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63 Cards in this Set

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median incidence of episodes of diarrhea age 0-4
3.2 episodes
risk factors for diarrhea
lg family malnutrition
failure to receive ORT low weight for
complications length
infectious etiologies for acute diarrhea in developing area
rotaviruses 5-45%
norwalk like 1-2%
enteric adenovirus 5-10%(<4)
Enterotoxic Ecoli 7-50%
Enteropath Ecoli 4-8%
Campylobacter 2-14%
shigella 5-16
salmonella 0-15%
yersinia, vibrio, cdiff 1-6%
other parasites crypto, giardia, strongy E histolytica
what age group is at highest risk of dying from diarrhea
<1 year
which agents are biggest problem in developed and developing areas
rota major in 1st & 3rd
norwalk develped
entero > developing
parasites - depends on env niche
daycares see what organisms causing diarrhea
shigella, camp,claustridium, giardia, crypto,, rota
shigella only takes 10 organisms to infect
what are the factors affecting diarrhea in malnourished kids
lower gastric acidity dec mucosIgA
dec T cell func delayed muc recov
persistent lactose malabsorp
what old thought about malnutrition is not true
> incidence diarrhea/> complications
what are characteristics of infectious colitis
small volume, bloody stools with fecal leukocytes, fever and abdom pain
What produces inf colitis invasion
toxins = > inflammation and damage
what etiologies of infestious colitis
shigella, campylobacter, eiec, salmonella, e histolytica
diagnostic eval for infectious colitis
1 history/phys xam, assess hydrat
2 cbc diff - lt shift suggests shig
3 fecal leuko smear(false pos in BF)
4 fecal gross/occult blood testing
what is the definitive dg eval for inf colitis
stool for shigella and salmonella
macConkey, agars for yersinia
campy, (almost anaerobe) for campylo
missed often, need to grow on blood agar with abiotics for aerobes
Ecoli - toxin on sorbitol-neg
what else should you look for if colitis is prolonged or if other risk factors present?
3 O&P for E histolytica or trichuris
if pt on broad spec abiots, look for clostridium
how do you treat infectious colitis
metroidazole for Ehistolytica, cdifficile
zith for Cjejuni
Cephalasporins for shigella
talk about secretory diarrhea
large volume, watery stools, low or no fever, usually no leukocy or blod.
what causes secretory diarrhea
enterotoxins that stimulate secretions of na and Cl = water loss to balance osmotic load. V Cholera, EntoxEcoli, rota
describe osmotic diarrhea
watery due to damage of brush boarder microvilli, loss of disacch and carbo malabsorption. classically, viral agents, maybe protozoan(giardia), EPEC or EAEC(Ecolis)
what is diagnostic eval for watery diarrhea
hx/phys/fecal leuk as in inflammatory colitis.
rotavirus EIA, if at risk, Vibrio or rapid agglut/agn
how to treat watery diarrhea
1 rehydration
2 abiotics
tetra, doxy, cipro or bactim - cholera
zith, cefixime, quinolong for travelers
talk about ETEC - E coli enterotoxigenic
traveler's diarrhea
food/h2o contam w feces
heat labile toxin(LT) & ST(heat stabile)
self limiting, cipro may help
talk about EPEC AND EAEC
EPEC epidemic diarhea in newborns
O serotype
EAEC - ass with chronic diarrhea, malnutrition in dev countries - stick to brush boarder, causing malabsorption
talk about EIEC AND EHEC
EIEC - Enteroinvasive, like shigella but Ecoli - needs higher doeses.
EHEC - hemorrhagic colitis and hemolytic-uremic synd, low inoculum, shiga toxin, outbreaks form uncooked meats, apple cider, raw vegs. abiotics does not prevent prog to HUS
talk about Cdifficile
caused by overgrowth from overuse abiotics. Asymptomatic inf in infants common(50%0, <5% of healthy kids over age 2)
talk about C difficile dx and tx
two toxins(a and b)
tx - stop implicated abiotic, iv or po metronidaole
talk about C perfringens
food poisoning with watery diarrhea, fever and vomit are uncommon(distg from shigella and salmonella)
raw poultry and meat, preformed toxin, fast. tx: hydration
talk about vibrio cholerae
profuse, watery diarrhea by hi level enterotox production Group O1.
adults have lg vol loss/hypertens
how cholera transmitted
waterborne, not person-person
lg volume, rice-water stools with fishy smell, electrolyte disturb, hypoglycemia
how tx cholera
Tetra, doxy, TMP/SMX
live attenuated vacines more effect than heat killed
talk about other vibrios
V parahemolyticus -diarr from raw seafood
V vulificus wound infection, esp in saltwater or marine animals
talk about Shigella
classic invasive, kids 1-4 summer/fall
transmission:oral-fecal or food
low inoculum
food spoils
talk about Shigella findings
watery diarrhea evolving into dys
hi fever lowered seizure thresh, marked left shift, bloody diarrhear with sheets of polys.
