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82 Cards in this Set

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Removal of ascitic fluid from peritoneal cavity
Excess fat in stools
enlargement of liver
Stage of hepatitis marked by jaundice, light or clay colored stools, dark urine, and pruritis
Stage of hepatitis marked by malaise, severe headache, R. upper quadraant pain, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, fever, arthralgia, rash, enlarged lymph nodes, uticaria, enlargement and tenderness of liver
Stage of hepatitis marked by fatigue, malaise, liver enlargement,
Golden yellow color of skin, mucous membranes, and sclera of the eye
Chronic, progressive Liver disease
enlargement of breast tissue in males
Surgical removal of gallbladder
Obstruction of common bile duct
Presence of gallstones
accumulation of excess fluid in the peritoneal cavity
Removal of ascitic fluid from the peritoneal cavity
Product of normal breakdown of old red blood cells in the liver
Portal vein
Delivers blood from the intestines to the liver
Kupffer cells
Ingest old red blood cells & bacteria
Stores bile from liver and releases it into duonedum
hepatic artery
delivers blood from aorta to the liver
Pancreatic duct
connect pancreas to the duonenum
Common bile duct
formed by the hepatic duct and cystic duct joining
Large organ responsible for metabolism of glucose, protein,and lipids. Also responsible for detoxification, Production of antibodies& metabolizing adrenocortical hormones, estrogen, testosterone and aldosterone
Cystic duct
Passage that delivers bile produced in liver to the gallbladder
Liver Biopsy
Removal of a small specimen of liver tissue for study
Complication of liver biopsy if the lung is accidentally punctured during the procedure
The use of sound waves to produce an image of an internal orgag
Liver scan
a radioactive substance is injected into a vein, and visualized in a radiograph to reveal tumors or abscesses
Complication of liver biopsy, because of the rich blood supply and potential for impaired coagulation
Hepatitis A
Infectious hepatitis, caused by HAV & transmitted through water, food or medical equipment that has been contaminated with infected fecal matter
Hepatitis B
caused by HBV spread by intimate contact with carriers, as well as contact with contaminated blood or medical equipment
Hepatitis C
Transmitted by contact with contaminated blood, medical equipment or infected body fluids
Hepatitis D
caused by the Delta virus and can only survive in the presence of hepatitis B
hepatitis E
similar to Hepatitis A most commonly spread through water or food contaminated with fecal matter
hepatitis G
Identified in some blood donors, and spread through blood transfusions ( does not appear to chronic hepatitis)
Noninfectious Hepatitis
Unknown cause, but may be from exposure to toxins
Alcoholic Cirrhosis
caused by alcoholism the liver becomes enlarged and knobby and then shrinks
Billiary Cirrhosis
Caused by obstruction of bile flow
Cardiac Cirrhosis
Results from Venous congestion and hypoxia
hepatic encephalopathy
excessive ammonia in blood resulting in swelling of brain tissue and cognitive disturbances
Esophageal varices
Portal hypertension causes collateral vessels to develop in the esophagus and anterior abdominal wall. they are fragile and bleed easily and may cause fatal hemorrhage
Portal Hypertension
obstruction of blood coming into the liver causes blood to back up into the portal system
hepatorenal syndrome
Renal failure following diuretic therapy, Paracentesis, or GI hemorrhage in the Cirrhosis patient, reason is unknown
Fatty liver
Build up of fat cells in the liver caused by excess alcohol consumption. is reversible if alcohol intake ceases
Alcoholic hepatitis
inflammation of liver caused by heavy alcohol consumption
Assessment of Patient with liver disease Present Illness
Fatigue, weight changes, digestive disturbances, skin changes??
