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42 Cards in this Set

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What medications are effective in the treatment of PMS and PMDD
NSAIDs, Vit. B6, OCPs, SSRIs and Exercise
What is the treatment of choice for primary dysmenorrhea?
NSAIDs with OCPs
What is the most common cause of hirsutism in the US? What lab findings are used to make the diagnosis?

increased LH, Testosterone, and androstenodione
DHEAS will be normal
A sexually active female presents with the classic symptoms of UTI cystitis. Gram stain of the urine shows no organisms. What organism do you suspect is the cause of this patients symptoms?
urethritis caused by Chlamydia. It is intracellular
What medications are used in the treatment of Syphillis?
Pen G, Doxycycline, Tetracycline
How is the diagnosis of PID made?
Mostly clinical

Cervical motion tenderness, abdominal pain, high WBC on culdocentesis
increased ESR, CRP, WBC
What medications are used in the treatment of PCOS?
Exercise and weight loss
Spironolactone (control androgen side effects)
Progesterone (with withdrawl)
metformin and clomifine for fertility
What is the MCC of female infertility?
What volume or duration of bleeding is considered abnormal uterine bleeding?
Menorrhagia: >7d or >80mL
Polymenorrhea: <24d
Oligiomenorrhea: >35d
What are the distinguishing features of Bacterial vaginosis, Candida vaginitis, and Trichomonas infection?
BV: Clue cells, high pH

CV: Pseudohyphe, cottage cheese, and normal pH

Trichomonas: motile trichomads, Strawberry cervix, high pH
Which STD can be mistaken for IBD d/t its a/w fistula formation?
Lymphogranulomata venereum

caused by chylamidia trichomonas
HYQ: when is an endometrial biopsy a necessary part of the work-up for abnormal uterine bleeding?
If a pt's bleeding is more frequent and age >35

or if there is a risk factor for endometrial hyperplasia
When will you see clue cells?
Gardnerella vaginalis
Treatment for high vaginal pH
(will be vaginalis or trichomonas)
15 yr old with diarrhea, sore throat, headache, fever , hypothension and desquamation of palms and soles?

consider toxic shock syndrome!

clindamycin or penicillinase-resistant beta-lactam antibiotics (oxacillin, nafcillin); vancomycin for MRSA.
50% of time it is asymptamatic in females
MCC of septic arthritis in young aduts?
Clinical cervicitis with negative gram stain and cultures.

(intracullular organism)
What is tabes dorsalis?
dorsal column degeneration resultin gin loss of two-point discrimination and proprioception

Seen in tertiary syphilis
What are Argyll-Roberston pupils?
pupils react to accomodation, but do not react to light.
Seen in tertiary syphilis (prostitutes pupil)
How do you screen for syphilis?
(These will become negative following syphilis treatment)

FTA-ABS (fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption) or microhemagglutination assay (positive for life)
Treatment for syphilis?
penicillin G, doxycycline, or tetracycline
Which types of HPV cause genital warts?
types 6, and 11
Which types of PHV cause cervical cancer?
16 and 18
What is a "thin prep?"
HPV testing
Cause of chancroid?
Haemophilius ducreyi

painful ulcer with grayish base and foul odoer, with inguinal LAD with significant inguinal swelling
Painless ulcer with beefy red base and irregular borders
Giemsa stain shows Donovan bodies
Granuloma inguinale, tx with doxy or bactrim for 3 wks.
Next step in pap smear revealing ASCUS?
repeat 3-6 months until 3 normal in a rowl
2 ASCUS - colposcopy with endocervical biopsy
Next step in pap smear revealing ASCH or AGUS?
colposcopy and endocervical biopsy,

If > 35, endometrial biopsy is alos neded in AGUS.
Next step in CIN1
increase surveilance unti l 3 consecutive negatives. or colposcopy with endocervical biopsy.

Any repear abnormality --> colp. and biopsy
Next step in smear revealing CIN2 or 3
colp + biopsy
if positive , then LEEP or conization or laser ablation.

continue monitoring every 6 months.
Tx of squamous cell cervical cancer?
remove cervix.
MC ovarian tumor
epithelial tumore
MC testicular tumor
germ cell
Granulosa ovarian tumor and theca ovarian tumors secrete ______________________.

Ovarian tumors of sertoli leydig origin secrete ____________.
estrogen- secreting - can cause precocious puberty.

androgen secreting - can cause virilization
Characteristics of malignant ovarian tumors
findings of irregularity, nodularity, multiple septa, and pelvic extension.
Chronic inflammatory condition of the anogenital region, most commonly affecting postmenopausal women.

Lichen Sclerosis
ivory or porcelain-white macules and plaques with pruritis
A young boy has gynecomastia. what is the cause?
Herbal agents, tea tree oil or lavender oil can cause gynecomastia
What do the following have in common?

spironolactone, digitoxin, cimetidine, amiodarone, ketoconazole, haloperidol, HHAART therapy

alcohol, marijuana, heroin, anabolic steroids

testicular germ cell tumor
all can cause gynecomastia
MC benign breast tumor
(common in women <30)
Solitary, solid and mobile mass with well-defined edges; size may vary during menstrual cycle
Breast cancer...
with increased risk of contralateral malignancy

most common form of invasive breast cancer
lobular carcinoma in situ
infiltrating ductal carcinoma