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24 Cards in this Set

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avoidance conditioning
a type of learning in which an organism responds to a signal in a way that avoids exposure to an aversive stimulus
classical conditioning
a procedure in which a neutral stimulus is paired with a stimulus that elicits a reflex or other response until the neutral stimulus alone comes to elicit a similar response
conditional response
in classical conditioning, the response that the conditioned stimulus elicits
condtitional stimulus
in classical conditioning, the orginally neutral stimulus that, through pairing with the unconditioned stimulus, comes to elicit a conditioned response
descriminative stimulus
stimuli that signal whether reinforcement is available if a certain response is made.
escape conditioning
a type of learning in which an organism learns to make a particular response in order to terminate an aversive stimulus.
a gradual disappearance of a conditioned response or operant behavior due to elimination eith of the assosciation between and unconditioned and conditioned stimuli or of rewards for certain behaviors
the process of adapting to stimuli that do not change
instrumental conditioning
a process through which responses are learned that help produce some rewarding or desired effect.
law of effect
a law stating that if a response made in the presence of a particular stimulus is followed by a reward, that same response is more to likely to be made the next time the stimulus is encountered. Responses that are not rewarded are less likely to be performed again.
the modification through experience of preexisting behavior and understanding
negative reinforcers
unpleasant stimuli, such as pain.
a response that has some effect on the world; it is a response that operates on the environment in some way.
operant conditioning
instrumental conditioning
positive reinforcers
stimuli that strengthen a response if they follow that response
the presentation of an aversive stimulus or the removal of a pleasant stimulus
the relearning of a conditioned response following extinction
a stimulus event that increases the probability that the response that immediately preceded it will occur again.
second-order conditioning
a phenomenon in learning when a conditioned stimulus acts like a UCS, creating conditioned stimuli out of events assosciated with it
spontaneous recovery
the reappearance of the conditioned response after extinction and without further pairings of the conditioned and unconditioned stimuli
stimulus discrimination
a process through which individuals learn to diferentiate among similar stimuli and respond appropriately to each one
stimulus generalization
a phenomenon in which a conditioned response is elicited by stimuli that are similar but not identical to the conditioned stimulus
unconditioned stimulus
in classical conditioning, the stimulus that elicits a response without conditioning
unconditioned response
in classical conditioning, the automatic or unlearned reaction to a stimulus