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61 Cards in this Set

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What connects the Pituitary to the Hypothalmus?
What hormones regulate the menstral cycle and secretion of male and female hormones?
Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
Leutinizing Hormone (LH)
The Adrenal Cortex is stimulated by what hormone?
ACTH- Adrenocorticotropic Hormone
What hormone increases the synthesis of protien and promotes the growth of bone and tissues?
Growth Hormone (GH)
What is the 'Master Gland' which is controlled by the Hypothalamus?
the Pituitary Gland
The body is conservative and secretes homones only as needed through....
negative feedback
Name for a gland that fails to secrete its hormone or secretes an inadequate amount due to tumor, trauma, surgery or radiation...
The Hypophysis of the Pituitary gland has 2 parts...
Which part of the hypophysis secretes 6 tropic hormones, regulates the adrenal gland, and its activity is directed by the hypothalmus?
Which part of the hypophysis recieves hormones secreted by the hypothalamus and then stores them for later release?
Diseases caused by hyperpituitarism?
What disease occurs in children from inadequate growth hormone and causes small height and underdevelopment sexually?
Pituitary Dwarfism
What is the etiology of hyperpituitarism?
Adenoma (tumor)
Excessivelinear growth prior to growth plate closure causes....
These are signs of what disease?
Hypersecretion of GH after puberty, long bones quit growing, curvature of spine, protusionof tongue, and excessive growth of soft tissue...
Name of an anti-diuretic that causes smooth muscle contraction of the uterine muscles...
In the absence of ADH, water is not reabsorbed by the kidney and is lost in urine..this is a symptom of ...
Diabetes Insipidus
Disease in which the kidney fails to concentrate urine in response to ADH..ADH levels are normal...
Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus
Treatment of Diabetes Insipidus includes...
ADH taken by injection, orally, or by nasal spray to maintain normal urine output
What is produced in the thyroid gland from the mineral iodine?
What hormone assures that enought body heat is produced to keep normal body temp even in cold environments?
Functions of Thyroid gland...
regulates metabolic rate, secretes hormones, opposite of parathyroid..stimulates the increased deposition of Ca into bone lowering blood levels of Ca.
Thyroid gland synthesizes, stores, and releases thyroid hormones which contain...
Thyroxine stimulates cellular metabolism by increasing the rate of __?__ use with energy and heat production.
What is converted to energy in the presence of O2 and the waste products of metabolism, including CO2 are formed.
What hormone assures that enought body heat is produced to keep normal body temp even in cold environments?
Functions of Thyroid gland...
regulates metabolic rate, secretes hormones, opposite of parathyroid..stimulates the increased deposition of Ca into bone lowering blood levels of Ca.
Thyroid gland synthesizes, stores, and releases thyroid hormones which contain...
Thyroxine stimulates cellular metabolism by increasing the rate of __?__ use with energy and heat production.
What is converted to energy in the presence of O2 and the waste products of metabolism, including CO2 are formed.
When the level of circulating thyroxine is high, andanterior pituitary is inhibited and stops releasing what hormone? (negative feedback mechanism)
If the bodys supply of what mineral is low...the thyroid cannot produce thyroxine?
What is the primary disease of the thyroid gland?
Treatment for Myxedema?
If the thyroid gland fails to form in fetal development or the mom suffers from low iodine it causes what disease?
Signs of Cretinism?
Sexual organs do not develop, face is misshapen, stocky stature, and protruding abdomen.
Symptoms of Myxedema?
slow heartrate,shallow breathing,decreased body temp,convulsions,low O2 to organs
What is the most common etiology for Graves Disease?
What regulates Carbohydrates in the body?
the Glucocorticoid hormone..cortisol
The adrenal cortex is stimulated by....
Adrenal gland activity is increased by the plasma level of...
What deficiency leads to low blood sugar, impaired protien and carbohydrate metabolism, and weakness?
Cortisol deficiency
Corticotropin stimulates Melanin...an increase of this causes hyperpigmantation associated with what disease?
Addison's Disease
Addison's disease can be life-threatening and must be treated with...
corticosteroid replacement
An excess of Cortisol hormone causes what disease?
Cushing's Syndrome
What cells build up bone?
If Ca levels in the blood decrease what hormone levels in the blood increase and stimulate bone breakthrough...
parathyroid hormone
What regulates the level of circulating calcium, andphosphate, and osteoclastic and blasticactivity?
The principal manifestation of hypoparathyroidism is ______, a sustained muscular contraction.
Excessive parathormone raises the level of Ca above normal, a condition called...
As the Ca level rises,,, what level falls?
Excessive Ca causes kidney stones because Ca forms...
insoluble compounds
Complications of hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcemia?
Kidney stone formation
spontaneous fractures,
calcification of organ walls,
calcification of blood vessel walls
What section of the pancreas produces insulin and glucagon?
Islets of Langerhans
Glucose primarily enters what cells?
Skeletal muscle cells, and fat cells
In DM type 1 metabolism of fat makes...
Over 250 mg ketones causes...
Which Diabetes is insulin dependant and accounts for 90-95% of Diabetes?
Type 2
Death rate for heart disease is how many times higher for adults?
2-4 times
The nervous system is affected by poor circulation, pain, tingling, and paralysis..these are symptoms of...
A fasting blood glucose test is taken after the pt. has fasted for how long?
8 hours