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163 Cards in this Set

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How is histamine formed
through the decarboxylation of histidine
Where is histamine stored
as an ionic complex with heparin in mast cell grandules in high concentration
What is the gerneral sturcutre of Histamine H1 antagoinsts
2 aromatic rings, linked though a short chain to a tertiary amine
What is basic sturcture of ethanolamine, and 1st name
2 aromatic rings attached to a carbon an either oxygen atom--Diphendyramine
What results in a 2-fold increase of potency
Para halogenation
What does para halogenation induce in an ethanolamine
chiral carbon atom, reduces the effective dose and anticholinergic side effects
What is the basic structure of ethylenediamines
2 aromatic groups attached to a nitrogen, and short chain attached to another nitrogen
Does all antihistaminic activity reside in one enantiomer
What is general structure of propylamine
Two aromatic rings attached to a proply and amine
What is the generaly sturcutre of a H1 antagoinst piperazine
2 aromatic rings attached to a carbon that is attached to a piperazine
What are requirements for activity of pehnothazine antihistamine
branched 3 carbon chain, makes chiral carbon-entanioselecitve makes it have antihisamintic activity
What is an example of a phenothzaine
What is an example of a piperazine
What are main classes of hismtaine H1 antagoinsts
Enaolamine, etyhlenediamines, proplamines, piperazines, and phenothiazines
Terfenadine bulit to toxic levels when administered with
miconozole b/c both metabolized by CYP 3A4
What are H2 antihistamine used in the treatment of
gastirc ulcers, and GERY, decrease secretion of gastric acid
What are H1 antihistamine used in the treatment of
allergic responses
Where does the secretion of gastric acid occur
at the level of the paritel cell, dependent on ATPase pump
What does tautermization do the histamine H2 receptor
tautomerization moves a protom from the donor to acceptor site on TM5--ONCE tautomer occurs, NO longer affinity for receptor
Cimetidine an H2 antagoinst what are the sturctural requirements
Imidzole ring substituted with CH3, a 4 atom side chain with a sulfur, and guanidine
What is benefits of Cimetideine having Nitrile on guanidine
Nitilre decreases basicity, making cimeditine neurtral, and unable to under tautomerization and be inactive
Cimeditidein binds weakest of all H2--
Omprerazole does what
irrversbily inhbits gastic proton pump
Does omeprazole require a low ph to work
YES--acid triggers ompemprazoles rearrangment,
Steps of omeprazole
Absorped in stomach enters ciruclation, paritions in cytosol, in stomach acid rearragnes and more sulfonamide and dissulifide linakages
What does Antithrombin III do normally in cells
Binds to thrombin and Xa inactivates it, and prevents clotting
What does Thrombin+ Antithrombin III + Heparin
Heprain binds to Antithrombin III causing a confromational change which RAPIDLY interacts with thrombin and Xa and prevents from clotting
Must heparin have a high moecular weight to activate antithrombin
Herparin is synthetzied in the liver, and is a polyemr of
glucosamine and glucuronic acid-sulfated at many sites
What are charactrictics of Herparin
a poly-anion always ionized, is water soluble and not orally absrobed (IV or IM)
Heparin usually exists as
a pentasaccharide complex that binds to AT III
Are-low moecular weight haprains more selective
What does Fonadparinux do
mimics the required pentasaccharid for AT-III activation
What makes heparin poorly bioavailable
High MW and ionic changes, and the instability of polysaccarides in gut
What can increases the stability of a polysaccaride as seen in Fondaparinux
terminal methyl acetal increases sugar stability
Beta linkages are alwasy
What are oral anticoagulants
warfarin, and idanediones
What do Clotting facts 2, 8,9,10 require to be functionally active
post-translational modification of glutamic acid...which undergoes carboxylation to be functionally active
The post-translation carboxylation of clotting factors is
Vitamine K Dependent
Vitamin K-is a napthoquinione capable of
redox reactions via election acceptace and elecrong donation
How is glutamic acid residues undero carboxylation
REDUCED Vitamin K, that b/c oxidzied vitamin K epoxide
What does Warfarin inhibts
inhibts that reduction of vitamin K epoxide, adn oxidized Vit K+
Warfarin is a
coumarin derivates specially 4-hydroxycoumarin
What are coumarin derivaties
water-insoluble lactones
What makes warfarin water soluble
4 hydoxy--must be there helps with solubility
Warfarin is marketed as a racemate, however with is the active enantiomer
S (warfarin)
Does Warfarin form a sodium salt
What is the R enantiomer of warfarin less active
it is metabolized by many enzymes
What makes warfarin so acidic
