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47 Cards in this Set

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40 Acres & a Mule

Gov't was supposed to give slaves the 40 acres & mule. Some got theirs, but most land was allocated back to previous owners.

Black Codes

-forced former slaves to work in agriculture

-gave freed the right to marry, own property, voice in judicial system

-apprenticeship laws (can take children away)

Decline of Buffalo

-Buffalo skins were popularly sold/traded

-Buffalo got in the way of the RR's, passengers would get off, shoot, & leave them to rot

-Army encouraged it so Indians would be forced to move

Cattle Ranching/Cowboys

-Wage laborers who worked in dangerous conditions

-Was one of the largest & most profitable industries

-30-40% not white

-Cattle industry becomes oligopolistic b/c of fencing cattle

-As industrialization grew, so does oligopoly & work pool, so wages drop

Chinese Exclusion Act

-1st time people immigration was barred based on race

-Kept out Chinese & put restrictions on Chinese Americans

-10 yr act (originally)

-If one already lived here but was not born here, could never become citizen

Sharecroppers/Crop Lien

Part of sharecropping: Farmers rented land & paid w/ share of the cash crop. The system had negative economic consequences.

Crop Lien: borrowing supplies & promising payment at harvest

Dawes Act of 1887 (General Allotment Act)

(land grant act for native people)

-replaced reservation policy

-divided indian land into individual plots

-If they gave up their land & renounced beliefs, they would become a citizen & get 160 acres for family, (88 for self), but waiting period was 25 yrs

Fifteenth Amendment

Prohibits the gov't from denying a person the right to vote based on "race, color, or previous condition of servitude."

Fourteenth Amendment

Granted citizenship to all persons born in US, which included former slaves. It forbade states from denying anyone life, liberty or property w/o due process of law. It greatly expanded civil rights to Americans.

Homestead Act of 1862

-Supported migration

-If one lived on land for 5 yrs & improved it, the gov't would give it to them for free

Plessy v. Ferguson 1896

-Was a sort of legal challenge to Jim Crow system

-"Separate but equal"

"Rain Will Follow the Plow"

-Advertisements made western farming sound easy

-Faced high costs to plant crops

-Unpredictable elements

-Wild price fluctuations

-Replaced by agribusiness (160 acres not enough)

-RR's way overcharged b/c no competition

Railroad Development

-Chinese reason RR's are built

-Gov't gives RR's land in Pacific RR Act of 1862

-Helped lead to decline of Buffalo

-Marked beginning of economic growth

-First to sell stocks

-Created rate pools -> Oligopoly

-1st to write employee manuals/standardize parts

-Terrible employer: cut wages/increased hours

Reservation Policy (Indian Removal Act)

-Compensated/given supplies/guaranteed whites would not encroach on land if they went voluntarily

-Many went b/c of decline of buffalo & epidemic disease

-If Indians refused, army was sent in until they agreed

William "Buffalo Bill" Cody

-Wrote The Life & Adventures of Buffalo Bill (1917)

-Got started in Pony Express

-Buffalo Hunter

-Was in the army

-Traveled the US

Williams v. Mississippi (1898)

Upheld the restrictions put on black political rights that were created in the Mississippi Plan.

American Federation of Labor (AFL) / Samuel Gompers

-Conservative trade union represented by skilled workers

-Led by Samuel Gompers who wanted a controlled, centralized voice/charged high initiation rates so as to create a strike fund

-Wanted union recognition & collective ->bargaining agreements (union as a whole determines wages/hours/etc. for all workers

-Failed in the Homestead Strike (1892) to renew union contract -> Carnegie signed union contract in 91, didn't renew in 92, workers strike against Frick, but lose support b/c destroying property & try to assassinate Frick. Mill still running. Outcome: Unsuccessful.

American Railway Union (ARU)

-Industrial Union for railway workers (skilled & unskilled)

-Led by Eugene Debs

-Undermined by gov't intervention in the Pullman Strike (1894)

Pullman Strike (1894)

-Turned into whole railway strike

-Pullman owned factory & town -> high prices even with low wages

-Strike led to Pullman cars being rejected by workers all around the country

-Attorney hired to stop strike puts US mail in all Pullman cars so the workers will be impeding mail delivery and violating the Sherman Anti-trust Act

-RR loses 4 million $ in revenue

Andrew Carnegie/Vertical Integration

-King of the steel industry

-Known as a robber baron

-Wrote The Gospel of Wealth

-In old age, puts $ into institutions that allow people to better themselves and become successful

-Associated with vertical integration -> (one owns the raw materials, production, & distribution factors of the business so as not to have to spend much money)

"Boss" Tweed/Tammany Machine

-Known for being the boss of Tammany Hall, the Democratic politic machine that played a large role in New York

-Very corrupt (stole millions of dollars from NY taxpayers through political corruption)

Gospel of Wealth by Andrew Carnegie

-Justification for the acquisition of wealth

-Describes the responsibility of philanthropy by the new upper class of self-made rich

Henry Demarest Lloyd

-19th century American progressive political activist

-Pioneer muckraking journalist

-Wrote on the evil of trusts

John D. Rockefeller/Horizontal Integration

-Self-made rich king of the Standard Oil Co.

