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16 Cards in this Set

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What are the two major methods for DNA sequencing?

Sanger Coulson (chain termination)

Maxam Gilbert (chemical degradation)

Components required for SC sequencing?


NT analogues


Labelling (historically RA, now fluoro)

What is the difference between a dNTP and ddNTP?

dNTP has OH on C3 and H on C2, ddNTP has H on C3 and C2

Why is SC sequencing also known as chain termination sequencing?

Use of ddNTPs randomly means phosphodiester bonds cannot form at those points, so strand synthesis is terminated and a fragment is produced

What radiolabel is classically used in SC sequencing?


What technique is used to analyse the products of SC sequencing?


PAGE properties for SC sequencing analysis?

10% concentration, 40cm+ length

0.2-0.6 thickness,

denaturing (50deg, contains urea)

high voltage (~1700volts)

Fluoro dyes used in bioscience are selected for depending on which properties

ExMax (excitation wavelength)

EmMax (emission wavelength)

Which radiolabel has been classically used in MG sequencing?


MG sequencing reactions produce fragments ending in what?

G alone

C alone

G or A

C or T

Describe the MG cleavage reactions for the purines.

G+A methylated by dimethyl sulphate

Heat+ pH7 - removes methylated G

Heat + dilute acid - removes both methylated purines

Describe the MG cleavage reactions for the pyrimidines

Hydrazine splits C or T

2M NaCl protects T, so hydrazine splits C only

Once MG cleavage reactions have taken place, what reaction is used to separate fragments?

Piperidine cleaves DNA backbones at all modified bases

What are the newest potential sequencing methods to be used?



Typical NT structure includes what?

Phosphate group

Deoxyribose sugar

Nitrogenous base

Stages of end-strand labelling in MG sequencing?

RE acts at ends of DS fragment

Polynucleotide kinase allows 32PdATP label

Heat+DMSO breaks H bonds - separation

Products on PAGE - purify to select 1 strand