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31 Cards in this Set

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A commissure is a _____ composed of _______ _______ that connects the 2 cerebral hemispheres, transferring info. b/w the 2.
A commissure is a TRACT composed of WHITE MATTER that connects the 2 cerebral hemispheres, transferring info. b/w the 2.
The largest commissure is the
[ ].
The largest commissure is the CORPUS CALLOSUM.
The 2nd largest commissure is the [ ]; it connects
[ ] to lateral parts of the ______ lobe.
The 2nd largest commissure is the ANTERIOR COMMISSURE; it connects OLFACTORY STRUCTURES to lateral parts of the TEMPORAL lobe.
Surgery to separate the hemispheres may be conducted in order to:
Surgery to separate the hemispheres may be conducted in order to isolate/decrease severity of generalized tonic-clonic seizures.
Surgery to sever the corpus callosum is known by different names, including:
commissurotomy, corpus callostomy, split-brain procedure
If visual material is only presented to the right half-field, a pt. with a corpus callostomy will...
If visual material is only presented to the right half-field, a pt. with a corpus callostomy will RESPOND NORMALLY.
If visual material is only presented to the left half-field, a pt. with a corpus callostomy will...
If visual material is only presented to the left half-field, a pt. with a corpus callostomy will TYPICALLY REPORT SEEING NOTHING OR A FLASH OF LIGHT.
If individual words are flashed to the right half-field, a pt. with a corpus callostomy will...
If individual words are flashed to the right half-field, a pt. with a corpus callostomy will RESPOND NORMALLY.
If individual words are flashed to the left half-field, a pt. with a corpus callostomy will...
If individual words are flashed to the right half-field, a pt. with a corpus callostomy will show HEMIALEXIA (partial, crude compensation may occur over years).
In dichotomous listening tasks following a corpus callostomy, this ear shows dominance:
In terms of motor functioning, this is seen following a corpus callostomy: ________-sided ______ to commands.
In terms of motor functioning, this is seen following a corpus callostomy: LEFT-SIDED APRAXIA to commands.
Following a corpus callostomy, there is an inability to name objects in the ______ hand, while the person can do this with the same hand:
Following a corpus callostomy, there is an inability to name objects in the LEFT hand, but the person can PICK OUT THE OBJECT WITH THE LEFT HAND.
Following a corpus callostomy, one finds constructional ______ on the _____.
Following a corpus callostomy, one finds constructional APRAXIA on the RIGHT.
Following a corpus callostomy, a pt. cannot cross-replicate hand ______. This means that ______ made by one hand can't be mimicked by the other. When a posture is flashed a visual half-field, it can only be copied by the hand on the ______ side.
Following a corpus callostomy, a pt. cannot cross-replicate hand POSTURES. Also, when a posture is flashed a visual half-field, it can only be copied by the hand on the SAME side.
Following a corpus callostomy, a person will successfully name out of sight objects in the _____ hand only.
Following a corpus callostomy, a person will successfully name out of sight objects in the RIGHT hand only.
Following hemisphere disconnection, pts. often experience _______ ________anopia.
Following hemisphere disconnection, pts. often experience DOUBLE HEMIANOPIA.
Following hemisphere disconnection, pts. often experience _____alexia and alexia without ________. Can't read info presented to the _____ half-field; can write but can't read what they have just written to dictation.
Following hemisphere disconnection, pts. often experience HEMIALEXIA and alexia without AGRAPHIA. Can't read info presented to the LEFT half-field; can write but can't read what they have just written to dictation.
_______ hemialexia combined with _______ homonymous hemianopia results in alexia without agraphia. This occurs in about 75% of righthanders with infarcts in the ______ _______ cerebral artery.
LEFT hemialexia combined with RIGHT homonymous hemianopia results in alexia without agraphia. This occurs in about 75% of righthanders with infarcts in the LEFT POSTERIOR CEREBRAL ARTERY.
In righthanders with infarcts in the LEFT POSTERIOR CEREBRAL ARTERY, there is a _____ ______ lobe lesion that interferes with vision/reading in the _____ half-field. Visual info only reaches the left language-dominant region from the left half-field via the ______ ________ cortex and splenium, and this cortex has also generally been lesioned.
