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23 Cards in this Set

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Explain Defensive Driving
Cautionary driving designed to keep drivers as safe as possible with guidelines and road rules to ensure as few issues occur as possible
What is HTS?
Highwsay Transportation System
What is the purpose of HTS?
to alow people to cross great distances faster and easier
What are the parts of HTS?
the people, the vehicles, and the roads themselves
5 colors of signs and their meanings
red- stop, orange- yield, blue- interstate, yellow- caution, white- speed limit
5 shapes of signs and meanings
octagon- stop, triangle- yield, rectangle- speed limit, shield- interstate, diamond- warning
4 types of interstate intercharges
clover, trumpet, diamond, frontage
what is highway hypnosis?
drowsiness at the wheel caused by long periods of driving with no significant actions keeping you focused (ex: driving on the interstate for a long time)
What is velocitation?
when your perception of speed is off after an extended period of fast driving
what is "Natural Law"?
natural motions and resistances (inertia and gravity)
what is zero tolerance?
absolute unacceptance of underage DUIs
what is implied consent?
when you are asked to take a breathalizer test by the police and must comply no matter what
what is the law for passangers allowed in your car once you get your license?
under 18: only 1 other person in the car with you for a year, 2 after the 1st year and no limit after turning 18
what is the basic speed law?
this is when you must drive a certain speed to maintain safety for all drivers including yourself
what is the difference between a passive restraint and an active restraint
Passive- Precautionary actions (turn signals, braking, windshield wipers) active- automatic actions (airbags)
what is the force of impact?
the amount of pressure that is gathered upon crashing a car
what are the factors that affect your Blood Alcohol Concentration?
weight, time spent drinking, gender, food, alcohol content, and size of drink
why should we check our blind spots?
to ensure smaller vehicles like motorcycles are not hidden before performing an action (ex: turning)
what is the "NO ZONE"?
the blind areas that surround a truck
what documents should be in your glove box?
the owner's manual and car registration
what should NOT be in your glove box?
driver's license, or garbage
what is lane positioning?
the areas in which your car resides on a road
name 3 emergencies and the correct procedures to follow
busted tires- steer tot he side of the road and place the car in park before turning on your hazard lights
dead battery- move the car to the side of the road as quick as possible and set the orange reflective hazard triangle near the car to alert others of your problem
out of gas- look for the closest gas station and pull to the side of the raod to call for assistance