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29 Cards in this Set

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Are the Patterns of illegal drug use the same to the patterns of legal drug use?

Yes, they are the same. Only one exception. Legal drug use is greater in Rural areas. Illegal drug use is greater in Metropolitan areas.

Are males or females more likely to smoke? How has the magnitude of smoking among males and females changed overtime?

Males have always smoked more;

The magnitude has declined/shrunk.

Since1965. Aged 18 and older study showed

1965: Males = 49% Females = 29%

Today: Males = 21.5% Females = 15.1%

Who drinks more males or females? Socially and binge type?

Males 62.9% (females 49.8%) for both socially and binge type. Heavy drinking is 2 or 3 times greater than females.

Who uses legal drugs more? Magnitude of difference depends on __ (compare smoking with binge drinking) and __ (as males and females age, the magnitude of differences increase).


type and age;

Males are more likely to use muscle building drugs than females. __% of school males who use steroids are not involved in sports. Why?


To conform to the way males are supposed to look like in society.

___ used to be dominated by males but now women in more recent years. Higher in tranquilizers and sedatives.

Prescription drugs

Why might males smoke more, especially in the 1960s.

Males are socialized to be more risky and independent.

Marketing. Industry aims at males specifically showing smoking as a masochismo activity.

What race is most likely to consume alcohol and use tobacco products during both adolescence and early adulthood?

Native Americans.

When it comes to legal substances, __ have one of the higher rates in adolescence 12-17 with alcohol (14.9%) while __ have one of the lowest (10.8%). __ have twice as likely to have alcohol in adolescence, but in adulthood, the gap decreases between them in consuming alcohol. Similar in tobacco. They are highest along with Natives.

Caucasians; African Americans;


How do we explain why alcohol consumption peaks in the mid-twenties for whites and 40s and 50s for blacks?

Hyperavailability. Because they live in disorganized neighborhoods, African Americans witness the negative consequences of drinking. Also, because they tend to live in these neighborhoods with violence, death, etc. parents try to protect them more & are more sensitive when talking to the evils of drugs.

The reason it peaks in higher ages is the effects of marketing influence them. Living in disorganized community with high availability (easy access) from advertising makes them want the stuff.

Blacks with low Income ($15,000 or less) report being __ times more likely to have drinking problems compared to Whites. Why?

3-4 times; Suffer more from strain and perceived discrimination.

___ experience similar risk factors to Blacks, which increases their risk of usage. Likely to live in areas with high levels of exposure/marketing Likely to have relatively lower Social economic status (SES). Likely to experience strain from discrimination. Experience fewer problems from drinking than do Blacks. What do I mean by this and why?


Alcohol does not seem to affect Hispanic people's jobs or marriages.

Might be because of acculturation. There is evidence because U.S. born Hispanics have a higher number of alcohol consumption in past month and in binge-ing than Hispanics not born in the U.S.

Hispanic ethnicity is also a factor in explaining alcohol use. Alcohol use greatest among __. Alcohol use least among ___.

Cubans; Puerto Ricans

How do we explain the high rates of alcohol consumption among Native Americans?

They have social & economic disadvantage.

- They are isolated on tracts of land.

- Huge unemployment in general, but even higher in reservations.

- Cope with strain by using drugs.

- Effects of colonialism have frustrated the people & can make them aggressive (maybe not alcohol making them aggressive)

Some say Natives are predisposed to alcohol because of the ___. Results in variant of alcohol dehydrogenases (ADH) (enzyme that produces ___ which breaks down alcohol) known as ___. The interference of this metabolite leads Natives to consume large amounts of alcohol & be aggressive. No empirical support for this theory. BUT, Theory supported by genetic twin studies somewhat because there appears to be a link between alcohol & genes.

"Firewater Gene";

Acetaldehyde; ADH1B

What can we say about the drinking habits of Pacific Islanders when considered in isolation from other Asians?

Pacific Islanders display high alcohol usage levels similar to Native Americans especially heavy/binge use. Probably because effected by colonialism.

Asians exhibit lowest usage levels for legal drugs (both adolescents & adults) except for the use of ___. Why?


1. Youth place high emphasis on family (aren't hanging out with peers as much which are known to influence greatly).

2. Youth place emphasis on scholastics.

3. Parents are disproportionately in professional/managerial occupations. (graduate degrees/professional degrees)

Recent Asian Immigrants from __ Asia report much higher rates of binge and heavy alcohol use. Why?


1. Increased Availability: Ex. In Bangladesh, alcohol is made at home, but now they see it on shelves of store so easily available & go crazy.

2. Belief in Therapeutic properties (ex. Snake wine)

Asians who immigrated long ago like __ report rates of alcohol use similar to whites. Why?


Acculturation. U.S. highly Pro-drug than other places. Influenced by U.S. society.

Are children from lower class families more or less likely to report binge drinking and being drunk than children from the middle and upper class? What about tobacco and steroids?

Children from lower class families are less likely. Adolescence from lower and working class are more likely to use tobacco & steroids (probably because higher educated people know more about the dangers of tobacco).

Are those attending college more likely to report abusing alcohol than those not attending college? How do explain these differences?

More likely.(18-22years of age) (17.6% compared to 13.4%).

1. Party subculture: Greek system fraternities & sororities encourage alcohol. Athletic events saturated with alcohol in the area increase likelihood.

2. Hyperavailability: Many businesses spring up near universities. Build many models advertising and cheap drinks to attract college students with alcohol.

Exception is ___ less likely to abuse alcohol than those with some college or less(4.4% compared to 6.5%). Why?

College graduates;

They receive their degree and enter the work force. Extended hours, on-call, more responsibility.

Legal Drug Usage rates ___ in Rural areas among adolescents than that found in Metropolitan areas. Why?


Less Availability of Illicit drugs. (Nature theory, people can't get hold of illegal ones, they will get legal ones)

Perception of limited recreational opportunities. (LA you can have more legitimate activities like concerts, new movie, but rural areas got nothing).

Legal drug use similar to age trends in illicit drug use. Highest during ___.

Adolescence & early adulthood.

Alcohol Use Highest between __. Why? Use tapers off more ___ than illicit drugs. Nearly __% of those age 21-25 report Binge Drinking & nearly __% report Binge drinking by age 50.

21-25; Alcohol becomes easier to obtain so they can drop other drugs.

slowly (illicit drugs dropped off pretty quickly);

50%; 25%;

___ use is greatest among 8th graders (7.9%) & decreases as other psychoactive drugs become more available by 12th grade. Why do 8th graders use this?

Huffing/Inhalants (gasoline, whip cream, computer cleaner);

Easy access & because they think it is safe (Not true, they can lead to brain & liver damage & can even kill people with one use)

Why are prescription drugs being misused at a greater frequency among adolescents? Prescription drugs (Vicodin, OxyContin, Ritalin, Adderall, cough syrup) are outweighing all the other illegal substance (other than marijuana) combined.

1. Perception that they are somehow safer than street drugs.

2. Easy access.

3. Pharm parties

What are pharm parties?

Teens come together & go through parent's medicine cabinet, grab their prescriptions, take to a party, & put all their prescriptions in a bowl, mix it & will pass it around each person taking a handful and not knowing what they have.

The ___ population refers to those 60 years and older. There is a resurgence of drug use during this time. __% are addicted to psychoactive drugs particularly alcohol & pharmaceuticals. __ times more likely to be prescribed psychoactive drugs. Regular doses schedule attributes to addiction. __ are problem drinkers. Why?

Geriatric; 17%; 2-3 times;


Less responsibility, children gone, retired, traumatic events like death of spouse.