In righthanders with infarcts in the LEFT POSTERIOR CEREBRAL ARTERY, there is a LEFT OCCIPITAL lobe lesion that interferes with vision/reading in the RIGHT half-field. Visual info only reaches the left language-dominant region from the left half-field via the RIGHT OCCIPITAL cortex and splenium, and this cortex has also generally been lesioned.
Post commisurotomy, a pt. often shows unilateral ideomotor apraxia on the ________. A ____ handed individual can carry out activities on command with the ______ hand that cannot be performed with the ______ hand. This is distinguished from _________ apraxia.
Post commisurotomy, a pt. often shows unilateral ideomotor apraxia on the LEFT. A RIGHT handed individual can carry out activities on command with the RIGHT hand that cannot be performed with the LEFT hand. This is distinguished from IDEATIONAL apraxia.
Norman Geschwind defines a _________ _________as any disorder in which cortical areas that normally work in conjunction become isolated, involving interruption of info transfer, usu. b/c of ______ ______ ______.
Norman Geschwind defines a DISCONNECTION SYNDROME as any disorder in which cortical areas that normally work in conjunction become isolated, involving interruption of info transfer, usu. b/c of WHITE MATTER LESIONS.
Disconnection syndromes: in conduction aphasia, a pt. is fluent but _________; repetition is __________; comprehension is ________. The lesion may be in the ________ _________.
Disconnection syndromes: in conduction aphasia, a pt. is fluent but PARAPHASIC; repetition is IMPAIREd; comprehension is RELATIVELY INTACT. The lesion may be in the ARCUATE FASCICULUS.
Disconnection syndromes: in ______ apraxia in Broca's aphasia, one finds apraxia of command movements of the ____ hand. There is a disconnection of the _______ language area and motor association cortices from the _____ motor association cortices/corpus callosum.
Disconnection syndromes: in SYMPATHETIC apraxia in Broca's aphasia, one finds apraxia of command movements of the LEFT hand. There is a disconnection of the LEFT language area and motor association cortices from the RIGHT motor association cortices/corpus callosum.
With pure word deafness, hearing/identification of nonverbal sounds is _____; verbal comprehension is _______; speech is ________.
With pure word deafness, hearing/identification of nonverbal sounds is INTACT; verbal comprehension is IMPAIRED; speech is INTACT.
With pure word deafness, one would expect to find a lesion in the ______ _________ lobe, specifically in _________'s area , or in the connection between the two ______ lobes.
With pure word deafness, one would expect to find a lesion in the LEFT TEMPORAL lobe, specifically in WERNICKE's area , or in the connection between the two TEMPORAL lobes.
In pure word blindness (aka ______ without _______); there is the loss of ability to _______, while ______ to command is fairly intact. This is seen with a _____ field h_________ if there is a split brain.
In pure word blindness (aka ALEXIA without AGRAPHIA); there is the loss of ability to READ while WRITING to command is fairly intact. This is seen with a RIGHT FIELD HEMIANOPIA if there is a split brain.
In disconnection syndromes with right handers, alexia without agraphia may be seen following lesions to the _____ ______ cortex, as well as the connection of the dominant language areas to the ____visual cortex via the splenium of the CC.
In disconnection syndromes with right handers, alexia without agraphia may be seen following lesions to the LEFT VISUAL cortex, as well as the connection of the dominant language areas to the RIGHT visual cortex via the splenium of the CC.
Disconnection syndromes: if language and motor regions are disconnected, one may see ______ without ______.
Disconnection syndromes: if language and motor regions are disconnected, one may see AGRAPHIA without ALEXIA.
Disconnection syndromes: in pure word mutism, one loses the capacity to _______, but _____ and _______ comprehension as well as ______ are intact.
Disconnection syndromes: in pure word mutism, one loses the capacity to SPEAK, but ORAL and WRITING comprehension as well as WRITING are intact.
In pure word mutism, there is a lesion in the dominant _____ lobe, separating ______'s area from __________ motor areas.
In pure word mutism, there is a lesion in the dominant FRONTAL lobe, separating BROCA's area from SUBCORTICAL motor areas.
In this disconnection syndrome, left limbs have normal spontaneous movement but there is an inability to respond to verbal/written requests due to disconnect b/w left lang. centers and right motor centers.
In ANTERIOR CEREBRAL ARTERY syndrome, left limbs have normal spontaneous movement but there is an inability to respond to verbal/written requests due to disconnect b/w left lang. centers and right motor centers.