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60 Cards in this Set

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Mild Mental Retardation IQ of
Moderate MR IQ
of 35 to 40 - 55
Severe MR IQ of
20 to 25- 40
Profound MR - Level below
Oppositional Defiant Disorder sx:
refusal to follow adult directives
easily annoyed
blames others
argues excessively
Conduct Disorder sx:
setting fires
torturing animals
bullying others
what age and sex is most common to get tourretes
male age 8
what is the drug class used to treat tourrettes
what are the sx of Hyperactivity
excessive running
excessive talking
cannot stay in seat
cannot play quietly
like a “Motor”
answers ?’s too soon
cannot wait turns
What 4 muscles allow you to inspire?
Normal: (DIIE) Diaphram, Innermost Intercoastals (open opposite side), External Intercostals

Forced: Pectoralis minor/major, Sternocleidomastoid, Trapezius, Scalene
what are the components of temperment
Activity Level. Reactivity to Stimuli
Cyclic behaviors - eating and sleeping .Reactions to people
Mood. Distractibility. Attention Span
what are the three types of children
easy children, difficult children ( high risk for problems etc), and slow to warm up children
what is normal for a 4 yo
Show overconcern over injury
Show curiosity about sex
Have nightmares and phobias
Have imaginary friends
Can copy a cross and speak well
Can do simple drawings of a person
Can button, zipper, hop and throw a ball
what is normal for a 5 yo
Play with other children
Seek affection from opposite sex parent
Draw persons in detail
Skip with alternating feet
Can copy a square
what is normal for age 6
Tie shoelaces, Ride bikes
Begin to understand moral values
Copy triangles, learn letters and to read
Empathy increases
Understanding of the finality of death by age 7
Fears of abandonment can occur
what disorders are included in pervasive developmental disorder
Autism, Asperger’s, Rett’s disorder and Childhood Disintegrative Disorder
what are three parasomnias
Sleepwalking *
Sleep Terror Disorder *
Nightmare Disorder
what are some dysomnias
Primary Insomnia * Narcolepsy *
Sleep apnea (Breathing-related Sleep Disorder) *Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder *
what dz is this: extended sleep, broken by brief alertness, hyperphagia, hypersexuality/irritability, slow withdrawn apathetic when awake
Keline levin syndrome its a common kind of hypersomnia
what is the classic tetrad of narcolepsy
sleep attacks
hypnogogic, hypnopompic hallucinations
sleep onset/offset paralysis
what is seen on the sleep study of narcolepsy
short sleep latency, short REM latency, jumbled sleep elements
what is the treatment plan for narcoplepsy
Stimulants to maintain alert state
Antidepressants for cataplexy
tricyclics suppress REM
Brief, planned naps reduce sleep attacks (brief period of effect)
what do sleep studies of sleep apnea show
short sleep latency, short REM latency, apneic episodes
what is the treatment method for sleep apnea
Weight loss if overweight
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine
Tracheostomy (last resort)
what meds can be used for sleep walking
Time limited but can Rx with TCA’s, BZD’s – both disrupt stage 4
what can supress night terrors
TCAs and BZDs
what is the diff between nightmare disorder and night terrors
night terrors- not awakened and dont rmember in the morning
nightmare disorder- awakened and do remember in the morning
what dz is this: typically during NREM sleep, Q 20-40 sec for minutes to hours
periodic leg movement d/o aka nocturnal myoclonus
what drug may suppress periodic leg movement disorder
what drug may help RLS
antidepressants, DA enhancers, analgesics, hypnotics
what dz is this: prevents the onset of sleep, may accompany dys and parasthesias
what are the modern sedative hypnotics for sleep disorders
trazodone, temazepam (et alia), zolpidem (Ambien), zaleplon (Sonata)
what is moa of trazadone
trazodone increases serotonin effect
what does temzxepam, triazolam do
temazepam, triazolam enhance GABA @ BZD receptors (non-specifically)
what do zolpidem and zalepon do
Zolpidem, zaleplon bind specifically to BZD W1 receptor - little anticonvulsant, anxiolytic or muscle relaxant effect
what happens to sleep w age
shorter total duration
reduced delta (slow-wave; stages 3/4) sleep
reduced REM sleep
increased awakenings
what is selective mutism
no just being shy, usually girls, refuse to speak or only speak to a select few, usually after a stressful event
what is the tx for selective mutism
antidep and therapy
what age of premature birth can cause MR, learning disabilities and delays
less than 32 weeks
what characterizes post pardum psychosis
onset of delusions or hallucinations
do most children devel at the same pace
what is mahler main point
separation and individuations-- if trust develops then development should go well
what is freuds main point
devel related to parts of the body from which the person got the most pleasure at each stage, oral stage, anal , phallic
what is reactive attachment disorder of infancy
inhibited type
disinhibited type
exposed to really poor care
inhibited type: child is withdrawn or unresponsive
disinhibited type: child approaches and cuddles u to strangers
when does social smile start
1-2 months
when does stranger anxiety start
after 4-6 months
when does object permanence form by
one year- and after that separation anxiety can occur
what happens from 18 mo to 2 years
move away from primary caregiver, but then quickly return, temper tantrums terrible twos, play is parallel
what happens at 3 yo
autonomy- can be away from mom for a few hours each day- failure to have this is separation anxiety and school refusal, toilet trained, gender identity
what is pervasive devel disorder
failure to aquire or early loss of social skills, motor skills, communication skills--> no cure for these
what are the sx of autism that usually occur before age 3
CBS ( cog, behav,soc): imparied social with parents, poor communication, delayed or unusual motor, boys
what are sx of aspergers
limited social skills, have repetitive behavior, unusual interests, normal cognitive devel, few language delays
what are the sx of rett's syndrome
girls, devel normal till age 4 then, decr in social verbal and cognitive, hand writhing, ataxia, dec IQ
what is child disintegrative disorder
normal devel from age 2-10 then they lose those skills, more common in boys
what is characteristic of early adolescents
ages 11-14- puberty begins, they are still obediant
middle adolescents what is characteristic
ages 15-17: clothing, music freinds are important, more risk taking
what is characteristic of late adolescents
ages 18-20 identity crisis. erickson ( role confusion) and piaget formal operations- higher reasoning
inc independence, transition goes well
what is the avg age of first intercourse
what are sx of fragile x
males, delayed cognitive abilities, behavior probs, hand flapping large ears, elongated faces and enlarged testicles
what is separation anxiety disorder
aka school phobia or school refusal
they complain of physical sx so they dont have to go to school- tx with ssri bc its considered an anxiety disorder