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58 Cards in this Set

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Addisons Disease
Underfunction of the adrenal gland, leads to bronzing of the skin, anemia, weakness and hypotension
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Progressive/fatal motor neuron disease that leads to muscle atrophy and degeneration. Loss of motor control and paralysis.
Alexanders Disease
Progressive and fatal brain disease classified under the group leukodystrophies which are diseases that attack the myelin sheaths in the brain. Symptoms include megalenchephaly, seizures, ataxia and spasticity. Hallmark feature is the presence of Rosenthal fibers
Amaurosis Fugax
A symptom described as a shade coming down over the eye, temporary blindness (due to inhibition of the blood vessels that supply blood to the brain)
Inability to feel pain while still conscious
Inability to recognize and identify objects or persons despite having knowledge of their characteristics.
Alstrom Syndrome
Autosomal recessive disease, causing obesity, photophobia and wobbly eyes in infants, enlarged heart along with kidney failure and insulin resistant diabetes in adulthood
Speech disorder where there is the loss of the ability to find the right words
Aarskog Syndrome
Wide-spaced eyes, front-facing nostrils, broad upper lip, malformed scrotum
Alport Syndrome
Hereditary condition characterized by kidney failure/nephritis (inflammation of kidney), sensorineural deafness, and sometimes eye defects.
Albright Syndrome
Genetic disorder caused by the mutation of a gene. It is a bone disease characterized by fractures and deformities of the legs arms and skull. It causes pigment patches in the skin and endocrine (hormonal) disease leading to early puberty
Batten Disease
-Fatal, inherited disorder of the nervous system
-Begins in childhood
-Buildup of lipopigments in body's tissues
-Vision loss, personality changes, clumsiness, Eventually, children become blind, bedridden, and demented (often fatal by the late teens or twenties).
Bell's Palsy
Weakness or paralysis of the muscles that control expression on one side of your face.
Bloom's Syndrome
Rare, early onset, autosomal recessive disorder characterized by telangiectases and photosensitivity, growth deficiency of prenatal onset, variable degrees of immunodeficiency, and increased susceptibility to neoplasms
Blount's Disease
Affects the bone development of toddlers and older children. Most often, it starts as bow-leggedness
Borna Disease
An infectious neurological syndrome of warm-blooded animals, which causes abnormal behaviour and fatality.

Borna disease in the horse gives rise to signs like:

