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21 Cards in this Set

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a. Define Syndrome

b. Define Aneuploid

a. a recognizable pattern of signs + symptoms that indicate a particular disease

b. not an exact multiple of the haploid number

a. Trisomy 21 = ?

b. Trisomy 18 = ?

c. Trisomy 13 = ?

d. 45, X = ?

a. Down Syndrome

b. Edwards syndrome

c. Patau syndrome

d. Turner syndrome

a. Describe 4 Facial characteristics of Down Syndrome

b. Name 2 other physical characteristics of Down Syndrome


- Brachycephaly

- Small ears

- Small nose

- Open mouth with protruding tongue

- Depressed nasal bridge

- Epicanthic fold


- Single palmer crease

- Sandle gap

- Generalized hypotonia

- Inward curving short finger

Congenital Heart Disease (CHD)

- Prevalence is DS babies is __(a)__%

- of these, approximately __(b)__ require surgery

- leads to premature death in __(c)__% of patients

a. 40-50%

b. half

c. 15-20%

a. Ventricular septal defects is also called what?

b. Describe Ventricular Septal Defects

a. Hole in the heart

b. Abnormal opening in the wall between the 2 ventricles

Describe Atrioventricular defects

- Defects in both atrial and ventricular septa


- Defects in atrioventricular valves

Describe Ductus Arteriosus

- Fetal heart: Ductus arteriosus allows blood flow between Pulmonary Artery to the Aorta

- If unresolved at 3 months, surgery is recommended

Apart from CHD, name 2 other medical complications related with Down Syndrome

- Leukaemia

- Increased risk of infection

- Hypothyroidism

- Hearing

- Vision

Down Syndrome:

- 1 in __(a)__ live births

- DS infants have developmental delays in areas like __(b)__, __(c)__ and __(d)__

- Mean IQ of __(e)__

a. 700

b. Sitting independently + walking

c. Toilet training

d. First words

e. 45-50

DS fertility:

- At least __(a)__% of T21 women are fertile

- T21 men are __(b)__ fertile

- Of the babies born to T21 women, __(c)__% are also T21 or have other developmental abnormalities

a. 50%

b. Rarely

c. 35-50%

DS later life:

- Median age at death is __(a)__ years old

- There is generally a __(b)__ decline

- 2 conditions usually associated with DS individuals in later life are __(c)__ and __(d)__

a. 49

b. Cognitive

c. Dementia

d. Alzheimers

Clinical management:

- Evaluation via __(a)__

- Monitoring of __(b)__

- Prevention of __(c)__

a. Echocardiogram, Opthalmology (vision), hearing

b. Thyroid function, Leukaemia, Dementia

c. Obesity

DS Aetiology:

- 95% of cases due to __(a)__

- 4% of cases due to __(b)__

- 1% of cases due to __(c)__

a. Meiotic nondisjunction

b. Robertsonian translocations

c. Mosaicism (mitotic nondisjunction)

a. Prophase I

b. Metaphase I

c. Anaphase I

Maternal meiotic non-disjunction:

- 95% of DS results from meiotic non-disjunction, of these __(a)__% are errors in maternal meiosis

- After birth, Oocytes are arrested in __(b)__ of Meiosis I

- After __(c)__, the arrested oocyte is stimulated to complete meiosis I the day before ovulation, this is quickly followed by __(d)__

- The longer a woman is when she conceives, __(e)__

a. 85%

b. Prophase I

c. Puberty

d. Meiosis II

e. The longer the oocyte has been suspended in meiosis I

Robertsonian Translocation:

- Only occurs with __(a)__ chromosomes

- These include chromosomes __(b)__, __(c)__, __(d)__, __(e)__

- When RTs cause Down's, the chromosomes which are translocated are chromosomes __(f)__ and __(g)__

- The carrier of the translocation is healthy, however the progeny may develop DS if the gamete it receives from the carrier is __(h)__

a. Acrocentric

b. 13

c. 14

d. 21

e. 22

f. 14

g. 21

h. 14/21 and 21

a. Normal

b. Normal carrier

c. Down's Syndrome

d. Lethal

Mitotic non-disjunction:

- Also known as __(?)__


- Mosaicism

a. High risk group

b. Affecteds

a. Give 2 advantages of ultrasound

b. Give 2 disadvantages of ultrasound


- Non-invasive

- Relatively cheap to perform

- No known risk to child or mother


- Expensive equipment

- Skilled + experienced personnel required