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24 Cards in this Set

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Alzeimers Disease
Acetylcholine; loss of cholinergic neurons
Schizophrenia, Prakinsons disease
schizophrenia- too much dopamine
Parkinsons; too little dopamin in the nirgrotiatal tract
Depression, Bipolar disorder
NE, EN, serotonin
Serotonergic system
-neurons originate: raphe nuclei to protect limbic system and c. cortex
-maintains sleep wake cycle
*increased seratonin=schizophrenia*
Noradrenegic System
-neurons orginae: locus ceruleus to protect limbic system
-maintains emotional ton
-increased noradrenergic activity=mania in bipolar disorder
Seratonin syndrome (SES)
increased levels of serotonin
-confusion, anxiety, restlessness, hypertension, tremors, sweating, hyperpyrexia, and ataxia
-caused by co-admin
SSRIs + Lithium
SSRIs + St. John’s Wart
MDMA (ecstasy)
Why the disparity between pharmacological effect and onset of therapeutic response?
-The cascade is responsible for the lag in the therapeutic effect
in order for someone to be manic they have to have symtoms for...
-1 weeks
Grandiose ideas, inflated self-esteem
Reduced need for sleep
Constant talking & movement
Racing thoughts
Distractibility or agitation
Impulsiveness, attention seeking, dangerous behaviours
-Effective for the treatment of mania and reducing the frequency and magnitude of mood changes
-take at bedtime
Inhibits the synthesis of PIP, thereby decreasing the generation of IP3 and DAG
Nigrostriatal tract substantia nigra striatum)
substantia nigra --> striatum
Mesolimbic tract
VTA--> limbic system, schizophrenia, prefrontal cortex-who you are
Tuberoinfundibular tract
hypothalamus--> pituitary; thirst, hunger, satiety
Involved in motor control, reward, and motivation
+ve symptoms
over exaggerated behaviour (ie. delusions, insomnia, paranoia, behavioural disturbances)
-ve symptoms
inhibition, less than would be the norm. response; (ie. social withdrawal, poor hygiene, anhedonia)
Antipsychotic Drugs (neuroleptic drugs)
-all dopamine D2 receptor antagonists
-Some also exhibit affinity for serotonin receptors (agonist 5HT1A & antagonist 5HT2A activity)
MECH: block D2 receptors in mesolimbic + mesocortical + nigrostriatal tracts
*pure DA agonist*
EFFECTS: treats +ve symptoms of schizophrenia
A.E: -acutre dystonia, parkinsonism, akathisia, tardive dyskinesia
MECH: -potent D2 and 5HT2A antagonist, 5HT1A agonist
EFFECT: -treats positive (D-hallucinations + delusions) + negative symptoms (SE-blunted affect, anhedonia)
Clozapine (Atypical)
MECH: Potent D2 and 5HT2A antagonist
EFFECT: Few anti-cholinergic effects - preferable in the treatment of psychosis and agitation in dementia
A.E: blurred vision, dry mouth, constipation, urinary retention
MECH: Weak D2 antagonist, potent 5HT2A antagonist
*Potent cholinergic antagonist
A.E Sedation, weight gain, hyperglycemia
MECH: Levodopa (L-dopa) converted to dopamine by dopamine decarboxylase
EFFECTS: increases DA in CNS
A.E: nausea, vomiting, cardiac arrhythmias and orthostatic hypotension
Prevents the conversion of L-dopa into DA
-can not pass blood brain barrier
Anticholinergic Drugs
MECH: block muscarininc receptors
EFFECT: revers EPS caused by anti psychotic drugs
AE: Dry mouth, blurred vision, tachycardia, urinary retention and constipation
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors
GOAL: improve activities of daily living, behaviour and cognition
-used in early stages of alzeimers when Ach neurons are still present & functioning
EFFECTS: Parasympathomimetic effects