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25 Cards in this Set

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Name the 4 Drug classifications





Club/Date Rape Drugs

The Substance Abuse Act of 1970 is under which title of the U.S. Code
USC Title 21
Identify 3 factors considered when scheduling substances

- Degree of potential for abuse

- Accepted medical use for treatment in the US

- Degree of acceptable safety standards for use

Identify elements of the five schedules of the CSA

- Schedules I - V

- key in scheduling is degree to which drug has potential for abuse

- Most dangerous/ most abused drugs under Schedules I and II]

- Schedule 1 drugs currently have no accepted medical use in US

Identify two subcategories of Depressants and name three examples for each


- Heroin

- Morphine

- Methadone


- Barbiturates

- Tranquilizers

- Alcohol

Identify the two subcatergies of Stimulants and provide examples of both


- Methamphetamines


- Cocaine HCL

- Crack Cocaine

Identify the different types of Hallucinogens

- Marijuana

- Peyote/Mescaline


- Psilocybin Mushrooms


Identify the potential effects of Depressants

- Slow down central nervous system

- Relieve pain- Induce sleep

- Relieve anxiety

- Reduce physical activity

- Develop tolerance and produce dependency

- constricted pupils of eyes

Identify three types (Colors) of Heroin

- White

- Brown

- Black Tar Heroin

Barbiturates have a similar effect of what other drug?


Much like alcohol, barbiturates can cause slurred speech, impaired judgment, imbalance, etc.

Stimulants can affect the user in one or more of the follow ways:

- Increase activity of the Central Nervous System

- Increase heart rate, blood pressure, and body temp

- Relieve fatigue (Give energy)

- Reduce appetite

- Dilate the pupils of eyes

- cause primarily psychological dependence

Symptoms associated with Hallucinogens include the following:

- Sensory Crossover (distortion of physical senses)

- Detachment from reality

- Unpredictable Behavior

- Poor perception of time and distance

- incoherent speech

- Psychosis/Flashbacks

Which drug is the only known hallucinogen to have withdraw symptoms


Withdrawal symptoms include

- insomnia

- Restlessness

- Hyperactivity

- Mental Confusion

- Decreased Appetite

Name the common side effects of MDMA

- Tightening of the jaw muscles

- Grinding of the teeth

- Dehydration

- Heat Exhaustion

- Heat Stroke

Ketamine is chemically similar to what drug?
What is one of significant effects of Rohypnol?
Rohypnol has the ability to cause amnesia

GHB (Gamma Hydroxybutyric Acid) has what effects in small doses?

- increased libido

- euphoria

- loss of inhibition

What is the precursor chemical of GHB?

GBL (Gamma Butyrolactone)

- The body synthesizes GBL into GHB

Identify 3 symptoms of Immediate use of Depressants

- Lethargic or "on the nod"

- Constricted pupils

- Needle or Track Marks (injection sites)

Identify 3 symptoms of immediate use or


- Dilated pupils

- Reduced Fatigue (increased energy)

- Insomnia

Identify 3 symptoms of Immediate Use of Hallucinogens

- Dilated pupils

- Sensory Crossover

- Hallucinations (auditory and Visual)

Identify 3 symptoms of withdrawal from


- Nausea and vomiting

- Cramps and diarrhea

- Sweating and chills

- loss of appetite

- anxiety and panic

- Flu-like symptoms

Identify symptoms of Withdrawal from Stimulants

- Depression

- Agitation

- Irritability

- Disorientation

- Apathy

- Long Period of sleep followed by insomnia

- lethargy

Methylenedioxyprovalerone (MDPV)

- Bath Salts

Symptoms include:

- increased alertness and awareness

- increased wakefulness and arousal

-increase in energy

-mental stimulation

Synthetic Marijuana

- Spice

- K-2

- Became popular for its strong hallucinogen effects

-Advertised as legal marijuana