviet Union?

Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Kazakhstan.

Lenin's Last Testament expressly recommended the removal of whom from his current post?

Joseph Stalin.

Which event constituted the USSR's first breach of the Kellogg-Briand Pact?

The invasion of Poland.

Why did Gorbachev's economic reforms largely fail?

They were top-down reforms that did not address the underlying issues causing the Soviet Union's real economic problems.

The Russo-Japanese War centered over a conflict between the imperial intentions of Japan and Russia in which geographical areas?

Manchuria and Korea.

In 1986, Mikhail Gorbachev initiated a series of economic and political reforms which are collectively known as what?


Approximately how many total Russians died as a result of World War I?

3.3 million.

In what year did the formal split between the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks occur?


When were the Social Democrats founded, and who was one of their key founding members?

1898, Eduard Bernstein.

The economic reforms which began in the Soviet Union in 1965 were initiated by who?

Alexei Kosygin

Operation Barbarossa was the invasion of the Soviet Union by which country?


Vyasheslav Molotov was the Soviet signatory to which agreement?

The non-aggression pact between the Soviet Union and Nazis Germany in 1939.

What was Russia's first democratically elected legislative body after the October Revolution called?

The Constituent Assembly.

Who was Maxim Gorky and what was he best known for?

A famous writer of short stories, essays, and plays.

What is widely considered to be the worst military mistake in Soviet history?

The invasion of Afghanistan.

Who was the USSR's last head of state?

Mikhail Gorbachev.

Who was an avid early supporter of Vladimir Lenin?

Leon Trotsky.

What were the consequences of Glasnost?

Rising ethnic tensions and embarrassment of the government due to exposure of corruption and inadequacy.

Who was the former KGB leader who played a leading role in the coup against Khrushchev in 1964?

Alexander Shelepin.

Who were the two main Soviet commanders in the Battle of Moscow?

Georgy Zhukov and Aleksandr Vasilevsky.

What took place on March 11, 1990 which signaled the beginning of the end for the USSR?

Lithuania declared its independence.

"Requiem" is a poem about the time of terror under Stalin. Who wrote it?

Anna Akhamatova.

Who was Josip Broz Tito?

The first Prime Minister of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

What was the Warsaw Pact and why was it created?

A mutual defense agreement made between eight Soviet states as a response to the NATO Pact.

"Ivanov" Koba" and "Soselo" were all nicknames for which revolutionary?

Joseph Stalin.

Which nations were involved in the Seige of Leningrad?

The Soviet Union, Germany, Finland, and Italy.

Andrei Sakharov won which Nobel Peace Prize, and for what?

The Peace Prize, for his work to prevent nuclear proliferation.

The pressure caused by the 1905 Revolution resulted in the creation of which document, designed to establish more favorable citizen's rights?

The October Manifesto

Which was the first Soviet republic to declare its independence?


The responsibility for the 1932-1933 famine in Ukraine primarily rested on the shoulders of who?

Lazar Kaganovich and Vyasheslav Molotov.

In what year did Stalin call for the opening of a Western Front by the Allies to split the German forces and ease the pressure on the Soviets created by Operation Barbarossa?


What was the Soviet Union's response to the Chernobyl meltdown?

Attempted to cover it up.

Who emerged as the popular political leader after the failure of the August 1991 coup attempt?

Boris Yeltsin.

Who was the General Secretary of the Central Committee when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan?

Leonid Brezhnev.

The Battle of Tannenberg (1914) was a conflict between which two powers?

The Russian Empire and the German Empire.

What posts did Nikolai Bulganin hold during his career?

•Minister of Defense


•Marshal of the Soviet Union

Which two republics were disrupted by ceding of land to the Ottoman Empire in the Treaty of Bret-Litovsk?

Georgia and Armenia.

Who became Premier of the Soviet Union after the death of Stalin?

Georgy Malenkov.

The writer Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn centered one of his most famous works around what system in the Soviet Union?

The Gulag.

Sergei Eisenstein's landmark film about the events of the 1917 October Revolution was titled what?

October: Ten Days That Shook the World.

Which nations were involved in the Battle of Moscow in World War II?

The Soviet Union and Germany.

In what major way did the Soviet conception of human rights differ from Western thought on the subject?

Under the Soviet Constitution, individual human rights, while important, were secondary to the successful development of communism.

Vsevolod Meyerhold was a huge influence in bringing Bolshevik ideas to which art form?


What is one of the core principles of Titoism?

That in order to operate successful as a communist country, that country must form policies based on its own circumstances and needs.

When did the Polish-Soviet War take place?

From February 1919 until March 1921.

Who led the peaceful protest which resulted in the massacre known as Bloody Sunday?

George Gapon.

Which of these is an accurate definition of "Socialist Realism?"

Realistic art which adheres to and promotes socialism, usually by showing the working class.

Which citizen's rights were introduced by the 1936 Soviet Constitution?

The right to work and universal direct suffrage.

The storyline and themes of Dr. Zhivago suggests that:

The ideals of the Bolsheviks were corrupted by basic human flaws.

What was the state religion in Russia prior to the 1905 revolution?

Orthodox Christianity.

List the Soviet secret service agencies in chronological order:


What is not a policy of war communism?

All food was immediately confiscated from farmers for centralized distribution.

Upon gaining power, what was Lenin's immediate response to the conflict of World War I?

To seek peace as quickly as possible.