-Standard Oil dominated the oil business & was the 1st great US business trust

-later became a philanthropist -> foundations that had impact on medicine, education, & scientific research

-Associated with horizontal integration -> guarantee freight for secret rebate, this knocks out competition, he then bought them up, ends up owning 90% of oil

Immigration Patterns

Pre-1890: West Europe

Post-1890: South & East Europe

Labor Movement

-Emerged to deal with impact of industrialization

-Inspired by American Revolution & radical political thought

-Has several options to deal with problems

Laissez-faire Economics

-Adam Smith

-Economic environment in which transactions are free from intrusive gov't restrictions, tariffs, & subsidies, w/ only enough regulations to protect property rights

Mail Order Catalogs

-Idea created by Richard Sears (Advertising)

-Catalogs were sent out to people in rural areas so they could buy products they did not have access to or for cheaper prices than they were sold at in the area.

-Produced very creative advertising techniques

People's Party est. 1891

-Short lived populist political party during the Populist Movement

-Based among poor, white cotton farmers in the South & hard-pressed wheat farmers in the plains states

-Radical agragrianists that represented hostility to banks, RR's, and elites

-Endorsed William Jennings Bryan 1896

Political Stalemate

-Stalemate: a situation in which no progress can be made or no advancement is possible


-Dumbbell tenements designed to house a lot of people

-No 'modern' conveniences: aka running water, restroom facilities

-Cities had ethnic neighborhoods

-Immigrants took lowest skilled, paying, and most unstable jobs

-All family members worked

-Recruited for work based on ethnicity

-Stayed for economic opportunity, not social mobility


-Mass transit developments:

*helped move people around but had negative environmental consequence

*expanded the physical limits of the city & created greater socio-economic disparity

-Used steel and plate glass to make taller buildings

Anthracite Coal Strike

-United Mine Workers went on strike in the Anthracite coal mines. Throughout summer it was not a problem but once winter hit people needed coal for heat.

-Roosevelt called representatives from both sides into the office, but when the mine employers refused, Roosevelt threatened to send in the troops to work in the mines, which would nationalize the mines.

-The business owner then agreed to work with the miners.

Election of 1912


*Republican: Taft, *Democratic: Wilson, *Progressive: Roosevelt, *Socialists: Debs. Roosevelt (New Nationalism) & Wilson (New Freedom)

-Socialists dominated w/ the reform-minded platforms

-Wilson won the election b/c the Republicans split their vote

New Freedom v. New Nationalism

-New Freedom eliminated trusts

-New Nationalism regulated trusts

Jacob Riis

-Danish American social reformer, muckraking journalist, & social documentary photographer

-Surprised his subjects with his implementation of flash photography

Meat Inspection Act of 1906

-Caused by muckrakers

-Implemented the grading and quality of meat

Personal Registration Laws

Nearly every state in the Union passed personal registration laws between 1890 and 1920, which required identification certificates and personal appearances at designated government offices. Most laws required residency for a certain length of time prior to registration, as well as between registration and voting.

Progessive Values

-Came from middle class

-Wanted to deal w/ problems from industrialization

-Supported association or social solidarity

-Supported state coercion

-Rejected social Darwinism

-Had pragmatic, efficient outlook

-Joined many different reform movements

-Still accepted racial hierarchy

*The system has to change in order to promote the bettering of oneself

Pure Food & Drug Act of 1906

-Caused by muckrakers

-Led to the implementation of dietary labels

Robert LaFollette (Scientific Gov't)/Wisconsin

-Was Governer of Wisconsin, the Senator from Wisconsin

-Promoted City Commissioner Plan (commissioners in charge of city depts)

-Promoted City Manager Plan

Standard Oil Case

-Was a case in which the Supreme Court of the United States found Standard Oil guilty of monopolizing the petroleum industry through a series of abusive and anticompetitive actions. The court's remedy was to divide Standard Oil into several geographically separate and eventually competing firms.

The Jungle

-A 1906 novel written by the American journalist and novelist Upton Sinclair, who wrote the novel to portray the lives of immigrants in the United States in Chicago and similar industrialized cities

-The book depicts working class poverty, the absence of social programs, harsh and unpleasant living and working conditions, and a hopelessness among many workers

Theodore Roosevelt

-Progressive activist who implemented the Square Deal once in office

-Took the presidency after McKinley was assasinated

-His Square Deal went to protect middle class values, trust bust, change gov't relationship with organized labor

-Did lots of work with the labor policy, regulation of businesses/products, conservation

-Believed gov't should be steward of the people

Triangle Fire (1911)

Because the owners of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory had locked the doors to the stairwells and exits, many of the workers who could not escape the burning building jumped from the eighth, ninth, and tenth floors to the streets below. 146 women died. The fire led to legislation requiring improved factory safety standards.

William Howard Taft

-Lacked political experience when he became pres.

-Decided not to propose new reforms, but to consolidate Rooselvelt's

-Had no motivation, won b/c of Roosevelt's support

-Tariff: signed to have tariff raised instead of lowered

-Supreme Court: appointed all anti-progressive justices to court

-Trusts: busted more the Roosevelt, but pursuit of US Steel put him at odds w/ Roosevelt going into the election of 1912

Woodrow Wilson: New Freedom/Progressive Approach

-Underwood-Simmons Tariff: lowered tariff rates

-Fed. Reserve Act: created nat'l banking system (Federal Reserve) -> contains private & public control but doesn't eliminate bank control

-Fed. Trade Commission Act: oversaw business activity & prevented illegal restrictions on competition

-Clayton Anti-Trust Act: replaced Sherman but did little to trust powers

-Considered his agenda complete by 1914, politics pushed him to embrace labor reforms