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14 Cards in this Set

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What is a drug?
A drug is a substance that affects body or mind
Drug Abuse is...
Over-dosing on legal drugs or taking illegal ones
How are illegal drugs classified?
Class A ('hard' drugs)
Class B
Class C ('soft' drugs)
What do you get for being found with Class A, B and C?
A - Upto 7 years, a fine or both
B - Upto 5 years, a fine or both
C - Upto 1 year, a fine or caution
What do you get for supplying Class A, B and C?
Supply -
A - Life sentance, a fine or both
B - Upto 14 years, a fine or both
C - Upto 3 years, a fine or both
Why do people take drugs?
Peer pressure, addiction, enjoyment, social thing, easy to get, rebel, be part of a group, see what it's like etc.
What are general religious views on drugs?
Drugs for medical purposes are fine, you should respect the law of the country you are in - if the drug is illegal there don't take it
What are some Christian views against drugs?
The body is a temple - treat it with respect
Prayer calms the body and spirit, don't need to take drugs
Salvation Army don't take any as they help addicts and should be an example
What are some Christian views for drugs?
Wine is symbol of Jesus
Smoking/Drinking is okay in moderation
Everything was put here by God so thinks like cannabis can be used in worship (Rastafarians0
What are Muslim views?
You don't need anything as you have prayer
Alcohol is harram (forbidden)
Smoking is choice, but don't passive smoke or during the fast of Ramadan
Intoxicants are the lure of Satan
What are some examples of legal drugs?
Alcohol, Caffeine and Tobacco
How can addicts get help?
They can go to rehab centres or groups to get help and talk about their addiction with other addicts such as Alcohol Anonymous
What are the reasons that Cannabis should be moved to a Class B?
It is much stronger than it used to be, strength of 80% rather than 30%
First time users getting younger and be a gateway drug
what are the reasons that Cannabis should stay a Class C?
Dealing is still punished
Alcohol and Tabacco are used more and do more damage