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49 Cards in this Set

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Advise client to breathe normally throughout the assessment.
Inflate BP cuff 20 mm Hg above systolic pressure.
Deflate the cuff slowly, noting that sounds are audible during expiration but not inspiration.
Note when the first BP sound (Korotkoff's) is heard.
Continue to deflate the cuff until BP sounds are heard during both inspiration and expiration.
Measure the difference in mm Hg between the first BP sound heard during expiration and the first BP sound heard during both inspiration and expiration
Pulsus Paradoxus
One chief characteristic is precordial pain (pain in the anterior chest overlying the heart). It may be slight or severe and can be mistaken for esophagitis, indigestion, pleurisy, or MI. Moving and breathing deeply worsen the pain
During auscultation of the heart, the examiner hears a rough, grating, scratchy sound. What problem might the client have?
A friction rub may cause a rough, grating, or scratchy sound indicative of pericarditis
A client with myocardiopathy is experiencing syncope. Which of the following instructions should the nurse provide specifically to address the consequences of syncope
Restrict driving or operating equipment
Which of the following topics would the nurse include in teaching the client with aortic regurgitation? Choose all that apply.
Reasons for antibiotic therapy
How to assess blood pressure regularly
Methods to control hypertension.
Which of the following interventions are necessary when caring for a client with transvenous pacemaker?
Use only grounded electrical equipment in the room
Which of the following instructions is most important to include in the teaching plan for a client with right-sided heart failure?
Elevate the legs while sitting
a dysrhythmia characterized by a heart rate between 100 to 150 beats per minute, but with a regular rhythm.
Sinus tachycardia
Prolonged constriction of the pulmonary artery results in:
pulmonary hypertension
The pulmonary artery is the only artery in adults that carries deoxygenated blood
Antibiotic therapy is recommended after those procedures associated with the dissemination of microorganisms that can lead to bacteremia and recurrence of
Recipients of heart transplants commonly experience ischemic chest pain
Category of drugs that helps overcome afterload and reduce the exertion of the heart by decreasing circulatory fluid volume
diuretic therapy
Reduces the radius of the myocardial tissue in the left ventricle and increases the ventricular wall tension
Partial ventriculectomy
an inflammation of a vein accompanied by clot or thrombus formation
Thrombi that form in or above the popliteal vein of the leg are at high risk for migration toward the pulmonary circulation; these cases are referred to as a
pulmonary embolus (PE).
Accumulated waste products in the blocked vessel irritate the vein wall, initiating an
inflammatory response
In thrombophlebitis increased permeability of cells and the convergence of leukocytes and lymphocytes cause the area to
swell, redden, and feel warm and tender
Despite appropriate and successful treatment of thrombophlebitis, some clients experience a vascular complication referred to as ______ for up to 5 years after the initial episode
postphlebitic syndrome
When venous pressure increases because of pooled blood, some fluid leaks from capillaries into subcutaneous tissue, causing
leg ulcers.
Venous stasis (slowed circulation), altered blood coagulation, and trauma to the vein, referred to as
Virchow's triad
Factors that contribute to clot formation include
inactivity, reduced cardiac output, compression of the veins in the pelvis or legs, and injury
Older adults with heart and blood vessel disease are susceptible to thrombophlebitis because of
impaired mobility, reduced activity, and compromised circulation
Risk for clot formation is increased among women who take
oral contraceptives
Calf pain that increases on dorsiflexion of the foot is referred to as a
positive Homans' sign
Heat, redness, and swelling develop along the length of the affected vein in
In thrombophlebitis, Capillary refill takes less than 2 seconds because of venous congestion. The client often has a
fever, malaise, fatigue, and anorexia
Complete rest of the arm or leg is essential to prevent the thrombus from
breaking free and floating in the circulation (embolus
drugs that prevent platelet aggregation (clustering) are prescribed to decrease the incidence of future clot formation
Anticoagulant therapy with heparin, oral anticoagulants
People with repeated episodes may be placed on oral anticoagulant therapy for
3 to 6 months.
surgery on the ______may be necessary to reduce the possibility of a clot traveling from the legs to the lungs
inferior vena cava
_______ are ordered to improve circulation, ease pain, and decrease inflammation
Continuous warm, wet packs
An important role is to prevent venous stasis and thrombophlebitis by promoting ____ for at-risk clients. ____ exercises are imperative for clients on bed rest
activity and exercise
Signs that indicate impaired clotting:
nosebleeds, bleeding gums, rectal bleeding, easy bruising, and prolonged oozing from minor cuts
Client's venous circulation will be adequate as evidenced by
(1) reduced localized edema, (2) capillary refill less than 3 seconds in the toes of the affected extremity, (3) skin color in affected extremity that is similar to that of the unaffected extremity
Instruct client to perform active leg exercises with the unaffected extremity at least five times each
waking hour
Monitor for dyspnea, tachypnea, cough, hypotension, abnormal lung sounds, or chest pain
Abnormal results of focus assessments indicate cardiopulmonary complications such as a PE
_____ lowers abdominal organs away from the diaphragm and facilitates increased inspiration
Head elevation
inflammation of blood vessels associated with clot formation and fibrosis of the blood vessel wall. It affects primarily the small arteries and veins of the legs
Thromboangiitis obliterans
It is far more common in men than in women, and the onset usually is during young adulthood. Cigarette smoking aggravates the condition
Thromboangiitis obliterans
The client notes that one or both feet are always cold and may report numbness, burning, and tingling in some areas of the feet. Intermittent claudication, leg cramps after exercise, is a common symptom
Thromboangiitis obliterans
Cyanosis and redness of the feet and legs sometimes occur. The skin frequently is a mottled purplish-red and appears thin and shiny, with sparse hair growth. Shallow, dry leg ulcers in various stages of healing may be seen. Black gangrenous areas may develop on the toes and heels
Thromboangiitis obliterans
the interruption or suppression of some portion of the sympathetic nerve pathway, is performed to relieve vasospasm
Lie flat in bed with both legs elevated above the level of the heart for 2 or 3 minutes.
Sit on the edge of the bed with the legs dependent for 3 minutes.
Exercise the feet and toes by moving them up, down, inward, and outward.
Return to the first position and hold it for about 5 minutes
Buerger-Allen Exercises
avoid caffeine, tobacco products, and over-the-counter drugs that cause ______ such as nasal decongestants
A ______ diet is used in the initial treatment of rheumatic heart disease and is progressed as tolerated. ____ is restricted if the client has edema or is treated with _____
full liquid
an INR factor, the normal range is
2.0 to 3.0.
Clients receiving an anticoagulant must be observed for signs of bleeding tendency (
blood in the urine or stool, easy bruising, bleeding gums, excessive bleeding from minor cuts or scratches
Many older adults have peripheral vascular insufficiency that is manifested by
weak or absent pedal pulses; cold, clammy feet; thickened toenails; and shiny skin on the lower extremities