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62 Cards in this Set

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How do you diagnose West Nile Virus? What is the tx?
Dx: Serology for IgM
Tx: supportive care
What is the tx for the following types of headaches?
Tension: ketorolac (NSAID)
Cluster: 100% O2
Migrane: sumatriptan
What agents can be used for the prophylaxis of migrane headaches?
Verapamil (Ca-channel blocker)
Propanolol (Beta-Blocker)
Amitriptyline (TCA)
Naproxen (NSAID)
Valproic Acid (Anti-convulsant)
Tx options for pseudotumor cerebri include weight loss, ___(drug)___, and the discontinuation of inciting agents such as ______,_____, and _____.
inciting agents: Vit A, tetracycline, withdraw from steroids
What is the pathology and where is the lesion?
1. Flaccid + spasic paralysis =
2. Impaired propioception + pupils do not react to light =
3. Bilateral loss of pain and temp below the lesion + hand weakness =
4. Bilaterall loss of vibration + spastic paralysis of legs then arms =
5. Bilateral loss of pain/temp and spastic paralysis below the lesion + bilateral flaccid paralysis at the level of the lesion
1. ALS (CST + ant. horn)
2. Syphilis (DC)
3. Syringomyelia (damage to crossing fibers of CST and ant. horn cells)
4. B-12 deficiency (DC and CST)
5. Spinal artery stenosis (SPT, CST and ant. horn, but NOT DC)
What are the characteristics of Brown-Sequard syndrome?
Loss of DC, CST, SPT, and Ant. Horn all on one side --->

Ipsilateral loss of vib, touch, prop / Ipsilateral flaccid and spastic paralysis / Contralateral loss of pain and temp
HYQ: Most likely cuase of a frontal HA in a 40-yo woman worse when bending over?
HYQ: A 30-yo female has a severe HA in the left temporal region along with visions of flashing lights and nausea?
Dx: migrane

if she was older, think temporal arteritis
HYQ: What class of medications is the prefered tx for migranes?
- Triptans (ex. sumatriptan)
HYQ: What would be the preferred antihypertensive in a pt with chronic HTN and recurrent migranes?
Beta Blocker

Arsenal: B-Blk, Ca-blk, TCA, NSAID, Anti-convulsants
HYQ: what is the preferred TX for febrile seizures?
HYQ: a patient with a DVT develops a stroke. What study would most likely identify the underlying etiology of the stroke?
Trans-esophageal echo to identify a patent foramen ovale

DVT's dont usually cuase stroke, they usually cause a PE-- unless there is a PFO
HYQ: Lung cancer + muscle weakness -->
Lambert-Eaton syndrome
HYQ: A 66 yo woman with forgetfulness and decreased bilateral parietal lobe activity on PET scan -->
Alzheimer's dz
HYQ: What is the most sensitive test for MS?
MRI of brain and spinal cord for multiple plaques.

Oligoclonal IgG bands in CSF is also Pathognomonic
HYQ: what medication decreases the frequency of replases in patients with MS?
HYQ: a 35-yo woman presents with ptosis and diplopia that worsens throughout the day--> what is the underlying problem?
ACh-R antibodies at the NMJ = Myasthenia Gravis
HYQ: what is the mechanism of action of the preferred medication in the tx of restless leg syndrome?
DA agonisits
HYQ: what test is used to confirm the MCC of syncope?
MCC of syncope is vasovagal, order a tilt-table test
What is the TX for benign essential tremmor?
Beta-blockers. pts often self medicate with etoh
What is the TX for Guillain-Barre syndrome?
Plasmaphoresis and IVIG
What medications are used in the TX of ALZ dementia?
Cholinesterase inhibitors: Donepizil, Rivastigmine, Galantamine.

Mamantine is very helpful as a stand-alone drug
HYQ: What is considered the most effective medication in the TX of trigeminal neuralgia?
HYQ: What medication should be given to the close contacts of those infected with either Meningococcal or HIB meningitis?
What is the TX for fungal meningitis?
Amphoteracin B

