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24 Cards in this Set

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What did Augustine think about God creating the world? (in regards to time)
In an unknowable amount of time symbolized by six days.
What is the author of creation is most interested in conveying?
Establishing the structure of a new world view; laying out who God is, and what the created order is in relation to him.
Knowing your doctrine of creation is important because...
It entails a corresponding eschtology; it shapes our conception of salvation itself.
How would you describe God's relation to evil?
God has allowed it for a specific time, and for particular purposes that are only partially clear to us.
What must you add to these propositions in order for them to be true:
1-God is absolutly sovereign
2-God is good and kind to all he has created.
3-Suffering exists
God has created humans to be able to make decisions, therefore allowing us to sin and bring evil into the world
True or False:
Human beings were intended originally for a life of leisure, but one of the consequences of the fall is the necessity to work for one's bread
True or False:
Marriage is an accommodation to sinful humanity after the fall.
True or False:
Neitzsche's observation that man is possessed of a 'will of power' shows that man is in fact simply part of the system of nature like other animals
True or False:
Notions of morality in humans are simply societal constructs, in the same way table manners are
True or False:
The moral impulse in man is actually tied to a whole host of personal preferences, which vary from age to age and culture to culture
how do you answer to Charles Baudelaine when he said 'if there is a God then he much be the devil'?
Man is not now what he always was; he has changed himself and is now abnormal.
what does the book of Job show us about suffering?
That it does not constitute grounds for questioning the character of God
Why didn't Ivan Karamazov believe in God?
The idea of the workd which depended on suffering of even one innocent creature was not a world he thought worth having; and if God did, so much the worse for God.
What is an appropriate response to encountering suffering as a Christian?
Weep with the sufferers as did Jesus as Lazarus' tomb
Is jesus human, divine, both.
Jesus has two natures-divine and human
What is more important-jesus's work or person?
They must be understood in light of eachother.
Why is Jesus significant for Christianity?
His incarnation, the joining of two natures, brought together God and Humanity, effecting their reconciliation.
Sin is something that...
that is present in every aspect of our lives.
adam's sin affects us by...
consigning us to spiritual death, even though we weren't actaully present and had no say in the matter
What is the Objective theory of atonement?
~God based.
~ Emphasizes sacfrafice, justification and vicarious suffering.
~satisfaction theory
anslem of canterbury's six points
~Penal Substitution
sacrifice satisfies God's requirement of justice. Punishment we deserve is put on Chirst instead of us
~moral gov theory
viewed as loving creator and father instead of wrathful judge, takes law and justice seriously
Pelagious vs. Augustine controversy
Augustine- divine grace and solely on God's mercy.
-Grace as a gift not a reward
Pelagious- good works is involved and the idea of divine grace is played down.