due to resonance stabilization of at C-3
Inadanediones work like
warfarin, but are seldom used due to toxciity
Is prontosil is reduced to
sulfanilamide--THE ACTIVE drug, by hepatic reduction
Sulfonamides also function as
anti-metabolites in susceptible orgainsm
What do sulfonamides do
compete with para-aminobenzoic acid in the biosynthesis of THF
Which bacterica are not suspcetible
bacteria that can utilize pre-formed THF
Where do bacteria get folic acid
What is pka of most sulonamides
pka between 6-8
What makes sulfonamides weakly acidic
the strong withdrawing group SO2
Because of large dose and limitied solubility of the unioniezed drug some sulfonamides can
crystallize unless adequte fluid is maintained
Sulfonamides are metabolized by
N-4 acetylation
Active sulfonamides must maintain
electronic similarity to para-aminobenzoic acid
What are structure-activity relationships of sulfonamide to be active
Amino group must be para
No subsitution of beneze ring
Other aromatic rings DO not work
Modification of N4 decreases activity
What is only poritoin of sulfonamide that can be varied with sucess
N1 subsitients
What is the pka of Sufisoxazole
Pka 5- has a negative charge at ph 7.4
How are sulfonamides inactivated
N4 acetylation
How do you make sulfisoxazole a water soluble tasetless pediartic suspension
add an acetyl to N1
N1 acetylation does what
makes pediatric soultion
Is adeuqate fluid intake required for sulfamethoxazole
What is a topical for burns of sulfisoxazole
Silver sulfadizine
What is solution for the eyes with a perfect pH of 7.4
Some sulfonamides are chemically incompatibile with
urinary disinfectant madelamine
What does sulfonamides are chemically incompatible with mandelamine and form
insoluble products upon reaction with formadelhyde and ammonia
What do PBP's control
cell shape as cells divide, inhibition can be fatal
Penicilin is a sturtural analog of
D-Alanaine, D-Alanie resuide of peptidogltcan
What do pencillins do
the reactive beta-lactam alkylates the PBP and is NOT REVERSIBLE
Penicillins are derivates of
6-aminopenicllanic acid
What makes B-lactam reactive
b/c of ring strain and NO amide resonance
Penicllins be be rapidly inactivated by
B-lactamasases and by exposure to an acid environment
How are natual penicllin made
by fermenatation
Semi-synthetic pencillina are made by
amidation of fermentation dervied 6-aminopenicllanic acid with an acid chloride
Pen-G is too actid senstive for oral administration unless
compounded with an excess of K+ carbonate for local buffering
Sustained release preparation of Pen-G are derived from the water-INSOLUBLE salts
Procaine and Benzathine Pencillin G
How are Pen-G + Procaine and Pen-G adn Benzathine administered
How would you make an acid-resistant pencillin G
an oxygen or nitrogen at the benzyl position of pencillin G---ampicillin or Pen V
How would you make a lactamase-resistant pencillin
Shorteing side and adding ortho-methoxy substituents
How would you make an acid resistant and lactamase-ressiatnt agents
shorten side chain, make naphelen ring, and 1 ortho methoxt
What is a competiive lactamse inhibitior
clavulinic acid
What is clavulinic acid added to
How do lactam anitbiotics attack gram-negative
lactam enter the cell through PORIN channel
The drugs that enter the porin channel of gram-negative mimic
compounds which the organism normally transports into the cell
How can you make a broad-spectrum anitbiotic orally bioavailable (carbenicllin)
conversion to an indanyl ester
Ampicillin and Amoxycillin have a brader spectrum of activity
What does ampicillin form that makes absorption irractic
How would you improve the oral abosoprtion of ampicllin
by adding an OH to para position of aromatic ring
Oral bioavailbity of carbenicllin is improved by
conversion COOH to indanyl ester
Oral bioavialbility of ampicllin can be imporved by
Adding OH-amoxyxillin
or carboxyl modifcation
What is a pro-drug of ampicllin
Becampicllin--hydrolzyed by esterases
What can improve SPECTRUM of activity of ampicillin (parental ONLY)
N-extension of ampicillin
What is generic strucuture of cephalosporins
7-aminocephalosporanic acid
The ester of cephalosporins is responsbility for its instability how is this overcome
conversion of the ester to a methyl group
What are are areas of modification of cephlosporins that are lactamase resistant
7-alpha meth-oxy
and syn methoxyimino group side chain
Is only one syn-isomer active
YES only SYN--facing large group
How is the spectrum of activity of cephalosprons increased
adding a 5-memember heterocycle
What do monobactams demonstrate
that are ring is not needed for action
What is tetracycline derived from
naphtacene (4 membered rings)
What is the number system of tetracycline
How many areas does tetracycline have of acid-base functionallity
4 areas
What are the 4 acid-base properties of tetracycline