intense inflam, but not deep penetration(bacteremia rare)
complx: reactive arthr/Reiter's syn/rectal prolapse
other types of shigella
S dysebteruae type 1 - hemolytic-uremic syndrome
all shig complications due to inflam and response(like whipworm)
Talk about Salmonella enteritis
caused by S cholerasuis, S enteritidis
Foodborne, poultry/livestock/reptiles/pets
fever and watery early/dys at later stage
what is Reiters'
arthritis, uvicitis, urethris
how does Salmonella invade
10 5th orgnisms, ivdes intestine to LP w/o destructions, risk of bacteremia
intracell orgnism, with relative abiotic resistance
how to treat salmonelosis
<3 months, Rx based on susceptibilities - amox, ampi, bactim, cefotaxime, ceftriaxone
resistant strains - fluoroquinolones
how to treat typhoid
ampi, chloro, bactrim /corticos for sever inf with CNS
what are not indicated for salmonelosis tx
cephalexin, amingoglycosides, furazolidone, 2nd gen cephalosporins
never chloramphenicol (hi risk for aplastic anemia)
Talk about other Salmonella infs - meningitis and osteomyelitis
men - exclusive to newborns, 3rd gen cephs, prolonged tx
osteo-sickle cell dx, galactosemia and iron verload states
talk about Campylobacter Jejuni and who it affects
kids <1, microaerophilic vibrio(high temp to isolate), fecal-oral, animal vectors, invades mucosa superficially, watery diarrh, occ bloody stools w/o diarrhea
Campy complications?
Guillan-Barre Syndrome-neuro
Reactive arthritis
Erythema nodosum
tx for campy compli
what is campy fetus and how treated
environmental campy, not animals
ass with septicemia newborns
blood culture, not stool
tx: aminoglycosides, imipenem or meropenem
talk about yersinia enterocolitica
enterocolitis, cooler climates
animal reservoirs(rodents/birds/swine) - poorly cooked pork(chitlins), unpast milk
talk about dx process with yersinia enter
bacteremia and abd abs/complications include mesenteric adenitis, pseudo appendic/E nodosum and E multiforme
What is Rotavirus made up of and how presented
70 mm double stranded RNA/ watery diarrhea in kids
what are most common pedo diarrheal paths in developing countries
rota and ETEC
Describe pathogenesis of rota
infects small bowel epi cells
shortened villli, sloughing of epi cells, replaced by immature crypt cells
brush border def and malabsorption=osmotic diarrhea
three types of diarrhea
does Rota produce a toxin and what does that produce
enterotoxin with secretory diarrhea
age group for rota
6-36 months, rare in infants <4 mos(passive immunity)
older kids may be asymptomatic
winter in temperate/year round in tropics
what is transmission route
fecal-oral/person-person/respiratory?/food and water outbreaks rarely described.Nosocomial in hospitals during epidemics
describe clinical manifestations of rota
babies <6 - asymp
6-36 mos vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, some fever
viral shed - stool before onset - 10 days.
incub 12 hrs-4 days/duration 4-8 days
how is rota dx and what are other symptoms?
4-7 days/may have resp symptoms/adults - travlers
dx: stool for reducing substances/ELISA
talk about vaccine 4 rota
Rotashield vaccine pulled due to telescoping bowel
RotaTeq - bovine
Rotarix - human live attenuated
What enteric adenoviruses ass with diarrheal
40 & 41
How Adenoviruses dx
DNA probes/PCR assays
talk about giardia Lamblia
person-person/low infectious inoculum(cyst)/human and animal reservoirs/@ risk DDC/institution kids, gay males, CF
Clinical features of Giardia
chronic/malabsorptive diarrhea(greasy fat stool - fat malabsorption)
recurrent diarrhea
disaccharidase def/dx by microscopy., ELISA, stool or 'string' test
how to treat giardia
1 furaolidone/
2 metronidazole(flagyl)
3 paromomycin for pg women/bowel eff/ not absorbed
4 albendazole
5 quinacrine - most toxic/most effective many times need to retreat
What is E histolytica and what does it cause
parasitic parasite with GI inf/may be asymp - acute colitis-liver abscess.
What is causative form in E histolytica and ages infected
cyst is dormant/encapsulated.
Trophozoite is classic dystenery. fecal-oral/extremes of age/ pg women