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55 Cards in this Set

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distorted capacity to process information,catatonic or disorganized behavior and aggression or violance
a chronic deblitating mental desorder
symptoms of sch
posative,negative and cognitive
+ve symptoms commonly occur at
acute phase of the disease
+ve symptoms include
delusion, paranoid,hallucinations(often sound) aggressive
-ve symptoms include
withdrawal fom social contact, anhedonia(an in ability to expirance pain)
deficite in cognutive(attention & memory) function lid to
self punshimet ,leading to suicide atempt
which of the symptoms is more chronic & less responsive to antipsychotic drugs
-ve symptoms
env't cause is caused by ...... virus
schi apears as malfunction of which neuronal circut
mesolimbic & mesocortics
changes in mesolimbic path way
+ve symptoms
changes in mesocortex
-ve and cognitive symptoms
the main NT involved in sch
dopamine and glutamate but 5HT,NE may also involved
theories of etiology of psychosis
dopamine theory and glutamate
effective for +ve symptoms in dopa theory is blocking ..... in ..... pathway
D2 in mesolimbic pathway
increased dopa resptor is a sign of
flaws of dopa theory
blockade of dopa rs isn't fully successful treatment
NMDA antatgonist produce much more sch
atypical antipshc have much less effect on D2
NMDA reseptor antagonist
dopa theory fall to explain
-ve symptoms
negative and cognative dysfunction
result from a decrease in the mesocortical dopamergic pathway were D1 dominate
psychosis occur due to hyper or hypo activity of what receptors and pathways
D2 mesolimbic & D1 mesocortex
glutamate theory
NMDA recaptor in both mesocortex and mesolimbic pathway cause both the +ve and - symptoms
NMDA's non competitive inhibtors
5HT reseptors are abundent in ----- pathway
and used to expaline the .......symptome
classification of antipsychotic
first-generation/atypical/convential & atypical/newer drugs
FGA include
phenothiazines(chlorpromazine), thioxanthines,butyrophenons
SGA include
differance b/n typical and atypical
incedence of EPS -------- less in atypical
efficacy against -ve symptoms ....... SGA better
whT have greater effecancy for resistance pts
clinical symptoms of chlorpromazine
asscoitiated with D2 blockade and 70% & 80% hyperprolactiemia and EPS
have anti(cholinergic ,adrenergic and histamine) effecct
involutary mov't arising from the EPS effect is common in
block D2 less tightly and greater affinity for 5HT1a rec
no significant effect on histamine ,cholinergic and adrenergic receptor
SGA and FGA are similar in efficacy execpt
clonzapine (used in resistant pts)
antipsycothic work to reduce
halucination and delusion,spontaneous physical mov't
EPS are manifested as
parkinson like symptoms,acute dystonias,akathisia and tardive dyskinasi(abnormal mov't of toung)
EPS's parki like symptoms can be treated by
anticholinargic, antiparkinsonan & amantadine
parkinson like and acute dystonia
occur commonly in the 1st week and decline with time and reversable on stoping of drug
blocking of dopamine receptors in nigrostriatal cause
tardive dyskinesia
antisychothic drugs have
atropine like effect (anti muscarinc)
in the pancrease the have the effect of
block D2 r and incr prolactine
used to treat intractable hiccups
adver E
weight gain,drownisses and sedation,atropine like effect(inc IOP,dry mouth and eye,constipation and urinary retantion
all antipsychosis may lower the thrashold of ..
contradiction with seizure disorders
chlorpromazine and clonzapine
anti psychotic malignant syndrome
muscle rigidity,rapid inc in temp and mental confusion
anti psychotic malignant syndrome death occur by
renal failure and cv failure
anti psychotic malignant syndrome treatment
dentrolene or bromocriptine and also amantadine
leukopenia and agranulocyte is related to
jaundice occur in
all anti psychotic drugs are use full against
+ve symptoms
SGA/FGA which is more efective against -ve symptoms
mode of therapy is
treal and error