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10 Cards in this Set

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Amyotrophic Lateral sclerosis

Degenerative disease that attacks neurons in CNS and PNS. Because no nerves are transmitting info to muscles, the tissue become atrophied or decreased in size and the cells don’t contract normally so patient become weaker


Headache. Cephal- head; algia -pain

Cerebral palsy (CP)

Disorder of muscle tone (amt of tension in a muscle). Cerebr- cerebrum largest part of the brain; palsy- paralysis

Many with CP have Hypertonicity or spasticity (greater than normal Muscle tone) in arms and legs and hypotonicity (lower than normal muscle tone) in trunk muscles. Their brains can’t send the correct electrical signals to the nerves that travel to the muscles


Type of traumatic brain injury that shakes up brain tissue. Concuss- shaken together


Progressive and irreversible decline in a person’s cognitive (mental) abilities

Dement- madness. Alzheimer’s is most common- plaques of abnormal proteins in brain; vascular dementia-narrowed blood vessels limit blood flow to brain; genetic disorders


Chronic disorder characterized by seizures (sudden bursts of abnormal electrical activity in the brain). Epi- above,upon. ; -lepsy-seizure

Tonic-clinic or grand mal seizures; milder forms of absence or petit mal seizures


Accumulation of excessive cerebrospinal fluid (fluid that coats brain and spinal cord) in ventricles (chambers of the brain). If untreated fluid builds up and pushes brain tissue out against the skull causing brain damage

Intercranial hematoma

Collection of blood within the brain or between brain and its coverings. Crani-skull; hema- blood; intra- within; oma- tumor subdural- at the front of the brain


A protrusion of the meninges (membranes) surrounding brain or spinal cord through the skull or spinal column. If part of the spinal cord is protruding it’s called a myelomeningocele spina bifida

Mening/o -meninges, membranes; cele -hernia (a protrusion)

Parkinson’s disease

Insufficient secretion of neurotransmitter dopamine by brain cells called substantia nigra