Think AIDS pt, cryptococcal meningitis, India Ink stain, encapsulated organism
What medications can cause seizures?
Bupropion, Buspirone, Enflarune (E for Epilepsy), Theophylline overdose, B6 deficiency (d/t Isoniazid)
HYQ: What is the TX for a subdural hematoma?
Burr hole and surgical removal
HYQ: MC predisposing condition for an intracranial hemorrhage?
HYQ: CT scan of the head shows a lunar shapped lesion --> what is the most likely cuase?
Sub-dural hematoma cuased by tearing of the bridging veins d/t blunt trauma
HYQ: what are the indications for carotid endarterectomy?
70-99% occluded
50-69% occluded w/ sxs
80-99% occluded w/o sxs
Petechiae can be seen in menigitis caused by ______, in a dz called _____. this is d/t _______. Treatment includes a 3rd generation cephalosporin (____) and ____ for close contacts
N. Meningitidis, Waterhouse- Friedrichson syndrome, ceftriaxone, rifampin
QH: ____ headaches are the MCC of HA
NS: any sudden onset of severe HA or focal neurologic deficits should be further examined using _________ to r/o hemorrhage
CT w/o contrast
QH: _________ is the MCC of THROMBOTIC ischemic stroke
Atheroslerosis of carotid, basilar and vertebral arteries
QH: The _______ artery is the MC artery involved in EMBOLIC ischemic stroke. Most emboli originate from the heart, aorta, carotid or intracranial arteries
Middle Cerebral Artery
QH:Berry aneurysms are assoc with _____ disease and _____ syndrome.
Berry aneurysms are assoc with Adult Polycystic kidney dz and Marfan's syndrome
QH: Pts may describe _____ as the "worst headache of my life"
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
QH: Pts with imminent rupture of berry aneursym may have ______ in the preceding weeks
Multiple less severe sentinel headaches
NS: if Sub Arachnoid Hemorrhage is suspected despite a negative CT, perform a_____
Lumbar Puncture: RBCs, xanthochromia, increased pressure
QH: the MCC of epidural hematoma is damage to the ______ from blunt trauma
Middle Meningeal Artery

Note: Epidural is artery, subdural is vein
NS: WIth mental status changes in an elderly pt with a hx of falls, perform a work-up for ____
Subdural hematoma, do a CT scan
NS: Do not perform an LP in pts with subdural hematoma b/c of increased risk of ______.
Mnemonic: The 3 W's of Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
Wet- Incotenance
Wacky - Cognitive impairment
Wobbly- Gait abnormality (short, low steps - magneto gait)
The TX for status epilepticus is IV benzos, but if that pt has sizures d/t Eclampsia, use____
QH: Clinical dx of ALS requires _____ in at least 2 extremities and _____ in one region
ALS: LMN (flaccid paralysis, decreased DTRs, fassiculations) signs in at least 2 extremities, and UMN (spasticity, increased DTRs, + Babinski) in one region
QH: Huntington's disease has ___% penetrance, but does not become symptomatic until ____.
100% penetrance, onset is middle age (30-50)
Mnemonic: C's of Huntington's disease
Chromosome Cuatro (4)
Caudate and Putamen
aCetylcholine decreas
NS: The #1 cause of dementia ______ can be differentiated from the #2 cause of dementia______ with an MRI. Multiple small lesions/infarcts will be apparent on MRI when the cause is ______.
#1 Alzheimers
#2 Multi-infact dementia -- cause is vascular
Mnemonic: Remember that MS affects the _______ , and is more common in the MS than the MR.
MS affects the Myelin Sheath in women around age 20. Get an MRI of the brain and spinal cord.
QH: _______ is a paraneoplastic disorder (eg. small cell lung cancer) with similar presentation to MG. It occurs in smokers with weakness that improves with muscle use. The pathology is antibodies to presynaptic Ca-channels and is treated with immunosupressants and plasmaphoresis
Lambert-Eaton syndrome - weakness improves with msucle uses

Myasthenia Gravis - weakness worsens throughout the day
QH: ________Is a short acting anticholinesterase agent, making it ideal for MG testing.
NS: if MG is diagnosed in a pt, perform a chest CT to look for _____
a thymoma -- common in MG
QH: _____ is the MC primary brain tumor in adults, while ____ is MC overall. ______ is the most common brain tumor in children
MC overall = mets
MC adult = GBM
MC child = Astrocytoma
QH: most mets to the brain are ____-tentorial
Most mets to the brain are supratentorial
NS: if an intracranial tumor is the initial lesion detected, workup should include a full search for ____
search for the source of the neoplasm. Full body CT, blood cancer antigens, etc
QH: Most of sleep is spent in stage __
Most sleep is stage 2

Benzos increase stage 2 and decrease stage 3/4
Patient in a coma:

Pupils large and non-reactive =
Pupils small and reactive =
Pupils pinpoint =
Pupils large and non-reactive = damage below midbrain (CN-3 involvement) possible uncal herniation
Pupils small and reactive = Thalamic involvement, transtentorial herniation
Pupils pinpoint = Opioid overdose
QH: ______ seizures the the MC sizure in children
QH: _______ and _______ malformations are anatomic defects of the skull and ventricular system assoc with hydrocephalus in children
Arnold-chiari type II and Dandy-walker
QH: Spastic CP is caused by damage to the ______, where as Dyskinetic CP is cuased by damage to the ________
Spastic CP = pyramidal tracts

Dyskinetic CP = extrapyramidal pathology
The RB gene predisposes pts to both _______ and _______.
RB gene for retinoblastoma and osteosarcoma
QH: the MCC of conductive hearing loss is _____, the MCC of sensorineural hearing loss is _____.
Otosclerosis is MCC of conductive, Presbycusis is MCC of sensorinural hearing loss