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18 Cards in this Set

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Keratitis sicca is what?

Dry eyes

Keratoconjunctivitis sicca is what

Affects the cornea, bulbar conj, and inner portion of lids.

What layer forms the bulk of the tear film and contains salts and proteins derived from the lacrimal glands and conj?

Aqueous layer

What layer maintains wetabililty and traps shed epithelial cell, inflammatory cells, and debris?

Mucin layer

What layer arises from a shallow resovoir and spreads with each blink?

lipid layer

What are three types of tears?

Basal (lubricate the cornea), reflex tears(eye responding to strong fragrance and foods), and emotional tears(response to strong emotions)

What is xerophthalmia?

Dryness caused by a vitamin deficiency.

Sjorgens syndrome can cause?

Dry eyes

Rose bengal tests shows what?

Dryness of the cornea and conjunctiva

How is the But test performed (tearfilm breakup time)

Instill flurescein into conj sac and observe the tear film. If it breaks up in 10 seconds or less than this is abnormal.

How are dry eyes graded?

1-4, 4 being the worst.

What does cyclosporine (restasis) do?

Decreases inflammation and increases tear reflex works in 3 to 4 months.

Schirmers 1

No anesthetics

Shirmers 2


Three parts of tear film

Mucin, lipid, aqueous

In tear osmolarity whats considered normal?

308 and less

Normal blinking rate per minute?


A normal schirmers value in 5 min?

10 mm