Assessment of Patient with liver diseases: Past Medical History
Previous liver disease, hepatitis b vaccination, recent and current medications
Assessment of patient with liver disease: Review of Systems
Weakness, fatigue, pruritus, dyspnea, anorexia, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, bloody stools, changes in urine or stool color, numbness or tingling in extremities
Assessment of patient with liver disease: Functional assessment
Diet, alcohol intake, occupation, exposure to toxins, stress and coping strategies, interpersonal relationships
Assessment of patient with liver disease: Physical exam
Vital signs: Hypertension, tachypnea, Height and weight, Skin - dryness, scratches, jaundice, bruises, Eye: sclera icterus, Thorax: spider angiomas, Breast: gyneomatia,Abdomen: distention, prominent veins, girth, liver enlargment
Assessment of patient with gallbladder disease: Present Illness
Digestive disturbances, pain - location, onset, intensity, duration, relationship to meals, aggravating and relieving factors,
Assessment of patient with gallbladder disease: Past medical history
Gallbladder disease, pregnancy, surgery, recent and current medications
Assessment of patient with gallbladder disease: Family history
Gallbladder disease
Assessment of patient with gallbladder disease: Review of systems
Pruritis, indigestion, fat intolerance, dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting, light colored stools, dark urine
Assessment of patient with gallbladder disease: Physical exam
Vital signs: tachycardia, tachypnea, fever. Skin: dryness, jaundice. Abdomen: guarding, distention
Assessment of patient with a pancreatic disorder: present illness
General well-being, digestive disturbances, pain
Assessment of patient with a pancreatic disorder: Past medical history
Disorders of biliary tract or duodenum, abdominal trauma or surgery, metabolic disorders, medication history, esp loop diruetics, estrogens, corticosteroids, sulfonamide agents, opiate agents
Assessment of patient with a pancreatic disorder: Family history
Pancreatic disorders
Assessment of patient with a pancreatic disorder: Review of systems
General survey: restlessness, flushing, diaphoresis. Vital signs: low grade fever, tachycardia, tachypnea, hypotension. Skin: dryness, jaundice, scratches. Abdomen: distention, tenderness, diminished bowel sounds, discoloration
Cholecytitis Key signs and symptoms
Episodic colicky pain in epigastric are which radiates to back and shoulder, Indigestion or chest pain after eating fatty or fried foods, Nausea, vomiting or flatulence
Cholecytitis: Key test results
Blood chemistry reveals increased alkaline phosphotase, bilirubin, direct bilirubin, transaminase, amylase, lipase, aspartate aminotransferase(AST) and lactate dehydrogenase (LD) levels. Cholangiogram shows stones in biliary tree
Cholecytitis: Key treatments
Laproscopic cholecystectomy or open cholescystectomy. analgesic morphine
Cholecytitis: Key interventions
Monitor abdominal status and pain, Provide postop care( monitor dressings for drainage, if open cholecystectomy monitor and record T-tube drainage, monitor incision for signs of infection, get client out of bed asap, encourage PCA, Maintain the position, patentcy and low suction of NG tube
Cirrhosis: Key signs and symptoms
Abdominal pain, anorexia, ascities, fatigue, jaundice, nausea, vomiting
Cirrhosis: Key Test results
Liver biopsy; definitive test detects destruction and fibrosis of hepatic tissue, CT scan with IV contrast reveals enlarged liver, identifies liver masses, and hepatic blood flow and obstructions
Cirrhosis: Key Treatments
Blood tranfusions, Gastric intubation, and esophageal balloon tamponade for bleeding esophageal varices, IV therapy using colloid volume expanders or crystalloids . hemostatic vasopressin for esophageal varices, Diuretics (lasix and spironolactone for edema ( requires careful monitoring. Vitamin K for bleeding tendencies due to hypoprothrombin
Cirrhosis: Key Interventions
Monitor respiratory status, frequently reposition patient, Monitor for signs of bleeding, Observe for behavior or personality changes ( increased stupor, lethargy, hallucinations, and neuromuscular dysfunction. Monitor level of consciousness. Monitor ammonia levels. Carefully evaluate before, during and after parecnetesis
Pancreatitis: Key signs and symptoms
abdominal tenderness and distention, abrupt onset of pain in epigastric region radiating to shoulder, substernal area back and flank. Aching, burning, stabbing, pressing abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, and tachypnea
Pancreatitis: Key Test results
Blood chemistry shows increased amylase, lipase, LD, glucose, AST, & lipid levels, decreased calcium, and potassium levels, cullen's sign is positive, Grey Turner's sign is positive, Ultrasonography reveals cysts, bile duct inflammation, and dilation
Pancreatitis: Key Treatments
Bedrest, IV fluids, Transfusion therapy with packed RBCs, analgesic morphine antidiabetic insulin, corticosteroids, potassium supplements
Pancreatitis: Key Interventions
Monitor cardiac, abdominal and respiratory status, evaluate fluid balance, perform bedside glucose monitoring, Monitor IV fluids, turn client every 2hrs
Advantages of the use of shunts for cirrhotic ascites
provides a mechanism to collect protein rich ascitic fluid and return it to the vascular system and Increases urine output which eliminates excess sodium and water
Fulminate liver failure
Liver failure associated with injury
Corticosteroids and immunosuppressant agents
Used to prevent liver transplant rejection
Pancreatic enzymes
Tripsin - protein digestion
Amylase - Starch, sucrose & fructose digestion
Lipase - fat digestion
synthesis of glucose from substances other than carbohydrates
Formation of glucagon from glucose
splitting of glycogen into glucose
Early signs of shock
Tachycardia and restlessness
Late signs of shock
Urine output for a patient with pancreatitis
At least 40ml per hour
Signs and symptoms of inadequate pancreatic enzymes
Steatorrhea - Bulky, frothy stools with high fat content
3 kinds of alcohol-induced liver disease
1. fatty liver disease
2. Alcoholic hepatitis
3. Alcoholic Cirrhosis