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67 Cards in this Set

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Personal awareness of mental activities, internal sensations, and the external environment.
Circadian Rhythm
A cycle or rhythm that is roughly 24 hours long; the cyclical daily fluctuations in biological and psychological processes.
Suprachiasmatic nucleus
A cluster of neurons in the hypothalamus in the brain that governs the timing of circadian rhythms.
A hormone manufactured by the pineal gland that produces sleepiness.
An instrument that uses electrodes placed on the scalp to measure and record the brain's electrical activity.
EEG (electroencephalogram)
The graphic record of brain activity produced by an electroencephalograph.
REM sleep
Type of sleep dduring which rapid eye movements (REM) and dreaming usually occur and voluntary muscle activity is suppressed; also called active sleep or paradoxical sleep.
NREM sleep
Quiet, typically dreamelss sleep in which rapid eye movements are absent; divided into four stages; also called quiet sleep.
Beta brain waves
Brain-wave patterns associated with alert wakefulness.
Alpha brain waves
Brain-wave patterns associated with relaxed wakefulness and drowsiness.
Hypnagogic hallucinations
Vivid sensory phenomena that occur during the onset of sleep.
Sleep spindles
Short bursts of brain activity that characterize stage 2 NREM sleep.
K complex
single but large high-voltage spike of brain activity that characterizes stage 2 NREM sleep.
Sleep paralysis
A temporary condition in which a person is unable to move upon awakening in the morning or during the night.
REM rebound
A phenomenon in which a person who is deprived of REM sleep greatly increases the amount of time spent in REM sleep at the first opportunity to sleep uninterrupted.
Restorative theory of sleep
The view that sleep and dreaming are essential to normal physical and mental functioning.
Adaptive theory of sleep
The view that the unique sleep patterns of different animals evolved over time to help promote survival and environmental adaptation.
Sleep Disorders
Serious disturbances in the normal sleep pattern that interfere with daytime functioning and cause subjective distress.
A condition in which a person regularly experiences an inability to fall asleep, to stay asleep, or feel adequately rested by sleep.
Restless legs syndrome (RLS)
A condition in which unpleasant sensations in the lower legs are acompanied by an irresistible urge to move the legs, temporarily relieving the unpleasant sensation but disrupting sleep.
Sleep Apnea
A sleep disorder in which the person repeatedly stops breathing during sleep.
A sleep disturbance characterized by an episode of walking or performing other actions during stage 3 or stage 4 NREM sleep, also called somnambulism.
Night terrors
A sleep disturbance characterized by an episode of increased physiological arousal, intense fear and panic, frightening hallucinations, and no recall of the episode the next morning; typically occurs during stage 3 or stage 4 NREM sleep.
A category of sleep disorders characterized by arousal or activation during sleep or sleep transitions.
REM sleep behavior disorder
A sleep disorder in which the sleeper acts out his or her dreams.
A sleep disorder characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness and brief lapses into sleep throughout the day.
A sudden loss of voluntary muscle strength and control that is usually triggered by an intense emotion.
Sleep thinking
Repetitive, bland, and uncreative ruminations about real-life events during sleep.
A storylike episode of unfolding mental imagery during sleep.
A frightening or unpleasant anxiety dream that occurs during REM sleep.
Manifest content
In Freud's psychoanalytic theory, the elements of a dream that arer consciously experienced and remembered by the dreamer.
Latent content
In Freud's psychoanalytic theory, the unconscious wishes, thoughts, and urges that are concealed in the manifest content of a dream.
Activation-synthesis model of dreaming
The theory that brain activity during sleep produces dream images which are remembered by the brain into a dream story.
A cooperative social interaction in which teh hypnotized person responds to the hypnotist's suggestions with changes in perception, memory, and behavior.
Posthypnotic suggestion
A suggestion made during hypnosis that the person should carry out a specific instruction following the hypnotic session.
Posthypnotic amnesia
The inability to recall specific information because of a hypnotic suggestion.
The supposed enhancement of a person's memory for past events through a hypnotic suggestion.
The splitting of consciousness into two or more simultaneous streams of mental activity.
Neodissociation theory of hypnosis
Theory proposed by Ernest Hilgard that explains hypnotic effects as being due to the splitting of consciousness into two simultaneous streams of mental activity, only one of which the hypnotic participant is consciously aware of during hypnosis.
Hidden observer
Hilgard's term for the hidden, or dissociated, stream of mental activity that continues during hypnosis.
Any one of a number of sustained concentration techniques that focus attention and heighten awareness.
Psychoactive drug
A drug that alters consciousness, perception, mood, and behavior.
Physical dependence
A condition in which a person has physically adapted to a drug so that he or she must take the drug regularly in order to avoid withdrawal symptoms.
Drug tolerance
A condition in which increasing amounts of a physically addictive drug are needed to produce the original, desired effect.
Withdrawal symptoms
Unpleasant physical reactions, combined with intense drug cravings, that occur when a person abstains from a drug on which he or she is physically dependent.
Drug rebound effect
Withdrawal symptoms that are the opposite of a physically addictive drug's reaction.
Drug abuse
Recurrent drug use that results in disruptions in academic, social, or occupational functioning or in legal or psychological problems.
A category of psychoactive drugs that depress or inhibit brain activity.
A category of depressant drugs that reduce anxiety and produce sleepiness.
Depressant drugs that relieve anxiety.
A category of psychoactive drugs that are chemically similar to morphine and have strong pain-relieving properties.
A category of psychoactive drugs that increase brain activity, arouse behavior, and increase mental alertness.
A stimulant drug found in coffee, tea, cola drinks, chocolate, and many over-the-counter medications.
A stimulant drug found in tobacco products.
A class of stimulant drugs that arouse the central nervous system and suppress appetite.
A stimulant drug derived from the coca tree.
Stimulant-induced psychosis, or amphetamine psychosis or cocaine psychosis.
Schizophrenia-like symptoms that can occur as a result of prolonged amphetamine or cocaine use.
Psychedelic drugs
A category of psychoactive drugs that create sensory and perceptual distortions, alter mood, and affect thinking.
A psychedelic drug derived from the peyote cactus.
A synthetic psychedelic drug.
A psychoactive drug derived from the hemp plant.
MDMA or ecstasy
Synthetic club drug that combines stimulant and mild psychedelic effects.
Dissociative anesthetics
Class of drugs that reduce sensitivity to pain and produce feelings of detachment and dissociation; includes the club drugs phencyclidine (PCP) and Ketamine.
Sigmund Freud
1856-1939 Austrian physician and founder of psychoanalysis; proposed that dream images are disguised and symbolic expressions of unconscious wishes and urges.
Ernest R. Hilgard
1904-2001 American psychologist who extensively studied hypnosis and advanced neodissociation theory of hypnosis.
J. Allan Hobson
1933-present Contemporary American psychiatrists and neurobiologist who has extensively researched sleep and dreaming; proposed the activation synthesis model of dreaming.
William James
1842-1910 American psychologist and philosopher who proposed that the subjective experience of consciousness is not episodic, but an ongoing stream of mental activity.