* Unusual posture, gait and ear positions
* Movement Disturbances (principally ataxia or excess movement)
* "Pipe smoking" - hay or straw in mouth, but no chewing
Bowen's Disease
Looks like a bright-red or pink scaly patch, located on previously or presently sun-exposed skin. Squamous cell carcinoma
Brachial Neuritis
Rare syndrome affecting mainly the lower motor neurons of the brachial plexus. Usually is characterized by the acute onset of excruciating unilateral shoulder pain, followed by paralysis of shoulder and parascapular muscles
Buerger's Disease
Rare condition where blood vessels in the legs and sometimes the arms become inflamed causing a reduction in blood flow. Clots may also form in these blood vessels preventing adequate blood flow
Budd Chiari Syndrome
Rare disorder caused by blood clots that completely or partially block the large veins that carry blood from the liver (hepatic veins).
Cushing's Syndrome
Hormonal disorder caused by prolonged exposure of the body's tissues to high levels of the hormone cortisol. Most people have upper body obesity, rounded face, increased fat around the neck, and thinning arms and legs.
Central Cord Syndrome
An acute cervical spinal cord injury (SCI), characterized by disproportionately greater motor impairment in upper compared to lower extremities, bladder dysfunction, and variable degree of sensory loss below the level of injury.
CHARGE Syndrome
The term CHARGE comes from the first letter of some of the most common features seen in children with CHARGE: C = coloboma, H = heart defects, A = atresia of the choanae, R = retardation of growth and development, G = genital and urinary abnormalities, E = ear abnormalities and/or hearing loss
Gallstones...two types, Cholesterol/pigment stones (can block normal flow of bile)
Chrug-Strauss Syndrome
A progressive vasculitis that starts with asthma and progresses to ymptoms affecting kidney, skin, nose, lung, heart and nerve
Cowden Disease
Autosomal dominant inherited syndrome. These patients are characterized by multiple hamartomas occurring in the skin, breast, thyroid, gastrointestinal tract, endometrium, and brain
Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease
a rare and fatal human neurodegenerative condition. CJD is classified as a Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE) because of characteristic spongy degeneration of the brain (Called Mad cow disease in other animals)
Crohn's Disease
Ongoing disorder that causes inflammation of the digestive tract (inflammatory bowel disease), also referred to as the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.
Currarino Syndrome
-Partial absence of the sacrum (the lowest portion of spine), Anorectal (anal and rectal) abnormalities, and
An abnormal mass in front of the sacrum (due to a meningocoele or teratoma). Occurs to homeobox gene mutation
Cystic Fibrosis
A hereditary disease that affects the entire body, causing progressive disability and early death.Difficulty breathing and insufficient enzyme production in the pancreas are the most common symptoms. Thick mucous production as well as a low immune system results in frequent lung infections.
Canavan Disease
Fatal Leukodystrophy...visual inattentiveness or an inability to perform motor tasks, at around three to nine months. One of the earliest signs recognized by many parents is overall low muscle tone and lack of head control. As the child grows, motor skills and mental functioning deteriorate. The child eventually becomes blind.
De Lange Syndrome
A syndrome of multiple congenital anomalies characterized by a distinctive facial appearance, prenatal and postnatal growth deficiency, feeding difficulties, psychomotor delay
Round, brownish to purple growth commonly found on the legs and arms. Contain scar tissue and feel like hard lumps in the skin. Never turn cancerous
Devic's Disease
Autoimmune, inflammatory disorder in which a person's own immune system attacks myelin of the neurons of the optic nerves and spinal cord
-Can lead to blindness and paralysis of legs/arms
-Comparable to MS
Diabetes Insipidus
People with DI are thirsty all the time and have to urinate very often. Caused by Hypothalamus not producing enough ADH, or kidney's don't work with ADH well
Double Vision. The most common cause of double vision is misalignment of the two eyes
Duane Syndrome
a congenital eye movement disorder characterized by a limited ability to move an eye inward towards the nose (adduction), outward towards the ear (abduction), or in both directions.
A language-based learning disability. Dyslexia refers to a cluster of symptoms, which result in people having difficulties with specific language skills, particularly reading.
An extremely painful postural disorder characterised by abnormal, involuntary sustained muscle contractions. These contractions can twist, contort and deform various parts of the body and often result in abnormal movements or postures
Convulsions during or after pregnancy
A range of skin problems from rashes to blistering
Swelling of both legs from a buildup of extra fluid. Edema has many possible causes
A type of chronic obstructive lung disease. It is often caused by exposure to toxic chemicals or long-term exposure to tobacco smoke.
A common chronic neurological condition that is characterized by recurrent unprovoked epileptic seizures. These seizures are transient signs and/or symptoms due to abnormal, excessive or synchronous neuronal activity in the brain
Erb's Palsy
Also known as Brachial Plexus Paralysis, is a condition which mainly due to birth trauma can affect 1 or all of the 5 primary nerves that supply the movement and feeling to an arm. The paralysis can be partial or complete; the damage to each nerve can range from bruising to tearing.
Evan's Syndrome
The combination of direct Coombs-positive hemolytic anemia and immune thrombocytopenia (relatively low platelet count in the blood)
Ewing's Sarcoma
Primary bone cancers that start in the bone. They are rare, with several different types of bone cancers.
Inflammation of a vein (usually in the leg)Associated with formation of thrombus/clot in the veins. Varicose veins can lead to it.
Apoplexy, Stroke
Supply of blood to the brain is affected (clot, air bubble, etc)
Dying, decaying flesh
Pernicious Anemia
Caused by a lack of vitamin B12
Hodgkins Disease
Type of lymphoma (malignant tumor in lymphatic tissue)
Belief that you are ill when you are healthy
Psychosomatic Disorder
The unconscious disorder where your brain effects your body, making you ill.
Munchhausen's Syndrome
Illness is faked to seek medical help (lack of motive)
Diabetes Type 1
Juvenile Onset (insulin dependent), body creates an inadequate amount of insulin
Diabetes Type 2
Adult Onset (Non-insulin dependent), sufficient insulin production, but body is unable to use it
Lack of clotting mechanisms (platelets) in blood, hard to stop bleeding