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20 Cards in this Set

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Describe the mechanism of action of sulfonamides and trimethoprim. Which anticancer drug works in the same manner as trimethoprim?
Trimethoprim inhibits dihyrdrofolate reductase, which is the same mechanism of methotrexate. Sulfonamides inhibit dihydropterate synthase. Together they block 2 sequential steps of THF synthesis which inhibits DNA/RNA productions, as well as protein synthesis.
When screening a population for a particular disease, would you rather have a high sensitivity or a high specificity? What test is used to screen for HIV? What test is used to confirm a positive HIV screen?
High sensitivity. Screen for HIV using ELISA (sensitive). Confirm using Western Blot (specific).
What is pulse pressure? What is the equation for mean arterial pressure (MAP)?
Pulse pressure=systolic pressure - diastolic pressure
MAP=2/3 systolic pressure + 1/3 diastolic pressure
How do the symptoms of a gastric ulcer differ from the symptoms of a duodenal ulcer? What are the two most common causes of peptic ulcer disease?
Gastric ulcer: pain immediately after eating
NSAIDs or H pylori
Duodenal ulcer: pain decreases with eating
H. pylori
What are 4 potassium-sparing diuretics? What are their mechanisms of action? What are their important side effects?
Spironolactone, Triamterene, Amiloride, epleronone
Mech: spiro is a competitive aldosterone receptor antagonist in CT, Tri and ami block Na channels in tubules in CT
Tox: hyperkalemia, spiro-gynecomastia, antiandrogen effects
Which penicillin is a good choice against Enterococcus (H influenza, E coli, Listeria, Proteus?
Ampicillin, Amoxicillin
Tox: hypersensitivity, rash, pseudomembranous colitis
Which penicillin is effective against Pseudomonas?
Ticarcillin, carbenicillin, piperacillin
Use: Pseudomonas, gram negative rods
Use with clavulinic acid
Tox: hypersensitivity
Which penicillin is good for otitis media because it covers Strep pneumo and H influenza?
Which penicillin is associated with interstitial nephritis?
What types of preventive services are needed in the following patients?
- diabetic
- drug abuser
- alcoholic
- high risk sexual behavior
Diabetic: eye, foot exams, urine tests
Drug abuser: hepatitis immunizations, TB and HIV tests
Alcoholic: influenza, pneumococcal vaccinations, TB test
High risk sexual behavior: HIV, hepatitis B, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia testing
A young man comes to your office with an internal struggle over a decision to join the priesthood. On further questioning he revels that he has had thoughts of “being with other men.” What defense mechanism do you suspect this man is displaying?
Repression: involuntary witholding of an idea or feeling from consious awarenes
Suppression: voluntary witholding of an idea or feeling from conscious awareness
Sublimation: process whereby one replaces an unacceptable wish with a course of action that is similar to the wish but does not conflict with one's value system.
What tests can be used to help detect the presence of an MI?
First 6 hours: ECG
After 4 hours: troponin I rises and stays elevated for 7-10 days
What are the 3 different eukaryotic RNA polymerases? What type of RNA does each make?
DNA polymerase I: rRNA
DNA polymerase II: mRNA
DNA polymerase III: tRNA
They are in order of their use
What are the complications of cystic fibrosis?
Pancreatic insufficiency, URI (pseudomonas, staph), chronic bronchitis bronchiectasis
How many umbilical vessels are there? Which umbilical vessel has the highest oxygen content?
2 umbilical arteries, 1 umbilical vein, 1 urachus.
The umbilical blood supplies oxygen from the placenta to the fetus
Which cell types do not require insulin for the uptake of glucose?
Brain , RBCs use GLUT-1 which is independent of insulin levels
Brain can also use ketones, but RBCs cannot
Skeletal muscle and adipose tissue use GLUT-4 for glucose uptake, insulin dependent
What structures must a needle go through in order to obtain CSF in a patient suspected of having meningitis? At what level of the spinal cord should you perform a lumbar puncture in an adult? What landmark indicates this level of the spinal cord?
Top of iliac crest, L4 ot L5. Pass through:
1. Skin
2. Ligaments (supraspinous, interspinous, ligamentum flavum)
3. Epidural space
4. Dura mater
5. Subdural space
6. Arachnoid
7. Subarachnoid space (CSF)
Pia is NOT pierced
Where do mets to the brain most commonly come from?
Lung, breast, skin (melanoma), kidney (renal cell carcinoma), GI
50% of brain tumors are from mets
Lots of Bad Stuff Kills Glia
Typically lots of well circumscribed tumors at the gray-white border
Where do mets to the liver most commonly come from?
Regional lymph nodes
Colon> stomach > pancreas > breast > lung
Cancer Sometimes Penetrates Benign Live
Mets much more common than primary tumor
Where do mets to the bone most commonly come from?
Prostate, thyroid, testes, breast, lung, kidney
Breast and prostate most common
Mets more common than primary
Lung=lytic, prostate=blastic, breast=both lytic and blastic