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71 Cards in this Set

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What embryologic layer is the urinary system derived from?
Intermediate mesoderm
What came first, the urinary or gonadal systems?
Urinary development is established first.
Generally, in what direction does development occur?
Cranial to caudal
Name the 3 "attempts" of the urinary system, in order.
Tell me everything you know about Pronephros
Formed and degenerated in the 4th week.
In cervical region
Runs phronephric duct all the way down to the cloaca
Never functional
Mesonephros: where and when does it develop?
Starts late week 4
In thoracic-lumbar region
Where does the mesonephric duct come from?
Jacked (stolen) from the pronephric duct, just renamed mesonephric duct
Is mesonephros functional ever?
When does mesonephros degenerate?
end of month 2
Does all of mesonephros degenerate?
Female: yes
Male: keeps the mesonephric duct (will become vas deferens)
When does metanephros form first?
week 5
When does metanephros become functional?
Week 9
What are 2 new parts to metanephros?
1) Metanephric diverticulum (uteric bud)
2) Metanephric tissue cap
What does metanephric diverticulum do when comes into contact with metanephric tissue cap?
Starts branching like mad into renal pelvis, calyces, collecting duct. (Eventually ureter too)
What does metanephric tissue cap do when comes into contact with metanephric diverticulum?
Starts forming nephrons. Invades capillaries to form glomeruli. By week 9 ready to filter.
What's renal agenesis?
Failure of contact of metanephric diverticulum and metanephric tissue cap -> degenerate "kidney".
Unilateral = asymptomatic
Bilat = lethal
How does kidneys' general position in body change?
Grows up from pelvis to hilum at L1 by differentail growth. New arteries continue to form as ascend, inf. ones degrade.
How does suprarenal glands' general position in body change?
They don't. They were waiting up at L1 for the kidney the whole time.
(I'll stand by you, won't let nobody hurt you, I'll stand by you.)
What does splitting of ureteric bud do?
2 ureteres, 1 kidney
What is an ectopic ureter?
Ureter drain to vag, vestibule, urethra
What is a pelvic kidney?
Failure to rise
What is a horseshoe kidney?
Inferior poles of kidney contacted, fused, got stuck around the IMA
What is a fused kidney?
Fused, rose to one side.
What is an autosomal recessive polycystic kidney all about?
Cysts form coming from collecting ducts. Renal failure in childhood.
What is an autosomal dominant polycystic kidney all about?
Cysts from all segments of the nephron. Renal failure as an adult. If unilateral = asymptomatic.
How do you get accessory renal arteries?
Failure of inferior artery to degenerate
What divides the cloaca?
Urorectal septa. Divides into rectum and urogenital sinus.
What are the parts of the urogenital sinus?
Vesicular portion- connects to allantois
Pelvic portion- gives rise to part of urethra
Phallic portion- grows to genital tubercle
What develops into the bladder?
Vesicular portion of UG sinus. Lined by epithelium from gut ENDOderm. Muscles (detrusor) and ct from MESOderm.
What makes up the trigone?
Incorporation of mesonephric duct into bladder. Strands ureters. Epithelium of bladder grows over it.
When does the trigone form?
Weeks 5-12
What is important about bladder position and medical procedures?
In kids and bladders that are full, the bladder is suprapubic. Don't stick it with a needle. It's a bad idea.
Wheeere does the urethra come from?
Epithelium from gut ENDOderm. Muscles and ct from MESOderm.
Where is the prostate from and how does it grow??
It is an outgrowth of ENDOderm of proximal urethra. Mesenchyme invades it to make the stroma and smooth muscles.
What do the ejaculatory ducts and seminal vessicles form from?
Ejaculatory ducts are the mesonephric ducts that are pulled into the prostate. The seminal vessicles are also an outgrowth of the mesonephric duct.
Where do skene's glands come from?
Outgrowth of proximal urethra in females. Mucous producing.
What is an urachal fistula?
Patent opening into umbilicus. Party trick where you can pee out your belly button.
What is an uracal cyst?
Stranded cyst from allantosis not degenerating all the way. Fluid filled.
What is an exstrophy of the bladder?
Failure of anterior abdominal wall to close in the bladder. Usually in males also dorsal opening of the peep.
When do gonads first begin to develop?
Weeks 5-6 on mesonephros anterior surface.
What are the gonads derived from?
Mesothelium, mesenchyme, primordial germ cells.
Where do the gonadal cords come from?
Epithelium invaginations
Where do rete testis come from?
gonadal cords -> elongates -> seminiferious cords -> seminiferous cords near hilum -> rete testis (solid)
Where do sertoli cells come from?
surface epithelium
Is tunica albuginea diagnostic for males?
Not it's presence, it's all about the thickness. (Thick = male, thin = female)
Where do the interstial cells of Leydig come from?
What does the rete testis join?
1) Mesonephric duct (ductus deferens)
2) at puberty - canalized semifierous cords
Where do the primordial follicles come from?
The cortical cords uptaking the primordial germ cells.
What happens to the gonadal cords in females?
They form irregular clusters with germ cells inside because there is no TDF.
What does mullerian inhibiting substance do and where does it come from?
Produced by sertoli cells in males, causes degeneration of paramesonephric duct.
What does the mesonephric duct become in its entirety?
Efferent ductules, epididymis, ductus deferns, ejaculatory ducts, seminal vessicles
What happens to the paramesonephric duct in females?
Fuse inferiorly, become urovaginal primordium -> become uterus, proximal vagina
unfused = uterine tubes
Where does paramesonephric duct come from?
Anterolateral to gonads
Derived from mesonephros
Funnel like opening, cranially
What happens when the uterovaginal primordium contacts the urogenital septum?
Induces sinovaginal bulb to form
What does the sinovaginal bulb become?
Vagina not made by the urovaginal primordium
What does the urogenital septum become in females?
The hymen
What is vagina derived from?
Mesoderm (internally) and ENDOderm (near external surface)
What are ventral openings on the peen called?
Hypospadias; urethral folds did not fuse
What are dorsal openings on the peen called?
Epispadis; typically also have exstrophy of bladder as well
Why would you get a micropenis?
Lack of androgen :(
Where does the penis come from?
genital tubercle elongates -> phallus -> penis
What happens to the urethral folds in the male?
Close to form spongy urethra
Where does the prepuce come from?
Only thing in this whole section that comes from ECTOderm
What happens to the genital swellings in males?
Form scrotum and fuse at scrotal raphae
What is cervical atresia?
MESOderm too small
What is vaginal atresia?
ENDOderm too small
What happens to the genital tubercle in females?
Elongates slightly into clitoris
When can you tell the sex of a baby?
After 4th month based on external genitalia
Where do labia minora come from?
Urethral folds
Where do labia majora come from?
Genital swellings
Fuse posterior= labial commisure
Fuse anterior = mons pubis
Where does the vestibule come from?
Urogenital groove (closed off by urethral folds in males)