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29 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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Intellectual disability Differential Diagnosis
Major and mild neurocognitive disorders
Communication disorders and specific learning disorder
Autism spectrum disorder
ADHD - Diagnostic Criteria (in general)
Inattention or Hyperactivity and impulsivity
6 or more for 6 months before age 12 (over 17 yo 5 or more)
- inconsistent with developmental level
- negatively impacts social and academic/occupational activities
- not oppositional, defiance, hostility, failure to understand
ADHD - Inattention (9)
- little attention to details, careless mistakes
- difficulty sustaining attention
- does not seem to listen
- Does not follow through
- difficulty organizing
- avoids or dislikes engaging in tasks that require sustained attention
- loses things
- easily distracted
- forgetful in daily activities
ADHD - Hyperactivity and impulsivity (9)
Leaves seat when being seated is expected
runs or climbs inappropriately
unable to play quietly
on the go or driven by a motor
talks excessively
blurts out answer
difficulty waiting turn
interrupts or intrudes
Intermittent explosive
Other neurodevelopmental
defiance v. difficulty

both impulsive but aggression v. attention difficulties

not repetitive movement v. fidgety
2 or more for a 1- month or more
at least one needs to be first three
• Hallucination
• Disorganized thinking
• Disorganized motor behavior
• Grossly disorganized or odd motor behaviors
• Negative behaviors
level of functioning below level before onset
Signs of symptoms for continuous for 6 months
Rule out Schizoaffective or Depressive or Bipolar
if history of autism or communication disorder - diagnosis of schizophrenia if delusions or hallucinations or other symptoms of schizophrenia for 1 month
Schizophrenia DD (there are more than I listed p. 104)
Major depressive or bipolar with psychosis or catatonia
Schizoaffective -
OCD or Body dysmorphic -
- if delusions or hallucinations occur exclusively during a major depressive or manic episode with psychotic features

- major depressive or manic episode occurs concurrently with active symptoms and mood symptoms are present during most of the duration of the active period

- have delusions but also have obsessions and/or compulsions, preoccupation with body odor, hoarding , or body focused repetitive behavior

- Hallucinations are specific to a traumatic event
Bipolar I
Can be
How long
What three things or
how many symptoms
What are they
What else
Rule out
Manic episode can be preceded or followed by hypomania or major depressive

Manic episode – one manic episode
1 week
Abnormal elevated, irritated, or goal directed
Or hospitalization
3 symptoms, 4 if irritable
• Grandiosity
• Decreased need for sleep
• Talkative
• Flight of ideas
Impairment in social and occupational function
Rule out psychotic disorders
Bipolar II
Have to have
How long of what
how many symptoms
what are they
two other things
manic if
Have to have major depressive episode and hypomania – mo manic episode
4 or more days of abnormal mood or energy
3 or more 4 if irritable
• Grandiosity
• Decreased need for sleep
• Talkative
• Flight of ideas
Change in functioning
Observable by others
*Manic if - hospitalization or impairment in social and occupational function, psychotic

5 or more 2 weeks
1 symptom depressed or loss of interest
• Sigecaps
Bipolar I DD
Major depression
Other bipolar
GAD or other anxiety
ADHD in children
- depends on mania or hypomania
- mania
- anxious ruminations could be mistaken for racing thoughts
- symptoms as a pattern or distinct episode
Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder
a_____ o_________
How long
Asymptomatic for
how many domains
not during
angry outbursts
inconsistent with developmental level
most of the day, 3 or more times a week for 12 months not asymptomatic for more than 3 consecutive months
severe in one but present in two - school, home, peers
not before 6 or after 18
age of onset is before 10
not during major depressive episode
Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder - DD
- the longitudinal course of DMDD
- rarely exist together DMDD frequent outbursts with persistent mood disruption, severe in one and present in another. DMDD could meet criteria for ODD but not vice versa
Major Depressive Disorder
How many for how long
On must be
What are they
5 or more 2 weeks
1 symptom depressed or loss of interest
• Sigecaps
No manic or hypomanic
for how long and without for not more than
• Less intense than BP II a little hypomanic and a little depressed
• Symptoms 2 years and not without symptoms for a two month period for at least half the time
• No major depressive, hypomanic, or manic episode
Persistent depressive disorder
How long
how many
what are they
Not absent for
2 years of depressed mood
2 or more
• appetite
• insomnia or hypersomnia
• low energy
• low SE
• Poor concentration
• Hoplessness
Continuous features not absent for longer then 2 months
Panic Disorder
How many
what are they
And then how long
Recurrent panic attacks in a calm or anxious state
reaches peak in minutes with 4 or more
Heart rate increase
shortness of breath
Feeling of choking
Chest pain
etc. (p. 208)
1 month
• Worry about another
• Avoiding the situation
How long how many in what
6 mos 2 or more of 5 situations
With symptoms like panic
General Anxiety
how long with how many
what are they
6 mos of 3 or more 1 or more in children
• Restlessness
• Easily fatigued
• Trouble concentrating
• Irritability
• Muscle tension
• Sleep disturbance
for how long
Obsessions compulsions or both
One hour or more
Insight specifier
• Good
• Fair
• delusional
No duration
Somatic Symptom Disorder
how many
how many
three things
One or more symptoms
Excessive thoughts, feelings or behaviors - one or more
• disproportionate thoughts
• High anxiety
• Excessive time and energy
How many for how long
What (7)
Must have
4 symptoms for 6 mos
Angry irritable
• Loses temper
• Easily annoyed
• Angry and resentful
• Often argues with
Must have been vindictive once in the last 6 mos
Specific Phobia
fear about
object of fear provokes
______ A_____
out of
How long
D______ or _________
Fear about a specific situation
object or fear provokes immediate anxiety
actively avoided
out of proportion
6 months or more
distress or impairment
Specific phobia DD
Social Anxiety
- more general than specific
- would have to be because they are going to be evaluated
- only if panic in other situations
- must have an obsession with the fear
Social Anxiety
Fear of what
what always does what
they are
out of
for how long
Fear of social situations
Fear that they will act in a way or show symptoms and be negatively evaluated
Social situations almost always provoke anxiety
They are avoided
out of proportion
6 months
Social anxiety DD (there are more p. 206 and 207)

- social anxiety if adverse impact on functioning
- Social anxiety is fear of scrutiny v. agoraphobia fear of not being able to escape
- Social anxiety is about negative evaluation
- broader avoidance in avoidant pd, they are often comorbid
Panic Disorder DD

- no panic disorder unless all symptoms of panic attack
- self explanatory
- social anxiety (in social situations, specific phobia...etc)
- GAD usually obsessed with real life concerns, specific no rituals and more circumscribed feared object

Emotional or behavioral problems in response to an identifiable stressor for 3 months with 1 or both
distresses out of proportion to the stress
significant impairment in functioning
Conduct disorder

Violates the rights of others or social norms
3 of 15 for 12 months with 1 in the past 6 months
Aggression to people and animals
Destruction of property
Deceitfulness or theft
Serious rule violation