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84 Cards in this Set

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What is the fetal placental structure that secretes hCG?
What is the maternal component of the placenta
decidous basalis
Stages of embryo between conception and an inner cell mass
When does hCG secretion begin?
after implantation of blastocyst...within one week of conception
When does the heart begin to beat in the fetus?
Week 4
Implantation happens on what day of development?
Day 6
What genes are the blueprints for skeletal morphology?
HOX genes
Vitamin A MOA of being a teratogen?
Excess causes alteration of HOX gene expression
mutation that causes an extra fused digit between 3rd and 4th fingers?
Explain the notochord and neural plate's role in development
notochord induces overlying ectoderm to differentiate into neuroectoderm and for form the neural plate...neural plate gives rise to neural tube and neural crest cells...notochord becomes nucleus propulsus and intervertebral disk in adults
Neural crest derivatives please
ANS, dorsal root ganglia, cranial nerves, celiac ganglion, melanocytes, chromaffin cells, parafollicular c cells, schwann cells, pia and arachnoid mater, bones of skull, odontoblasts, aorticopulomnary septum
Mesoderm defects

Vertebral defects, anal atresia, cardiac defects, tracheoesophageal fistula, renal defects, limb defects
Drugs that are contraindicated in pregnancy..go
ACEi- renal damage
Aminoglycosides- CN VIII toxicity
Alkylating agents- absence of digits, multiple anomalies
Carbamazepine- neural tube, fingernail hypoplasia
DES- vaginal clear cell adenocarcinom
Lithium- ebsteins anomaly
During what period of fetal development does organogeneis take place?
3-8 weeks
Vitamin A overuse during pregnancy leads to what and by what MOA?
extremely high risk for spontaneous abortions and birth defects

MOA:interferes with HOX genes and neural crest cell migration
Holoprosencephaly is associated with what gene mutation?
Sonic hedgehog gene- mediates ectoderm
This gene is necessary for proper organization of dorsal ventral axis?
Wnt-7 gene
This gene is involved in allowing for limb lengthening
FGF gene
#1 cause of mental retardation
fetal alcohol syndrome
origin of anterior pituitary?
surface ectoderm
cornea origin
neural crest
lens origin
surface ectoderm
retina origin
olfactory epithelium
ectoderm surface
mammary glands origin
surface ectoderm
salivary glands origin
surface ectodern
sweat glands
surface ectoderm
Origin of the tissue above the pectinate line

(below line is surface ectoderm)
What are nuclear localization signals?
4-8 amino acids rich in lysine, arg, and proline that allow for materials to get thru nuclear envelope
what provide structural framework for DNA and nuclear envelope?
nuclear lamins
Needs to be present on a protein for it to enter the nucleus
nuclear localization signal
What prevent progression of the cell into S phase?
p53, Rb
What cyclin-CDK complexes assist in the progression from G1 to S phase?
cyclin D- CDK4
cyclin E- CDK2
What cyclin-CDK complexes assist in progression from G2 to M phase?
cyclin A- CDK2
cyclin B- CDK1
nissle bodies are found where?
in dendrites, (not in axon hillock) of neurons
symptoms of I cell disease?
+ corneal clouding, coarse facies, HSM, skeletal abnormalities, restricted joint movement
pathophys of I cell disease
no mannose 6 phosphate to target lysomal proteins---secretion out of cell instead of into lysosomes
what "rescue" proteins and polypeptides from misfolding?
heat shock proteins

hsp70, hsp90
What drugs act of microtubules?
Mebendazole. Griseofulvin, vincristine, paclitaxel. colchicine
What organelle is responsible for the breakdown of very long chain fatty acids?
what are the intermediate filaments for

Connective tissue
muscle tissue
Epithelial tissue

connective tissue- vimentin

muscle tissue- desmin

epithelial- cytokeratin

axons- GFAP
What is present in plasma membrane that breaks down into arachidonic acid?
Thromboxane 3 main actions
increase platelet aggregation, vascular tone, and bronchial tone
Prostacyclin vs Prostaglandins..which one increase uterine tone?
What drug inhibits lipoxygenase?
What drugs inhibits the action of leukotrienes
lukasts (zafirlukast)
what is the make-up of IGF-1 and insulin receptors?
2 alpha subunits (disulfide bonds)- bind extracellular ligand
2 beta subunits- tyrosine kinase activity
what drugs inhibit the sodium-potassium ATPase
cardiac glycosides
what cells dont have a G0 phase
bone marrow cells, gut epithelium, hair follicles
What CD prevents apoptosis?
What abnormalities are found in Arnold Chiari formation?
syringomelia, thoracolumbar meningomyocele, hydrocephaly
classic findings of syringomyelia
cape-like distribution of loss of pain and temperature sensation in upper body, light touch intact
amniotic fluid labs that might help dz anencephaly
increase in AFP acetylcholinesterases
forebrain (proencephalon) develops into what and then what
telencephalon--->cerebral hemispheres
diencephalon---->thalamus, hypothalamus optic nerve and tracts
Hindbrian (rhombencephalon) develops into what then what
**at week 5--

Into metencephalon---> pons and cerebellum

Myelencephalon---> medulla
Holoprosencephaly pathophysiology
decreased separation of hemispheres across midline>>>sonic hedge hog defect

patau's syndrome
Dandy-waker formation-
large posterior fossa, absent cerebellar vermis with cystic enlargement of 4th ventricle. can lead to hydrocephalus
reduced epinephrine leads to
degeneration of basal nucleus of Meynert and less CNS ACh
cells destroyed in multiple sclerosis
HIV-infected microglia form
multinucleated giant cells when fused
What nervous system cells arise from mesoderm?
microglia (like macrohages)
cells destroyed in Guillan barre syndrome
schwann cells
nodes of Ranvier contain high concentrations of
Na+ channels
Guillan barre- inflammatory infiltrate in what
Location of synthesis of NE
locus ceruleus, (reticular formation, solitary tract)
location for synthesis of dopamine
ventral tegmentum and SNc
GABA is synthesized in
nucleus acccumbens
What is synthesized in basal nucleus of meynert?
what are the components of the blood brain barrier?
tight junctions, BM, foot processes
what organelle and cytochrome is particularly important in intrinsic apoptosis?
mitchondria---cytochrome C
Supraoptic nucleus makes
Paraventricular nucleus makes
Laterl area of hypothalamus controls
hunger..inhibited by leptin

destruction results in anorexia
Anterior vs posterior hypothalamus
anterior- cooling, PS
posterior- heating, SNS
suprachiasmatic nucleus receives input frrom
retina- regulates circadian rhythm
Posterior pituitary originates from
Destruction results in neurogenic diabetes insipidus
This releases hormones affecting the anterior pituitary
During what stage of sleep would a man have variable BP, penile tumescence, variable EEG?
REM sleep
Waves on EEG for stages of sleep
1- theta
2- K complexes spindles
3/4- delta
REM- beta
What drugs shorten stage 4 sleep?
BZDs, imipramine
What is the key transmitter in initating sleep?

(REM- ACh)
Pathway by which retinal information induces release of melatonin?
SCN- NE release-pineal gland- melatonin