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120 Cards in this Set

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3 types of secretory cells the aline portions of the stomach
chief cells, parietal cells, and mucous cells
chief cells
secrete pepsinogen-a pre form of pepsin, digestive enzyme for protein
parietal cells
secrete hydrochloric acid-begins digestion of protein by changing pepsinogen to pepsin
mucous cells
secrete mucous to coat the stomach wall, protective function
gastroesophageal reflux disease..GERD
indegestion...symptoms...lump in throat, burning, bloating, belching, regurgitation, heartburn(chest pain)
causes of GERD
weakened lower esophageal or cardiac sphincter, delayed gastric emptying, hiatel hernia, obesity, overeating, tight clothes, excessive acid secretion
causes of over producrion of acid secretion
smoking, alcohol, carbonated beverages, coffee and spicy foods
Peptic ulcer disease PUD
imbalance between body's natural defenses and stomach acid. occur commonly in the duodenum but can occur gastric or esophageal
PUD symptoms
burning, gnawing, or aching pain, bloating, N/V, and anorexia..Pain usually present when stomach is emptying and is relieved by food or antacids.
May lead to bleeding or hemorrhage
causes of PUD
over secretion of acid or under secretion of mucous, injury to the mucosal barrier and infection to the mucosal wall by bacteria (Helicbacter pylori) H pylori...
The bacteria lives below the mucosal barrier so can survive the acid PH for years..can eat through the stomach...blodd test for H. Pylori
risk factors for PUD
1.genetic, blood type O
3.smoking-increases acid production, alters blood flow in the stomach wall and retards postaglandins synthesis
4. NSAIDS, ASA, glucocorticoids inhibit prostaglandin synthesis and irriatate the stomach wall
5. food and alcohol, caffeine
6. infection with H. Pylori
Treatment for GERD
weight loss, avoid acidic foods, stop smoking, avoid alcohol,eat amaller meals, do not eat within 2 hours of bedtime, sleep with head elevated, avoid tight clothes-at the waist
Treatment for PUD
is simiallarly to Gerd treatment.
If patient is on NSAID's consider switching to another drug
Pharmacologic treatment:Gerd and PUD
1. antacids to neutralize
2. coating agents to protect
3. H2 antagonists to reduce acid production
4. gastric acid pump inhibitors block and thus reduce acid production
5. prokinetic agents to increase LES tone, increase peristalsis and emptying stomach
6. antispasmodic agents(anticholinergic) to reduce production of sliva, HCl, pepsin, bile, enzymes and to decrease GI motility and secretions.
lower acisdity of gastric secretions..raise PH higher
does not reduce acid production
common uses of antacids
heartburn, excessive eating and drinking and PUD
antacids contain
aluminum, magnesium or calcium
antacids somtimes contain?
simethicone(antiflatulent to treat gas(flatus)
how long should you use antacids?
no more than 2 weeks, because further treatment may be needed
when should low sodium antacids be used?
Pt. with edema, CHF, HTN, renal failure, pregancy or salt restreicted diets
low sodium antacids
Riopan, Maalox and Mylanta
calcium and aluminum in antacids cause what? Name one..
constipation, TUMS
which antacids contain both magnesium and aluminum?
Maalox and Mylanta
magnisium in antacids cause what? name one product?
Diarrhea, Phillips MOM
antacid Pepcid complete contains what?
calcium carbonate, magnesium hydroxide and famotidine(H2 receptor blocker)
patients with renal failure should not use large quanities of what?
antacids containing magnesium
antacids may influence the absorption of certain meds
tetracycline, iron, lanoxin, cipro
simethicone is what?
antiflatulent...Available as:
Gas X
endings for Histamine H2 receptor blocker
" tidine"
H2 receptor blockers do what?
act by blocking H2 receptors( on parietal cells that produce gastric acid)
PH rises-acid production reduced
H2 receptor blocker Meds?
4 available
what H2 receptor blocker is seen used in Hosptials
IV continuous 11 mg an hour
which H2 receptor blocker shouldnt be taken with food-all other have to be...
H2 receptor blockers may cause?
dizziness, HA, diarrhea or constipation
what H2 receptor blocker may cause gynecomastia and breast sorness?
what should not be used with H2 receptor blocker at the same time?
What does GI prostaglandin meds do?
repalce prostaglandins for patients on prostagladin inhibitors.
