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39 Cards in this Set

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Dragon Rider
What type of animal is Sorrel?

Sorrel is a brownie- she is catlike but Ben says she looks like a giant squirrel
Dragon Rider
What is a brownie's favorite food?

Mushrooms are a favorite food of brownies
Dragon Rider
Why do dragons like brownies?

Dragons like brownies because when dragons can't sleep they would listen to brownies sing, when they felt sad no one could cheer a dragon up like brownies
Dragon Rider
Who is Firedrake?

Firedrake is a silver dragon
Dragon Rider
A rat came to deliver a warning to Firedrake, what was the name of the rat and what was the rat warning Firedrake about?

The rat's name was Rosa Graytail but they usually called her "rat" she was warning Firedrake that the humans were coming.
Dragon Rider
Before Firedrake and Sorrel left on their journey, they went to visit the oldest dragon in the valley. What was the name of that dragon?

The oldest dragon in the valley was Slatebeard
Dragon Rider
Firedrake and Sorrel left on a journey. What were they looking for?

Firedrake and Sorrel were looking for the Rim of Heaven - this was supposed to be a safe place for dragons to live - safe from humans.
Dragon Rider
Where did Sorrel and Firedrake meet/find Ben?

Sorrel and Firedrake met Ben in an old abandoned factory in the city.
Dragon Rider
Before Firedrake and Sorrel left on their journey, Slatebeard warned them about what (2) things?

Slatebeard warned Firedrake and Sorrel about the eye of the moon and to beware of the Golden One.
Dragon Rider
Who were Firedrake and Sorrel going to the city to see?

Firedrake and Sorell were going to the city to see Rosa's cousin Gilbert Graytail - he could give them a map to help them locate the Rim of Heaven.
Dragon Rider
Where was Gilbert Graytail located?

Gilbert Graytail was located in the Dockland Warehouses
Dragon Rider
What made up Gilbert Graytail's desk?

Gilbert Graytail's desk was made of a book propped on two sardine cans and a coffee mug turned upsidedown for a chair.
Dragon Rider
Who were Gibert Graytail's informants?

His informants were ship rats, seagulls, and those sorts who get around.
Dragon Rider
What mountain range did Gilbert Graytail think the Rim of Heaven was located?

Gilbert thought the Rim of Heaven was located in the Himalayas - the hightest mountain range in the world.
Dragon Rider
Why does Gilbert Graytail need informants - why hasn't he travelled?

Gilbert Graytail has not travelled because he gets seasick
Dragon Rider
What conditions make a dragon melancholy (tired)?

The rain makes dragons melancholy.
Dragon Rider
What did Gilbert take from Ben as a payment for the map?

Gilbert took 2 pieces of gum as payment for the map
Dragon Rider
Gilbert said if he could have the ballpoint pen, he would give Ben and Sorrel additional information - what was that information?

For the pen, Gilbert told Ben and Sorrel to beware of the Ravens- they have been coming around asking about how to locate the Rim of Heaven
Dragon Rider
The map that Gilbert gave to Ben and Sorrel was color coded - what did the color gold mean?

The color GOLD represented recommended flight path
Dragon Rider
The map that Gilbert gave to Ben and Sorrel was color coded - what did the color green mean?

The color GREEN represented lowland country
Dragon Rider
The map that Gilbert gave to Ben and Sorrel was color coded - what did the color gold mean?

The color GOLD represented recommended flight path
Dragon Rider
The map that Gilbert gave to Ben and Sorrel was color coded - what did the color green mean?

The color GREEN represented lowland country
Dragon Rider
The map that Gilbert gave to Ben and Sorrel was color coded - what did the color brown mean?

The color BROWN represented moutains
Dragon Rider
The map that Gilbert gave to Ben and Sorrel was color coded - what did the color blue mean?

The color BLUE represented water
Dragon Rider
The map that Gilbert gave to Ben and Sorrel was color coded - what did the color red mean?

The color RED represented - avoid because humans are fighting
Dragon Rider
The map that Gilbert gave to Ben and Sorrel was color coded - what did the color grey mean?

The color GREY represented good place to rest
Dragon Rider
The map that Gilbert gave to Ben and Sorrel was color coded - what did the color yellow mean?

The color YELLOW there are strange stories of misfortune that cling to them
Dragon Rider
Who invited Ben to travel to find the Rim of Heaven?

Firedrake invited Ben to go on the journey to find the Rim of Heaven
Dragon Rider
On the first day of the journey, what did Ben eat for dinner?

Ben ate Ravioli
Dragon Rider
Why do Firedrake, Ben and Sorrel travel at night?

They travel at night because dragons get their energy/strenght from the moonlight
Dragon Rider
What is the cause of "prickling skin" on fabulous creatures?

When fabulous creatures are close to another fabulous creature their skin prickles.
Dragon Rider
Who was the first drawf to spot Ben?

Stonebeard was the first drawf to see Ben.
Dragon Rider
What was the name of the Drawf who told Nettlebrand about Firedrake?

Dragon Rider
Who was the Armor Cleaner for Nettlebrand for over 300 years

Dragon Rider
What were Nettlebrands scales made of?

Nettlebrands scales were made of a cold - hard golden metal.
Dragon Rider
Who found 2 of Nettlebrands two missing scales?

Professor Greenbloom
Dragon Rider
What did Sorrel put on the stone he used to shoot the Ravens - turned the ravens back in to what they were created from?

Brownie spit and fire from Firedrake
Dragon Rider
How did Gravelbeard escape from the dragon's cave at the Rim of Heaven?

Twigleg cut the ropes and showed him where the cave was. Twigleg was doing it as part of a plan to capture Nettlebrand.
Dragon Rider
The bottle of aromor cleaner was empited and replaced with what substance?

The cleaner was replaced with Brownie spit. Because they found that Brownie spit mixed with the fire of a dragon melted the scales of Nettlebrand.