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17 Cards in this Set

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When does syncope occur?

When cardiac output falls

What is "true" vertigo?

Vertigo that results from a disorder of the vestibular system.

What is the clinical sign of vertigo?

Which phase does a person see in vertigo (fast or slow)?



What does a "right beating" nystagmus mean?

Fast phase is to the right

Slow phase is to the left

How many degrees of freedom in 3D space?

What is roll around x-axis called?


Z axis?




What is angular motion around x, y, z?

What is linear motion around x, y, z?

Rotational motion

Translational motion

What two organs detect linear motion and the effects of gravity? Which is coplanar with the vertical axis? Which is coplanar with horizontal?

Sacculus = vertical
Urticle = horizontal

Sacculus = vertical

Urticle = horizontal

What detects angular movement?

What transduces information for each semicircular canal?

Amupulla of the superior canal

Cupula (located inside ampulla)

What is the purpose of the otoliths on gelatinous membrane in utricle and saccule?

Heavy enough to distort gelatinous matrix from force caused by linear movement and by gravity.

Heavy enough to distort gelatinous matrix from force caused by linear movement and by gravity.

What is the tallest cilium?


Movement => opening of K+ channels => influx of Ca2+ => Ca-dependent K channels activated that pump K+ out into perilymph

Another effect of increased Ca2+ = neurotransmitter release (aspartate or glutamate)

Sensory nerve fibers at hair cell base:

Where of cell bodies lie?

Where do efferent axons project?

Afferent half of bipolar neurons (cell bodies in Scarpa's ganglion)

Efferent axons project to brainstem via vestibular nerve

Where do the kinocilium face in the utricle?

What is the effect of tilting the head to one side?

Midline valley called STRIOLA

Pressure will increase firing on one side and decrease it on the other.

What are the only two types of movements that will alter the firing rate of the utricle?

Linear force within the plane of the utricle

Gravitational force when the plane is tilted

What direction are the kinocilia oriented in the saccule?

Away from striola

Coplanar with VERTICAL axis

What part of saccule will be activated when moving up an elevator?

What is the difference between this and the ampulla?


Increased forced directed toward kinocilium => open K+ channels

Upper half inhibited

Ampulla hair cells point in one direction only.

A net increase in firing from the left vestibular apparatus causes the eyes to move which direction?


Where is the lesion in true vertigo?

Vestibular apparatus

Ocular drift toward side of lesion