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26 Cards in this Set

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type of diuretics (3)
1. Loop diuretics (furosemide)
2. Thiazide diuretics (hydrochlorothiazide)
3. Potassium-sparing diuretics
1. what are the prototypes of loop diuretics? (2)
2. onset/duration of action (2)
1. frusemide/furosemide, bumetanide
2. fast onset (30 min), short acting 2-3 hrs depending on renal function. Faster action if IV
how does loop diuretic act? (3)
1. Inhibit Na-K-2Cl transporter.
- ↓Na, ↓water reabsorbed [thus ↑urine volume]

2. ↓ reabsorption of Ca & Mg [divalent ions]

3. Na-H antiporter effect
- high [Na] in tubule so ↑reabsorption
- ↑ K & H+ excretion
- Effects of loop diuretics (5)
↑Loss of:
- Na
- Cl
- water loss
- K, H+ loss
- Ca, Mg loss
Clinical use of loop diuretics (2)
1. Oedema
due to CHF & pulmonary HT
↓ fluid accumulation in body, ↓ pressure effectively

2. Hypertension
(唔多用: short duration of action)
↓ venous return, ↓ stroke volume, lowers pressure
SE and toxicity of loop diuretics (4)
1. electrolyte disturbance
2. hypokalemia, alkalosis
3. hypovolemia
4. hypersensitivity: skin rash [due to furosemide and bumetanide sulfonamide structure]
Thiazide diuretics:
1. prototypes (3)
2. duration of action/when we give it (2)
3. where does it act
1. hydrochlorothiazide, chlorthalidone, indapamide
2. once a day (Longer acting, chronic use). orally active.
3. early segment of DCT: inhibit Na-Cl cotransporter
mechanism of thiazide diuretics (3)

effects (4)
1. Inhibit NaCl cotransporter in early segment of DCT
↓Na, Cl reabsorption, ↓ reabsorption, ↑ urine volume

2. Stimulate Na/Ca exchanger
- ↑ Ca reabsorption from urine (opposite of loop diuretics)

3. Na-H antiporter effect
- high [Na] in tubule. ↑Na reabsorption, ↑K&H excretion

↑ Na, Cl, water, K, H+ excretion.
↓ Ca, Mg excretion.
compare loop and thiazide diuretics
thiazide is less potent, and slower, than loop
clinical use of thiazide diuretics (3)
1. HT
2. reduce oedema
3. chronic kidney stone formation ∵ ↓Ca loss in urine
toxicity of thiazide (2)
1. hypokalemia, alkalosis
2. hypersensitivity (∵ sulfonamide structure)
what are the prototypes of potassium-sparing diuretics (2 types.)
1. aldosterone antagonists (spironolactone, eplerenone)

2. renal epithelial Na channel inhibitors (amiloride, triamterene)

~orally effective
effects of potassium sparing diuretics
1. (general drug effects) (2)
2. spironolactone
3. amiloride
1. ↑Na loss, ↑urine output, ↓K and H+ excretion

2. Spironolactone
- blocks aldosterone receptor
- inhibit Na/H antiporter:
- ↓Na resorption, ↓K&H excretion

3. Amiloride
- blocks epithelial Na channel
- ↓Na reabsorption so ↓K&H excretion
clinical use of potassium-sparing diuretics (3)
slower, longer
1. Hyperaldosteronism (HF, cirrhosis, kidney disease)

2. ↓K loss w. loop and thiazide diuretics (fixed combo)
- Modurectic: amiloride + hydrochlorothiazide,
- Dyazide: triamterene + hydrochlorothiazide

3. spiro & eplerenone may ↓cardiac remodeling (HF)
toxicity of potassium-sparing diuretics (2)
1. hyperkalemia

2. Spirololactone: gynecomastia, anti-androgenic effects
in terms of electrolyte changes, describe difference between loop diuretics, thiazides and K+ sparing diuretics. (4)
1. Na+ excretion (most to least): loop, thiazides, K+
2. K+ excretion: Loop, thiazide↑. K+ sparing ↓
3. Ca+ excretion: Loop ↑. Thiazides ↓. K+ 冇.
4. H+ excretion: Loop, thiazide↑. K+ sparing ↓
what drugs act on RAAS process? why do we use it? (3)
1. Renin inhibitor
2. ACE inhibitor
3. Angiotensin II receptor antagonist
ACE inhibitors
1. examples (6). give 2.
2. properties (2)
1. the prils: captopril, enalapril, lisinopril, perindopril, quinapril, ramipril

- orally active
- weak diuretic effect
- vasodilator action
effects of ACE inhibitors (2)
Block ACE,
- ↓angiotensin II & aldosterone,
- vasodilatation & weak diuretic effect

[angiotensin II is the potent vasoconstricter, converted from inactive angiotensin I by ACE. It ↑aldosterone, ↑sodium & water retention]
clinical use of ACE inhibitors (2)
1. treat HT
2. treat CHF, ↑fluid excretion & ↓constriction
SE/toxicity of ACE inhibitors (3)
1. dry cough
2. symptomatic hypotension w. initial use
3. hyperkalemia
angiotensin II receptor antagonists/blockers (ARBs)
1. prototypes (2)

2. action

3. clinical use (4)
1. 'sartans': losartan, valsartan

2. block angiotensin II RECEPTOR
↓angiotensin II & aldosterone [vasodil, diuretic effect]

~ Hypertension
~ unknown: CHF (heart remodelling). stick to ACE inhibitor
~ use with thiazide diuretics.
~ NO dry cough!
1. examples of renin inhibitors (2)
2. clinical effects (2)
3. uses
1. aliskiren, remikiren

2. block renin:

3. HT. Used w. thiazide diuretics (combo tx)
(clin use in CHF not well established yet)
summarize loop/thiazide diuretics (3)
1. ↓Na and water reabsorption (↑Na & water excretion)

2. loop Act on loop of Henle, thiazide acts on DCT.
results in ↑K loss in collecting tubule

3. diuretic effects, hypokalemia
summarize K+ sparing diuretics (2)
1. ↓ epithelial Na reabsorption, ↑Na and ↓K excretion

2. acts on collecting duct/tubule
summarize combination: loop or thiazide + potassium diuretics (3)
1. ↓Na & water reabsorption (↑Na & water excretion)
2. ↓ epithelial Na reabsorption (↑Na & ↓K excretion)
3. Diuretic effect, little hypokalemia