GI prostaglandin inhibitors patients use on a daily basis?
ASA, NSAID's, or glucocorticoids
what do prostaglandins do in the stomach?
work to inhibit gastric acid and pepsin secretion to protect the stomach and duodenal lining, Also increase mucus secretion for protection
GI prostaglandin are contraindicated for who and why?
Pregnancy due to it induces uterine contractions.
Now used for inducing Labor
names of GI prostaglandin Meds?
Cytotec (misoPROSTol)
a combination drug-GI prostaglandind
NSAID + GI Prostaglandin
Proton Pump inhibitor PPI or Gastric Acid Pump Inhibitors GAPI
the ending?
names of PPI or GAPI Meds
trade names
Prevacid, Prilosec, Protonix, Nexium, Aciphex
what does PPI or GAPI meds do?
reduce production of gastric acid by blocking the enzyme responsible for secreting HYDROCHLORIC ACID in the stomach
The PPI's reduce acid to a greater extent and have longer duration than do what meds?
H2 receptor blockers
How many days will it take PPI or GAPI to relieve pain?
Several days of therapy before they gain relief of pain.
Lenght of treatment of PPI's or GAPI's
4 weeks of treatment and can be on for months
side effects are uncommon with PPI's or GAPI but may include?
HA, Abdominal pain, N/V/D
Which PPI or GAPI med is opened and sprinkled in apple juice and then fluched with apple juice in a G-Tube
Do not crush unless following specific manufacturers instructions. Can open capsule and sprinkle on food. For G-Tube, can open capsule and mix with 40 ml of apple juice and flush with apple juice after administration_ PREVACID
Average PH level in stomach
Coating agents?
what does Carafate a coating agent, do?
forms a complex(a sugar + antacid) that adheres to an ulcer, protecting the ulcerated lining from acid, enzymes
does coating agent (Carafate)inhibit gastric acids secretions?
NO. they just protect from
how to take Carafate-coating agent?
take on EMPTY STOMACH and before meals@least 30 minutes before.
4 times a day
Prokinetic agent-
(kine) in prokinetic agent means what?
Prokinetic agents do what?
stimulates GI motility by stimulating cholinergic nerve fibers
Prokinetic agent-REGLAN is used to treat what?
GERD, used as an antiemetic, to aid in small bowel intubatoin to stimulate gastric and intestinal emptying of barium.
what does prokinetic agents block?
Dopamine and Sertonin, so can cause extrapyramidal symptoms and depression
what are extrapyramidal symptoms cause by prokinetic agents?
restlessness, facial grimacing, oculogyric crisis, torticollis, rhytmic tongue protrusion
what are the symptoms of extrpyramidal S/E trated with
Anti spasmic agents
Atropine(atropine sulfate)
Antispasmatic agents have what effects?
anticholinergic effects!
anticholinergic effects ARE?
reduced secretions, mydriasis, blurred vision, constipation, urinary retention
What are Antispasmatic agents used for?
Irriable bowel syndrome IBS
biliary spasm
mild ulcerative colitis
infant colit
PUD peptic ulcer disease
What is it?
combination pack for PUD
contains Prevacid, amoxicillin and clarithromycin
Prevpac is used also for?
H.Pylori infection can remain active for life if not treated.
H. Pylori is treated how?
2 or more antibiotics are used together to increase effectiveness of therapy. Theray continues for 7-14 days. some other antibiotics used (amoxil, biaxin, flagyl, tetracycline, etc)
what is constipation?
the infrequent, incomplete or painful elimination of feces
what is diarrhea?
the frequent, forceful passage of watery stools
is diarrhea a symptom or a disease?
Non-pharmacologic treatment for constipation?
water(fluida), excersixe and fiber
when do you not give a patient laxatives?
Pt. w/abdominal pain, fever, N/V, prexisting conditions, laxative abusers,. Advice not to over use because bowels will loss tone.
why laxatives are used?
cleansing prior to diagnostice procedures and surgery.
when are stool softeners used?
after MI, eye surgery or other surgery where streaining would be contraindicated
Laxatives do what?
promote emptying the bowels and cleansing(cathartics)implies stronger effect
What are stimulant laxatives?
work by IRRITATION of the intestines to increase peristalsis.
name stimulant laxatives?