3-0H ionized
4-dimethlyamino PROTANTED
Phenolic 10-NOT ionized
12-OH slighty ionized at ph 7.4
How many stereocenters in tretracycline
Tetracyclines are very reactive what 4 things happens
1. Epimerization of C-4
2. Basic condition to isotetracyline
3. Acidic condtions to anhyddrotetracycline
4. Chelation
Are both isotetracyline and anhydrotetracyline inactive
How can you improve chemical stability of tetracycline
removing C-6 OH
What are impromvents to C-6 OH
Adding methyl, or double bond to methyl, ketone, or nothing
What are macrolides
12-16 carbon cyclic esters and glycosidically linked sugars
What composes erythromycin
Eryhtronolide and two sugars
What happens to erythromycin in acidic environment
intramolecular hemiketal and ketal formation (inactive)
Is the ketal product hepatoxic
What are methods to improve oral bioavilablilty of Erythromycin
enteric coding
esterfication of desosamine
salt formation with desosamine
What does enteric coating do in PH of 2
water insoluble
What happens when enteric coating enters small intesting with pH 4-5
coating ionizes, coats disintegrates, and esterases
True enteric coating (not film coating) extends
the lifetime of erythromycin in gut
Where does steric acid bind on erthyromycin
desosamine dimethylamine group
What are 2 ways to improve oral bioabiality of eryhromyinc by desosamine
1. (Salt)--Steric acid
2. Propinate ester 20% absorption
3.Ethysuccinate (55%) hydrolyzed
What are 2 drug modifications of erthyromycin
Axithromycin, and clarirthomycin
What are modification to clarithromycin
conversion of 6-OH to methyl ether
What are modificaiton to make azithromycin
add a N-methyl and remove carbonyl
What effects of cardiac glycosides on the heart
have a positive intropic action on heart (contractility)
The rings of the steriod system can be joing in cis or tran ring juctions, most endogenous steriods are
all trans
What is required for Cardiac glycoside activity
1. Steriod nuclues
2. Cis A/B jun
3. Cis C/D jun
4. 3-Beta OH
5. 14-Beta OH
6. 17 Butenolide
Can other hydroxyl sustiutent be present of cardiac glycosdie acitivty
What does more hydroxl group tha than needed do
makes really powerful
Do all cardiac glycoside contain cis A/B and Cis C/D junctures
Increasing the nubmer of free OH's does what
decreases oral dose absorbed (8 carbons worst)
What is different about the ring numbering of steriods
have C-18 and C19
What are chemcial modifcation of steriods
1. Increase lipid solubility
2. Increase water solublility
3. Decreases metabolic inactivation
How do increase testosterone orally bioavailabity and make SR formulation
Add 17 alpha methyl
add ester
If you increase the lipid solubility of testorone to SR, how must you deilver it
How would you increase the lipid solubility of tramicinolone, and water solubility
a ketal acetone, or add sucinate
What is the natural glucocorticoid/anti-infammoatyr
What is the natural mineralocorticoid
How is hydrocortisone synthesized
heptatic reduction of cortisone to hydrocortisone
How do you convert cortisone to a mineral corticoid
reduce ketone make OH--hydrocortisone
What is required for anti-inflammaotry activity
1. Pregane nuclues
2. C-3 carbonyl
3. 4,-5 double bond
4. Oxygen at C-11
5. 17 dihydroxy keto
How do you make a mineral corticoid agent (aldosterone) from glucocorticoid
removed C-11 oxygen
What increases mineral corticoid activity 800-fold over cortisone
9-ALPHA Fluco
What are modification of cortisone that increase life-time of drug
methyl to C-6
What is triamcinolone
What is more potent and less toxic than cortisone
2 double bonds
How can one elminated the mineralcorticoid activity by 9-alpha-F substituent?
BY a 16 ALPHA or BETA substituent
Estradiol is rapidly degraded to what after oral adminsitration
estrone or estriol (ketone)
What makes estradiol suitable for ORAL administration
17 ALPHA-- ethinyl estradiol
Is a steriod nucleus requied for estrogen acitivty,
NO----only only cardiac glycosides and gluco and mineral corticoids
How many stereocenters does cortisol have
How does progesterone differ from testosterone
by only 2 carbons
Draw the 2 C-17 subsitent that are equivalent with respect for agoinsts activity of progesterone
What increases progesterone activity x10
19--Beta H
HOw would increase oral bioavailability of progesterone (exceptionall potenent)
Alpha ester to C-17, adding alpha 6 methyl
Testosterone is metabolized to active agent how
removal of double bond
How does one removed androgenic activity
Remove 19 methyl
Add a 17 Alpha ethyl
Is testosterone both an anabolic steriod and a testosterone
How do you make a SR testostersone
add 10 carbon ester
How do you make a orally bioavilable testosterone
add 17 alpha methyl
How do you make testosterone--with only ANABOLIC activity
add 17 ethyl subsitituent
How would you make progesterone inactive
adding a 17 alpha OH