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30 Cards in this Set

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What are the classification of toxins?
LT- heat labile
ST- heat stable
F- fimbrial
O- capsular
K- Flagellar
P- Pillus
What is the etiology of edema dz?
E. coli (O- capsular)
stress at weaning endotoxins
gut edema, bowl edema, pig Staggers
How is edema dz trasmitted?
oral, slow spread
What are the predispositioin for edema dz?
1. weaning- diet adjustmant (put on high concentrate diets)
2. immature digestive tract
3. cold temps (must be kept at 65F)
4. delayed enzyme development (causes a bulid up of undigested starches for bac to feed on)
What are the environmental condition leading to edema dz?
1. heavy feeding against high consentrates
2. recent transport
3. alter portion levels (protiens drop as animal get older)
4. change in antibiotics ( change the gut flora)
5. recent vax
What are the 2 pathogenesis of edema dz?
anaphylactic shock due to the lipopolysaccharides of the E. coli.
Endotoxic shock bc the toxins increase vascular permeability causing edema
What are the clinical signs of edema dz?
CNS signs, eyelid edema, sudden onset, short duration leading to recovery or death
what are the lesions of edema dz?
edema of the stomach, CNS, and other organs
Myocardial degeneration
congestion of the small intestines
kidney engorgement (pathognomoic)
What are the differentials for edema dz?
salt poisoning- due to water deprivation
What is the treatment for edema dz?
Use teracycline
pigs should drink 2x as much water as food
reduce feed around weaning
change back to original antibiotic
What is the etiology of colibacillosis?
E-coli type K 88, K99, 98P, F 18
seen in neonates
Baby pig scours
How in colibacillosis transmitted?
oral, umbilical cord
rapid spread
1 tbs of feces contains billion organisms and only takes 100o to cause death
What are the environment conditions that lead to colibacilosis?
large furrowing houses with close pena and travels thru drafts
seen in pigs solely raised inside
What are the clinical signs of colibacillosis?
pasty yellow diarrhea that stain perineum
dehydration, weight loss, lethargy
What lesions are seen in colibacilosis?
congestion of the small intestines
diarrhea and gas
die with food in the stomach
How do you diagnose colibacillosis?
high number of pathogens in anterior part of small intestines
truck side test
pH of colon= alk>bac and acid> virus
What is the truck side test?
pea size drop of feces in tube add reagent and watch for color change
blue= bac
orange= virus
What is the treatment for colibacillosis?
early treatment of whole litter
What are the types of vaccines for colibacillosis?
autogenous milk vaccine= isolate the antigen and inoculate in milk fed back to sows, this gives immunity to to piglets
Porcimune= hyperimmune antibodies, take an inactivated antibody and add it to milk, dose pigs orally
Porcine ecolizer ( passive immunity)= vax sows at 5 weeks before forrowing to build up Imunoglobulin
What are the managment practices for colibacillosis?
vax, sanitation, 50-70% humidity at 90F, prompt frequent suckling
What is the etiology of TGE?
Corona virus (sensitive to light)
How is TGE transmitted?
direct and indrect contact
What a are the clinical Signs of TGE?
vomit, diarrhea, hypothermia, agalactia, inappetance
dehydration, stunted growthshort incubation
What is the pathogenesis of TGE?
columnar epi lost in the jejunum mainly, shorten villi, lack of absorption leads to dehydration and metabolic acidosis
What are the lesions of TGE?
villus atrophy
curds of undigested milk in stomach due to lactase enzyme
thin transparent intestinal walls
kidney degeneration(urates, cast)
What is the epizootic (acute form) of TGE?
non- immune animals, rapid sread, V/D, run course in 2 wks
What is the enzootic (chronic form)?
presistant infection
sows are immune- provide passive immunity
expose all animals with low levels instill imunity
How do you diagnose TGE?
FA test, SN test, ELISA, PCR and CF test
tissues collected are tonsils, LN, and intestines
What is the treatment for TGE?
Antibiotics, vitamins and electrolytes
What are the vax available for TGE?
Commercial- Diamond
Autogenous - feed back method to sows