Peri-colace(laxative and stool softener)
Waht are Saline laxatives?
are HYPOTONIC and draw water INTO the intestines.
how soon do Saline laxatives work and what are they used for?
within 1-3 hours and often used for bowel preps for surgery and endoscopy
name saline laxatives?
Colyte, Golytely, Mag Citrate, Fleets phospho-soda-fast acting
colyte-golytely-saline laxitive are OTC or prescription?
prescription and come in Gallon
Lubricant Laxatives?
Minerl oil
what do lubricant laxatives do?
lubricate and soften stool
how fast do lubricant laxatives work?
Slow acting
inhibit absoprtion of fat soluble vitamins ADEK
this is why long term use is not adviced!
Pt.'s using lubricant laxatives should watch for what and why?
absorbs fat souluble vit. ADEK and K is invilved in preventing bleeding...so bleeding should be watched...if aspirated will cause lipid pneumonia
what does bulk producing laxative do?
absorb water, thus adding size to fecal mass.
bulk producing is considered the safest why?
not strong, no side effects, no lose of tone..it is a prophylactic..choice for chronic constipation
bulf laxatives and how to take?
give with full galss of water or juice to prevent obstruction of the GI tract
how does bulk laxative work?
retains water in stool, increasing its bulk which stimulates peristalsis
Fecal Softeners(stool softeners)
Surfak(docusate calcium)
Colace(docusate sodium)
how do stool softeners work?
draws water into stools to soften. DOES NOT STIMULATE peristalsis and reguire 3 days for maximum effect
stool softeners are used how?
prophylactically to prevent constipation or straining...recovering MI patients, eye surgery, abdominal surgery patients...etc.
miscillaneous GI agents for constipation.
chloride channel activator to increase fluid secretion in the intestine. Treats chronic constipation and IBS in women
need a prescription
miscillaneous GI agents for constipation.
Relistor(methylnaltrexone) NEW
for opioid induced constipation.
how does Relistor work?
Blocks opioid from affecting the GI peristasis
Need a prescription
antidirrheals-most effective
opioids are most effective drugs for controlling severe diarrhea because of their rapid onset and effectiveness.. Doses used for diarrhea, do not produce dependence or serious side effects like respiratory depression, but can be abused
prolong diarrhea may lead to what?
acid-base or electrolyte imbalnce
diarrhea is not a disease but a symptom of?
infection, effect of med's, inflammatory bowel disease, etc
local acting-anti-diarrheals
absorb excess water and irritants or bacteria that are causing the diarrhea
local acting-anti-diarrheals
Systemic anti-diarrheals do?
act thru the ANS to reduce peristalsis and motility of the GI tract.
Systemic anti-diarrheals
Lomotil(diphenoxylate with atropine) controled drug
Lotomil contains?
a substance similar to Demerol and has a potential for abuse. Will be in narcotic Cabinet. Contains Atropine also, both to dimish abouse and to bring in anti-cholinergic affects on peristalsis
Which diarrhea medicine should be chosen if it is caused by bacteria, contaminents or irritants?
Local acting-Pepto Bismal or Kaopectate first, then go to the Lommoudium or Lotomil
Intestinal flora modifiers?
help to correct the altered GI Flora. where the normal flora has been destroyed..recolonizes the GI tract
Lactinex-how it work?
where the normal flora has been destroyed..recolizes the GI tract.
granules you sprinkle on food
Intestinal flora modifiers
Lactinex- prescription
OTC-acidophilus, yogurt, and buttermilk
uncomfortable, subjective sensation of absominal discomfort associated with desire to vomit and sometimes accompanied by dizziness
serotonin antagonist
"setron" ending
Zofran serotonin antagonist used when?
chemo radiation and post op-anesthisa
long term use could cause depression
Dopamine antagonists anti-emetic
"azine" endings
anti-phcotic drugs.
anticholinergic agents
actually antihistamines
Antivert(think of dizzy-vertigo)
anticholinergic agents
actually antihistamines
side effects?
Sedation and anti-SLUDD
not usually effective w/ chemotherapy
Vistaril is given how as anti metic?
Deep IM -1 1/2"., 22 gauge needle
can cause absess if not into tissue
Corticosteroids or glucocorticoids endinds?
lone, sone
benzodiazipine -endings? and what they do
Lam, Pam
Sedation, reduce anxiety, amnesic
a man made form of cannabis
habit forming
*care w/ taking other CNS drugs
*approved only for patients w/cancer
a man made form of cannabis
altered mental status