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29 Cards in this Set

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functional units found in the renal cortex

Renal corpuscle
Filter unit with glomerulus and glomerular capsule
Renal tubule
Proximal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle and distal convoluted tubule
How does urine production promote homeostasis?
By regulation of blood volume and composition
Name the 3 organic waste products
Urea- most abundant waste

creatinine- produced in skeletal muscle tissue

Uric acid- formed by recycling nitrogenous bases from RNA molecules

How is electrolyte and fluid balance maintained?
glomerular filtration--> tubular secretion--> tubular reabsorption--> Urinary excretion
Diuresis in elderly people
Decreased ability to concentrate urine

decreased ability to tolerate dehydration or water loads

fewer nephrons

reduced drug elimantion

more drug accumulation in plasma- higher possibility of toxicity

What are the general features of Diuretics?
Promote water loss from body into urine

remove excess extracellular fluid into interstitial fluid which would otherwise result in edema

What is the mechanism of Thiazide?
In the cortex- inhibit active exchange of Cl-Na in the cortical diluting segment of the ascending loop of Henle.
What is the mechanism of potassium sparing agents in the Medulla?
Inhibits the reabsorption of Na in the distal convoluted and collecting tubule.
What is the mechanism of Loop diuretics in the Medulla?
Inhibit the exchange of Cl-Na-K in the thick segment of the ascending loop of Henle
Thiazide Diuretics role?
Inhibit Na reabsorption. Increases excretion of Cl, K and biocarbonate ions

What are thiazide diuretics used to treat?
Patients with hypertension

As adjunctive therapy in Oedema associated with heart failure and cirrhosis

What are the adverse reactions of Thiazides?
Anorexia, Gastric irritation, nausea, vomiting, cramping, diarrhoea, constipation, jaundice, hypokalemia and pancreatitis.
What are the serious adverse reactions associated with Thiazide?
anaphylactic reactions, respiratory distress
What are the contraindications of Thiazide
patients with diabetes, history of gout, severe renal disease and impaired renal function.

elderly patients

not recommended while lactating

contraindications with corticosteriods, lithium, probenecid and anti diabetic agents

How do Loop diuretics work?
They act on the loop of henle to inhibit sodium and chloride reabsorption.
What type of diuretic drug is the drug of choice when treating acute pulmonary edema of heart failure, hypercalcemia and hypertension?
Loop Diuretics
common: Fluid/electrolyte imbalances, skin rashes, photosensitivity and Hypotension

Serious: Circulatory collapse, thromboemboli, hepatic encaphalopathy, ototoxicity, shock, cardiac arrythmias, bone marrow arrythmias

Adverse reactions of Loop Diuretics
What are the contraindications of Loop Diuretics?
Not advised for patients who are lactating.

Avoid in patients with severe diarrhoea, dehydration, electrolyte imbalance or hypotension.

They interact with NSAIDs, lithium, anticoagulants, aminoglycosides and thiazide diuretics.

How do potassium sparing agents work?
Prevents sodium reabsorption in the distal tubule.
What are potassium sparing agents used to treat?
Edema of heart failure, hepatic cirrhosis with ascites and nephrotic syndrome. Used mainly in combination with drugs to treat hypertension
Common: Kidney Stones, gynecomastia

Serious: Life-threatening hyperkalemia, renal failure

The adverse effects of potassium sparing agents
Contraindicated in patients with acute renal insufficiency, impaired renal function or hyperkalemia
Contraindications of potassium sparing agents
E.g. Mannitol and Glycerin
Examples of Osmotic diuretics
Decreasing solute content resulting in less water reabsorption by loop of Henle and collecting duct.

Less sodium reabsorption in proximal tubule.

How to osmotic diuretics work?
What are osmotic diuretics used to treat?
cerebral edema
Common: Headache, tremor/convulsions, dizziness, hypo/hypertension, thrombophlebitis, blurred vision, dry mouth, nausea/vomiting.
Adverse effects of osmotic diuretics
contraindications of osmotic diuretics
Anuria, pulmonary congestion or severe edema congestive heart failure, metabolic edema, intracranial bleeding, shock, severe dehydration, pregnancy and lactation.