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38 Cards in this Set

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4 steps to becoming effective disciplemaker
1. sent in teams
2. give them authority
3. specify the audience
4. clarify the objective
what does it mean to follow jesus?
-think like JC
-act ""
-invest ""
disciple = someone est. in 4 fundamentals
Gods word
Where is JC final instructions to disciples found.. to be effective leaders?
John 13
what allegory did JC use to depict dependence on Him?
what must a christian do to bear fruit?
"remain" in Christ
7 things that came out of JC last discourse to the disciples that are things that good leaders require?
1. humility
2. love
3. confidence
4. prayer
5. obedience
6. fruitfulness
7. Holy Spirit
Can a person be saved and JC not have control of their life: "lord of their life"?
discipleship costs us something
What verse= salvation conditioned on faith alone?
John 6:47 - Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.
What does the term "Lord" jesus Christ refer to?
Christs deity and role in salvation
what is meaning of word "fruit" in scripture?
determined by context
what does "fruit" refer to in James?
- wisdom that is God given
Why do some people who claim to be saved not "go on" for Christ?
not saved
no follow up
saved sinners

1. know lang, not lord. Not saved
2. actual converts who werent followed up properly
3. christians that are saved sinners
If a person does not publicly confess can they be saved?
yes salvation = faith plus nothing
what does public confession do?
- experience victorious christian life, deliverance from Gods wrath over everyday sin
Nt different kinds of baptism. Why would NT believers be familiar with baptism?
Jews used it as initiatory rite as regular part of worship.. would be viewed as means of justification
why is baptism important:
-Christ commanded it
-not a req. for salvation
-first step of discipleship
3 methods/understandings of evangelism
1. proclamation: simple announcement= evangelism
2. presence: simply living the Christian life around unbelievers
3. persuasion: if you do not convince, you have not evangelized
Def of evangelism:
- proclaiming the good news of Christ, with the intent of seeing hearer come to faith in Christ.
what is best way to evangelize?
any way possible
reasons "method" of evangelism is not prominent in NT?
- emphasis of NT is on message, not method
- excitement about the message motivated people to just get it out in any way possible, quickly
what is the "gift" of evangelism?
a special ability to communicate the gospel to sinner an to equip the saints for evangelism
2 mistakes Christians make about evangelism?
1. assume evangelists and revivalists have same gift
2. confuse personality of extrovert with gift of evangelism
Reconciling Gods sovereignty and mans free will
ideas do fit together, past our understanding
when should we pray?
Go, pray and pray as you go
emphasis in NT on praying for unbelievers or believers?
-NOT unbelievers but for believers as they do evangelism
def. of "wisdom" in evangelism?
- common sense combined with disarming purity
when and where is wisdom demonstrated?
- id with ppl where they are
- display balance between grace and truth
- use current events to show how Bible relates to life
- use intellectual and objective evidences
- learn value of a compliment
how does NT respond to fear in believers?
with boldness
what is boldness?
fundamental idea = courage
when should we ask God for boldness
while evangelizing
what does boldness result from?
- confidence in the message
- concern for people
What are the marks of a mature believer?
wisdom and spiritual understanding
Pauls approach to new converts: steps
-each is handcrafted
- do whatever necessary to aid growth (exhort,comfort,charge)
- prayer
- hard work
why do we hesitate to get involved in life of new believers? (2 reasons)
- lack of patience
- we are materialistic and selfish
what does follow up have in common with evangelism?
- it is people oriented
3 observations about Christian responsiblity:
-JC desires discipleship
-JC taught disciples evangelism 1st
-disc. presents opportunity and balance
-Christ desires for believers to enter into discipleship and stay with it
- first thing Christ taught his disciples was evangelism (discipleship and evang. are inseperable)
- discipleship presents opportunity and balance in evangelism
define opportunity and balance in evangelism:
- to life a christian life before a new/unbeliever
- one being discipled and discipler will increasingly develop a biblical philopsophy in confronting the lost.