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33 Cards in this Set

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What is drill designed to teach


what is the only command in drill where you step off with the right foot from the halt?

Right step march

what are the 4 types of commands used in drill

two part commands combined commands supplementary commands mass commands

when marching on which foot is the command of execution given

on the foot in the direction of movement. for example left flank march the preparatory command and the command of execution are given as the left foot strikes the marching service

when marching after receiving the command of execution what are your actions

take one additional step and execute the movement

what are 4 rest positions used in drill

at ease stand at ease parade rest rest

what would the commander say to revoke a command

as you were

what is a rank

a rank is defined as a line one element in depth

what can you do and not do while at the position of at ease

you are not allowed to talk however you may move as long as you do not move your right foot

what is drill?

drill is specific movements and commands used to move a unit in an orderly manner

what is distance

is the space between elements when elements are one behind the other

what is alignment

alignment is the arrangement of several elements on the same line

what is cover

cover is defined as aligning yourself directly behind the person in front of you

how many steps let minute is quick time


how many steps per minute is double time


what is a drill command?

an oral order of a commander

what army field manual is the guide for drill and ceremonies

FM 3-21.5

Name four commands in which the preparatory command and the command of execution are combined

at ease fall in fall out rest

which foot is the preparatory command and the command of execution given for on rear march


what commands can be given to change the direction of March 90 degrees to the right or left?

column left column right left flank right flank left turn right turn

when required to exit a formation what are your actions?

take one 15in step back to the rear exit the nearest flank

How many counts are there in left face


what is the post of the execution officer in a line formation

two steps to the rear of the first Sergeant

what is the post of the platoon leader in a line formation

six steps in front of and centered on the platoon

what is the post of the first sergeant in a line formation

three steps to the rear of the troop and centered on the troop commander

what is the post of the platoon sergeant in a line formation

three steps to the rear of the platoon and centered on the platoon

what are your actions when given the command dress right dress

raise your left arm parallel to the ground fingers extended and joined palms facing downward position yourself until your right shoulder touches the fingertips of the person to your right at the same time turn your head and eyes to the right

what command is given to return to the position of attention from dress right dress

ready front

what are the actions of each squad when receiving the command of open ranks

1st squad takes 2 30in steps forward 2nd squad takes one 30 in step forward 3rd stands fast 4th squad takes two 15 in steps to the rear

what are the actions of each squad on the command of close ranks march

first squad takes 4 15 inch steps to the rear 2nd squad takes 2 15 inch steps to the rear 3rd stands fast 4th squad takes one 30 in step forward

what is a step and how is it measured

30 inches measured from heel to heel of the marching man

what is the distance between platoons in a line formation

5 steps

what is the distance between troops in a line formation

6 steps