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18 Cards in this Set

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Magna Carta

1215-Limits Power of the king to tax citizens and creates the rights for fair court trials. U.S Constitution borrows these ideas.

English Bill of rights

1689-Freedom of speech and court trials by a jury. U.S constitution borrows these ideas.

Mayflower Compact

1620- Document signed by pilgrims to agree to form a representative government and obey its laws.

Common Sense/ The Crisis

1776-influence colonists to fight for American Revolution.

Declaration of Independence

1776-Written mostly by Thomas jefferson to list grievances against england.

Articles of Confedaration

1781-First U.S Constution which unified the colonies as states. Gave power to sign a peace treaty with england to end the American Revolutionary war. also gave states more power than the National Government.

Federalist papers

1787-Essays published in newspapers to promote ratification of the U.S Constitution

U.S Constitution

1787-Outlines the basic form and rules of the U.S government as it is used today.replaced the Articles of Confederation.

U.S Bill of Rights

1791-First ten amendments to the U.S constitution giving specific freedoms to citizens.

Washington Farewell Address

1797-Washigton warns against entering into alliances (groups) with other countries.

Monroe Doctrine

1823-President Monroe warns European countries not to colonize in America anymore.

Emancipation Proclamation

Jan 1863- Given by president Lincoln,"frees' the slaves living in the confederate states of America.

Gettysburg Address

Nov 1863- Given by president Lincoln at a mass funeral. Emphasizez the ideas of liberty ,equality and the union.

Lincoln's First inaugural address

1861-Vowed to preserve the union only.

Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address

1865-Spoke out against slavery.

13 Amendment

1865-Gave Freedom to slaves in U.S.A

14 Amendment

1868- Gave Citizenship to all people born in the U.S.

15th Amendment

1870-Gave voting rights to all U.S Citizens to all U.S citizens